Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/223

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Powell (F. G. M.) on St. Mary the Egyptian, xi.

288. Stonehenge monolith, xi. 267 Powell (Harriet), fashionable beauty, her bio- graphy, xii. 241

Powell (H. E.) on " Sit-loose to," i. 75 Powell (Thomas), his address to Francis Bacon,

iii. 106 Power (A. D.) on Hardy and Thomas Soper, v.

287 Power (D'Arcy) on Prof. Walter Baily's books,

vi. 507 Power (G. L. H.) on Old Trinity House, Worcester,

xi. 67 Power (J.), materials for his ' Bibliotheca Hiber-

nica,' v. 170 Power (Rev. Mr.), Easthampstead, Berks, 1723,

his lawsuit, xi. 50 Power (Tyrone), 1797-1841, actor, viii. 348 ; ix.

494 ; x. 194, 257 Power (Lieut. T. B.), killed in naval action, vii.

246, 352

Powlett (William Powlett) of Sombourn, ix. 109 Pownall (C. A. W.) on Stanley's mission to Paris,

x. 128

Pownill, Perths, its locality, ii. 449 Powpenny, meaning of the word, ii. 368 Powwow, use and meaning of the word, vii. 265,

497 ; xi. 487 Poynts, use and meaning of the word, 1640, vii.

189, 232

Practice, a rule of arithmetic, c. 1670, viii. 67, 112 Preemunire, etymology of the word, vii. 189, 257 Pragmatism, philosophic sense of the word, ix. 29 Prague, bridge at, with statues of saints, x. 476 Pratt (Mrs. Honoretta), cremated 1769, ix. 10, 117,


Prattenton family pedigree, iii. 488 Prattington or Prattenton family, v. 270 Praty, its origin, iv. 346 Prayer, "Bidding," and King Edward VI. See

Bidding prayer. Prayer-Book, American. See Book of Common


Prayer for twins, iii. 428 ; iv. 176 Prayers, Irish ejaculatory, i. 249, 337, 492 Prayers about lambs and green fields, viii. 410 Preacher versus actor, xii. 246 Preaching in New England, 1652, funds for, iv.

329 Preaching in Scotland, old meaning of the word,

ix. 485

Prebend, origin of the word, ix. 388, 496 ; x. 17 Prebendary v. canon, vi. 189, 251, 291, 314, 352 Precedence, patents of, iii. 90, 151 Precedent, spelt president, vii. 227 Precept on drunkenness, vi. 288, 372, 492 Precket, Devon dialect word, its meaning, vii. 206 Precursors, Irish political party, c. 1839, viii. 128 Premier Grenadier of France, La Tour d'Auvergne,

i. 384, 470 ; ii. 52 Premonstratensian abbeys, list of, iv. 169, 231,

298 Prentis (C.), his picture of the " Star and Garter,"

iv. 150

Preparatory to, use of the words, i. 115 Prepositions in place-names, xi. 201, 270, 291, 356,

415, 451 Pre-Reformation parsonages, viii. 109, 314, 414;

ix. 37, 195, 237 Pre-Reformation tabernacles, viii. 507 ; ix. 57,

97 Pre-Reformation usages, chantries and church

stores, vii. 467

Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Will Registers,

iii. 488 ; iv. 95, 155 " Presbyter Incensatus," the term in 1411, x. 328,


Presbytery, last will of a, vii. 244 Prescot (Bartholomew), his writings, iv. 67, 137 Prescriptions of apothecaries and physicians, origin of signs in, i. 409, 453 ; ii. 56, 291, 355, 492 ; iii. 156

Preseren (Dr. Franz), Slavonic poet, vi. 68, 133 President, used for precedent, vii. 227 Presley (J. T.) on beer sold without a licence, ii. 71 Press, copying, introduction of, ii. 488 Press, English, and the Treaty of Peace, 1815, iv,


Press Gallery = The Gallery, vi. 146 Pressing to death, vi. 129, 176, 235, 273, 297 Preston (James) of Barton-on-Humber, x. 189,


Preston (James), of Hounslow, d. 1807, his bio- graphy, xi. 348

Preston (William) and Matthew Stevenson, x. 189

Preston (W. E.) on Barnard & Staples, bankers,

xi. 189. Preston (James), x. 189. Preston

(James), of Hounslow, xi. 348

Preston Jubilee, theatrical performances, vii. 227,

276, 417

Preston-Thomas (H.) on Perkin Warbeck, vi. 107 Pretender, Old, and St. Winifred, vi. 127 Pretty and Combe families, xii. 349 Pretty Maids' Money, Holsworthy ceremony, v. 6 ;

viii. 137

Prevost (E. W.) on wife day : wife tea, ii. 287 Price (Rear-Admiral David), his death, ix. 445 Price (F. G. Hilton) on Barnaby Backwell, banker, viii. 72. Brougham Castle, iv. 293. Fleet Street, No. 7, viii. 351. Greyfriars burial- ground, iv. 352. " Salutation " Tavern, Billings- gate, viii. 52

Price (John), c. 1660, his works, viii. 407 Price (John), executioner, hanged 1718, viii.

244, 335

Price (Leonard C.) on Belfour family, xi. 250.

Crake, artist, xii. 491. Price = Rushbrooke, x.

369. Savery (Servington), xi. 469. Smith

family at West Kennett, x. 449

Price (Richard), M.P. for Beaumaris, his birth, ii.


Price (W. H.)= Elizabeth Rushbrooke, x. 369 Prickle-bat, its various names, iii. 5 Pride, used as a verb, iii. 186

Prideaux (Archdeacon Humphrey), his ' Direc- tions to Churchwardens,' iii. 264, 317 Prideaux (Col. W. F.) on Abbaye, a Swiss club, viii. 352. ' Address to Poverty,' i. 43. Adelphi names, v. 236. Amir of Afghanistan's title, iv. 66. Anstice (Joseph), iv. 150, 172. Anti- quary v. antiquarian, i. 325 ; ii. 237, 474. 1 Arabian Nights,' iv. 513. Arabic-English, x. 284. Arabic vowels : their transliteration, x. 335. Artahshashte, xi. 294. Artificial, xi. 166. Bacon or Usher, iii. 155. ' Bailiff's Daughter of Islington,' ii. 403. Ballads in ' Monsieur Thomas,' vi. 223. Barnes : origin of the name, v. 472 ; vi. 15. Bibliographical notes on Dickens and Thackeray, iii. 22, 131. Biblio- graphical queries, iii. 292. Bibliographical terms, x. 485 ; xi. 83 ; xii. 204. Bosham's Inn, Aldwych, i. 105. Boswell's lodgings in Picca- dilly, viii. 427. Bough ton (Gabriel) : W. Hamilton, xii. 381. Bourdon House, xii. 183. Bourne in place-names, xi. 449 ; xii. 191, 372. Brayley's c Londiniana,' iii. 406. Brokenselde,