eating and gipsies, x. 134. Tan Hill fair, vi. 110.
Telling the bees, ix. 433. Touching wood, vi.
M. (W.) on Cornish apparition, ix. 392. Cruscant- ism, viii. 48. ' Golden Angel ' in St. Paul's Churchyard, vii. 470. Hems or Huse family, xii. 128. Scotch words and English com- mentators, i. 321. Seedy, slang word, xi. 426 M. (W. A.) on authors of quotations wanted, vii.
508 ; viii. 109
M. (W. B. H.) on quotations wanted, vi. 389 M. (W. E.) on authors of quotations wanted, xii.
448 M. (W. H.) on authors of quotations wanted, vii.
508. Palindrome, iii. 249 M. (W. J.) on extraordinary tide in the Thames,
iii. 47
M. (W. M.) on authors of quotations, viii. 169. ' Days when We had Tails on Us,' viii. 429. Laws of gravity and ancient Greeks, viii. 394 M. (W. P.) on Napoleon's carriage, vii. 236.
Smoking and blind men, ix. 355 M.A. and J.P., question of precedence, ii. 408 M.A. and M.P. preceded by " a " or " an," v. 89 M.A.Oxon. on JElian, iii. 89. Balasore, v. 449. Baxter's oil printing, i. 427. Bell-comb for ringworm, viii. 37. Fettiplace, i. 473. Florida, iii. 9. Gordon of West Indies, iv. 275. Gra- ham, ii. 274. Gray's ' Elegy ' and ploughing customs, xii. 390. Half-married, vi. 97. Jesso, ii. 288. ' Oxford University Calendar,' i. 47. Bamie, i. 489. St. Dunstan, i. 149. St. Gilbert of Sempringham, iv. 94 M.P. on hats in the House of Commons, vi. 488 Maas (Dr. Max) on the mimes of Herondas, i. 216. ' Paradise Lost,' of 1751, iii. 134. St. Genius, v. 495. Shakespeariana, iii. 426 Mabbe (James), his translations, v. 102 Maberley (Frederick Herbert), 1781-1860, his
biography, xii. 490
Mac, prefix prohibited in Scotland, ii. 466 ; pro- hibited in Ireland, iii. 15 ; before Irish sur- names, x. 354, 417
Me (B.) on Snodgrass as a surname, x. 52 MacAlister (G. Y. W.) on ' Esmond,' ix. 115.
" Port arms," ix. 116
Macalister (M. A. M.) on authors wanted, xi. 316 ; xii. 116. Burton's Line, xi. 212. Dickens quotation, xi. 317 Macaria, the cry of, iv. 28 ; vii. 251 Macaroni Magistrate and Col. Cosmo Gordon, x.
Macaroons made at Nancy, ix. 286 Mac Arthur (W.) on Brunswick Society, Boyne
Society, xii. 188 Macaulay (J. H.), Latin translation of Gray's
' Elegy,' ii. 92
Macaulay (T. B., Lord), on talented, ii. 24 ; error with regard to Plassey, iii. 405 ; and Sir Law- rence Dundas, iv. 448, 516 ; ' Arabella ' Sedley, v. 267 ; parallels to his ' New Zea- lander,' 344, 418, 474 ; on the Thames, v. 489 ; vi. 16, 93 ; his letters to Bandall, vi. 507 ; vii. 55 ; on satire on Pitt, vii. 389 ; on com- petitive examinations, viii. 169, 237 ; Pelletier in his ' Frederic the Great,' xi. 127, 234 ; and W. J. Thorns, xi. 165, 215, 293, 354 ; xii. 150 ; on olive trees in Australasia, xii. 86 ; on literature, 130, 171 ; on Dryden, 329, 375 Macaulay (W. M.) on the death of Mary II.,
xi. 341
McCara (A. S.) on inscriptions on public buildings, i. 448
MacCarthy (Capt. ) and the Prince Begent, xi. 448 ;
xii. 74
MacCarthy or MacCartie (Daniel), Sub-Sheriff of
Cork, xi. 347 I Maccoll (Norman), his death, ii. 520
McChesney (C. H.) on Shakespeare's pall-bearers, iii. 204
Macclesfield (5th Earl of), his butler, viii. 408, 450
McCord (D. Boss) on Andre" : Inglis : Downie, vi. 387. Lowe and Wright, vii. 489. Marriott (Sir James), Advocate-General, vii. 489. Officers' 1 representatives, vii. 489
MacDonagh (M.) on Sarah Curran, Bobert Emmet, and Major Sirr, iii. 470 ; iv. Ill
Macdonald (Flora), her representatives, vii. 247, 357 ; her family and Dr. Johnson, x. 147 ; and Mrs. McQueen, 389
Macdonald (J. S.) on Governor Parr, vi. 207
McDonald and McPike families, x. 105, 314
McDonald family of Ireland, ii. 467
Macdonald of Moidart, iv. 308, 376
McDonald of Murroch, ii. 448
MacDonald on quotations wanted, x. 28
Macdonell (Major), executed at Carlisle, 1746, iv. 530
Macdonough (Felix Bryan), his biography, ii. 527 ; iii. 98 ; his publications, v. 165
MacDougall (A.), jun., on the Brooch of Lorn,vii. 327
M'Dowall (S. S.) on Barnard & Staples, xi. 252. Coltman (George), x. 489. " Correct to a T," xii. 273. November 5 : Guy Fawkes celebra- tions, x. 496. Pall Mall, No. 93, xi. 392. St. Michael le Quern, xi. 265. Selby, Yorks : its Peculiar Court, xii. 475
Macedonia, pretended Prince of, c. 1605, vii. 169, 272
McElligott (M. G.) on armorial visiting cards, ii. 509
McElligott (Col. Roger), Governor of Cork, i. 294
McElwaine (P. A.) on legal references in Shake- speare, xii. 382
MacErlean surname, iii. 249
Macfarlan (J.) on Sir Bobert Fludd, vi. 368
Macfie (B. A. S.) on the Gypsy Lore Society, vii. 366
McGee (Hon. T. D.), his ' Canadian Ballads,' i. 113
McGilchrist-Gilchrist (M.) on Campbells in the Strand, v. 51
MacGillean (Alaister) on Ad. Donald Campbell, i. 309. Garden (Alexander), M.D., i. 328. Greig (Admiral Sir Samuel), i. 349. Lean (Vin- cent Stuckey), ii. 466. Smart (George), ii. 528
McGovern (J. B.) on autograph prices, vii. 424. ' Cantus Hibernici,' vii. 9, 192. Chalice in- scription, ix. 470. Chateaubriand on Shake- speare, xi. 410. Cotter (Sir James), iii. 167. Cromwell and Milton, viii. 22. Dante MSS. xii. 449. Danteiana, i. 181, 251 ; iii. 482 ; vii. 202, 373 ; x. 302. De Faublas, iv. 88. De Tabley (Lord) and ' N. & Q.,' iii. 147. * Decameron,' ii. 328. Dominoes, their origin, viii. 130. Free- man on Gladstone's ' Studies on Homer,' xii. 170. Galton (Bev. Arthur), i. 414. Gaol literature, xi. 428. Gladstone as playwright, iii. 89. Greek patriarchs, i. 249. Killed by a look, ii. 169. " King of Patterdale," i. 149. Latin pronunciation, ix. 511 . Lincoln (Abraham) and Whately, iv. 46. Louis XIV. 's heart, ii. 340. Monastic Scriptorium, viii. 429. Nuns rs chaplains, xii. 49. Officer of the Pipe, x. 188. Pagination, viii. 386. ' Prayer for Indifference/