Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/232

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Quotations :

Apples of Sodom and grapes of Gomorrah,

viii. 109

Apres moi le deluge, vi. 40 Aristo teles non vidit verum in spiritualibus,

i. 188

As Dutchmen hear of earthquakes in Cala- bria, iv. 247 As He guides the worlds like boats in a storm,

x. 309 As if some lesser God had made the world,

xii. 268, 335

As in a gravegarth count to see, iii. 8, 75 As one ascending some vast minster steps, vi.

449 As she sat that evening in her chamber, iii.

269 As the hope of the year is the springtime, vi.


Asmund and Cornelia, i. 56 At Dover dwell, ix. 50, 94 At enim trophseum, vii. 49, 158 At pravis litibus, Detentus hie ingratiis, xi.

356 At sonitu ingenti putrem quatit ungula

campum, x. 127, 270 At the close of the day, iii. 360 Atque ill primum sperare salutem, x. 127, 270 Attain the unattainable, v. 449, 496 Attend when thou canst the funerals of thy

neighbours, x. 108 Au banquet de la vie, vi. 340 Away with the fonts in our churches, x. 108 Be sure that Love ordained for souls more

meek, iii. 8 ; iv. 115 Be sure to butter your bread on both sides,

viii. 210 Beat on, proud billows ! Boreas blow, xi.

288 Beating about the bush without starting the

hare, iii. 88, 171 Beaucoup de personnes voudraient savoir,

x. 468 Because my wine was of too poor a savour,

v. 248, 295

Because right is right, x. 510 Before creating Nature willed, vi. 350, 397 Before me lie dark waters, v. 408, 437 Behold this ruin ! 'twas a skull, v. 40 ; ix. 305 Believe it, 'tis the mass of men He loves,

xi. 289

Bells, bugs, and Christianity, vi. 38 Bells they shall ring for thee, vii. 428 Beware lest it be the desire for change,

vii. 49

Beware of the lust of finishing, viii. 251 Beyond the Alps lies Italy, viii. 109, 475 Bide a wee and dinna wearie, vi. 48 Black is the raven, black is the rook, vi. 305,

353 ; vii. 212

Blessings beyond hope or thought, vii. 40 Blue rejoicing sky, xi. 49, 94 Bolt from the blue, iii. 120 Born just to bloom and fade, ix. 168 Born of butchers, but of bishops bred, x. 348,

397 Boys, once on fire with that contentious zeal,

ix. 137 Bright chanticleer proclaims the dawn, iii.

227, 276

Budge doctors of the Stoic fur, ii. 460 Build a bridge of gold, ii. 188, 295

Quotations :

Build that these walls to future generations,

vi. 329

Bush and grease, iv. 207 But for the grace of God there goes John

Bradford, iii. 20, 46 But here's the plague, xii. 469, 517 But not to one in this benighted age, x. 497 But now, alas ! too late, xi. 9 But oh ! those pleasures, loves, and joys.,.

vi. 275

But the best of our wealth, xi. 129, 175 But the man himself with his mind and heart,

vii. 309 But when I came into merry Carlisle, vii.

489 But when shall we lay the ghost of the brute ,

xi. 429, 495 But wondered at the strange man's face, i.


Buxtona, quse calidae celebraris, viii. 69, 332. Can it be, O Christ in heaven, xi. 429 Cane decane canis ; sed ne cane, ix. 284, 333 Care, vale ! Sed non seternum, care, valeto,

xi. 226

Carnage is God's daughter, vi. 260 Cash governs the house, vi. 329 Castigat ridendo mores, x. 126 C'est 1'Amour, I'Amour, 1' Amour, xi. 14 C'est un verre qui luit, i. 213 Character is destiny, iv. 405 Che par sorriso, ed e dolore, iii. 88 Christian soldier, must we sever, vii. 269,

394, 413, 516

Gibus hi mihi et potus sunt, i. 188 Classical quotations, v. 88 Cloth of gold, do not despise, vii. 245 Cogitavi dies antiques et annos seternos,

iv. 360 Come, gentle Sleep ! attend thy votary's 1 .

prayer, x. 17

Come live in my heart, xii. 448, 495 Come with our voices let us war, v. 449 Comptus et calamistratus, i. 188 Conscious in life of immortality, iii. 489 Contemplate the spectacle of life with appro- priate emotions, x. 247, 295 Continuus aspectus minus verendos magnos

homines, x. 127, 270, 356 Contra negantem principia non est disputan-

dum, i. 188, 437

Convinced against her will, ii. 426 Could a man be secure, iv. 168, 237, 294, 393= Crime enough is there in this city dark, i. 388 Croyez moi, mon fils, viii. 297 Cruda gravant stomachum, vi. 373, 492 Cum modp Frigoribus premitur, x. 127, 270 Cum vel iniquissimam pacem, v. 28, 57, 95,


Custom lie upon thee with a weight, vii. 508 Das Leben geliebt und die Krone gekusst,

viii. 269, 374

De mea fide tota patria loquitur, i. 188 De mortuis nil nisi bonum, ix. 388, 455 De omni scibili, i. 188 Dear bells ! how sweet the sound, vi. 266 Death could not a more sad retinue find,

i. 468

Death's pale violets, ii. 388 Decus et tutamen, v. 200 Defectus naturae, error naturae, i. 188 ; ii. 276