Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/212

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Perkins (E. E.) on Eleanor Mapletoft, i. 167 Perkins or Parkins (Sir Christopher), his identity,

i. 234

Perks (S.) on closets in Edinburgh buildings, ii. 89 Perks (Thomas) raising a spirit, v. 169 Permission cap, meaning of the term, iii. 147 Pernay (Citizen), his French translation of Wie-

land's ' Agathon,' viii. 368, 457 Peroun, Slavonic thunder-god, viii. 270, 330, 438 ;

ix. 53, 155

Perreau (Robert), his trial, iv. 186 Perreau brothers and Mrs. Rudd, c. 1776, viii. 361 ;

ix. 114 Perring (Sir Philip), on Shakespeariana, vii. 483 ;

viii. 163, 302, 303, 505 ; ix. 263, 506 ; x. 164,

344 ; xi. 85, 242

Perry (B. C.) on " music tree," v. 188 Perry (J. Tavenor). See Tavenor- Perry. Perry, the beverage, c. 1175, ix. 107 Perry and Parry families, xii. 344, 435 Perrywhimptering, use of the word, iv. 127 Persecution, religious, Archbishop Whately on,

xi. 467

Persehouse (Peter), Middle Temple student, iii. 469 Persehouse family, iii. 167, 251 Persia, mourning rites in, vii. 230, 338 Persian painting, i. 29

Persian translation by Shelley, x. 349 ; xi. 178 Persian words, their pronunciation, xi. 352 Pertesens, meaning of the word, xii. 249, 297 Perthshire on Robertson of Struan, iv. 150 Pertinax on poem by H. F. Lyte, ii. 327 Perugia, reported flight across lake of, xii. 288,

476 Perugino's pictures stolen by the French army,

iii. 7

Pestall (Col.), his biography, xii. 29, 94 Pet names, female, xii. 405 Petchorin (Father), d. c. 1873, i. 487 Peter the Great, the " Father of his Country," ix.

236 Peter (Thurstan) on children in different ages,

xii. 368. Healen penny, xi. 507 ; xii. 137 Peter out, origin of the slang term, ix. 369 Peter-corn, origin of the custom, iv. 350, 397 Peters (Rev. M. W.), his picture of ' The Fortune- Teller,' iv. 390

Petersburg or St. Petersburg, x. 306, 357, 458 Petersen (G.) on Adam Lyttleton, i. 509 Peterson (Lieut.), killed by Lord Camelford, v. 104 Petherbridge (M.) on Charles I.'s books, viii. 449 Petherick (E. A.) on Anderson family, viii. 477.

Bishop Island, vii. 116. Born with teeth, v. 78.

Bouvear, Bouviere, or Bea,uvais, viii. 315.

Burnham Society, ix. 77. Lawson's ' New

Guinea,' iv. 456. Nelson's signal, iv. 471.

Raine Island, ix. 113 Petherick (J.) on ' The Kingdom's Intelligencer,'

vii. 238

Petit Saconnex, Geneva, inscriptions at, xii. 183 " Petits Chevaux," invention of the game, ix. 110 Petrarch, two greyhounds in Canzone cccxxiii.,

vii. 445

Petre epigram, xii. 349, 410 Petrie (John), d. 1826, his biography, yi. 401 Petrie (Robert), M.D., his biography, vi. 401 Petrie (William), his portraits by Romney and

Hoppner, vi. 401

Pettus (Col. Thomas), c. 1638, his parentage, ii. 468 Petty (S. L.) on "Blooding a witch," x. 215.

Breakspear (Nicholas), Pope Adrian IV., xi. 70.

Castle (Thomas), x. 111. Chelsea Physic

Garden, i. 227. Creole folk-lore, ix. 494. Dolls

in magic, x. 119. ' Englands Parnassus,' ix. 403. Estates held by peculiar tenures, ix. 197. Gomara's ' Conquest of the Weast India,' xii. 334. Gravestones at Jordans, xii. 231, 318. Holly as browse for cattle, xii. 494. Names terrible to children, xii. 53. Nonconformist burial-grounds, ix. 435. Pig grass : fioning grass, xii. 92. Persian translation by Shelley, xi. 178. Sands (Archbishop), x. 12. Silhouette portraits, xi. 372. "Though lost to sight" i ' The Nun,' xii. 55. White Tree of Crockerton Hill, xii. 377. Yew in poetry, xii. 436 Petworth House and Hotspur's sword, x. 446 Pevensey, Mayors of, ii. Ill Pews, canopied, xi. 169, 272, 493 Pewter, heraldic, viii. 487 ; hall-marks on, ix.

90, 157, 193 ; marks on, xi. 127, 507 Peyton (A. T. ) on Anthony Bacon at the Court of Navarre, vi. 328. ' Promos and Cassandra,' vi. 329

Peyton (E.) on Lady Hatton, vii. 90 Pharmacopoeia, definition of the word in ' N.E.D.,'

vii. 347 ; incomplete, c. 1850, x. 168 Pharos at Dover Castle, vi. 289, 393 Phelpes (Thomas), 1679, his ancestry, v. 469 Phelps (Samuel) and theatre in Rawstorne Street,

Clerkenwell, iii. 329

' Phenix,' 1707, its historical accuracy, iii. 89 " Phil Elia," his identity, iii. 36, 79, 112 Philadelphia, Swedenborgianism in, iii. 86 Philadelphia (Jacob), mechanician, x. 89, 172,.


Philip II. of Pomerania, portrait of, x. 349, 415 Philippa (Queen), of England, her mottoes, vi. 151,.

238 Philippa (Queen), of Sweden, d. 1430, her tomb in

Vadstena Church, Norway, iii. 246, 315 Philippides and the Marathon race, x. 86 Philippina, juvenile diversion, its name, iii. 406 r

471 ; iv. 254 Philippines : ' Vingt Annies aux Philippines/

1853, v. 287 Phillimore (W. P. W.) on Falkner or Faulkner

family, ii. 168 Phillips (A. G. E.) on John Sainsbury Collection,

ix. 449

Phillips (C. R.) on Welsh tarta,n, ix. 250. Willow- pattern china, ix. 210

Phillips (Lawrence) on Abdul the Damned, xi. 456. Anniversaries, xii. 428. Arnold (Matthew) on pigeons, x. 149. Authors of quotations wanted , xii. 335. Bell customs at Sibson, x. 430.. Braddon (Paul), xii. 139. Death after lying, x. 109, 195. Deputation defined, xii. 338. Dickens on half-baptized, x. 29. Double-headed eagle, x. 198. Episcopal scarf or tippet, xi. 295. Gibbet as landmark, x. 56. Graphology, ix. 210. Horseflesh, x. 455. Men of family as parish clerks, ix. 35. Michaelmas Day : its date, x. 194. ' Philobiblion,' bibliographical journal, ix. 9, 92, 173. Romans at York, x. 8. Sparkenhoe, its derivation, x. 469. Taine : " Tenir une queue de vache," x. 188. ' Under a cloud," xi. 389. " Vache a Colas," xii. 48 Phillips (M.) on Miss Child's elopement, x. 248 Phillips (W.) on Audience Meadow, iii. 493.

Scallions, iv. 327. Phillipps (Sir Thomas), dispersal of his MSS., ii.

28, 72 ; and his library, iii. 462 Phillpotts (Dr.) and Canning, xii. 470 Philo-Biographiensis on ' D.N.B. Epitome,' ix. 152 ' Philopatris,' dialogue attributed to Lucian, xii. 229