Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/26

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xii. 155. Goose with one leg, xi. 516. Hollow loaf foretelling death, xii. 155. Roman inscription concerning Corbridge, ix. 311. Sacred Place-names in foreign lands, xii. 314. St. Bartholomew and Otford, xii. 310. ' Sub rosa," ix. 316

Baddow, Defoe on its vicar, v. 428 Badeley (J.) on Victorian coin, ix. 209 Badger, its etymology, v. 389, 432 Badger in the bag, game, i. 289, 355 "Badger's Bush" or " Beggar's Bush " Inn, vii.

209, 271

Badges, curious words in their description, iii. 407 ; iv. 55 ; of the City guilds, vii. 347, 457 ; roses as, x. 87, 174, 218 ; on book-plates, 289 ; White Hart, xi. 168 ; of Roman legions, 290, 412

Badley (R.) on addition to Christian name, iii. 374 Badoario (Bonaventura), his biography, x. 234 Baffo (Giorgio), his poems, 1771, vii. 449 ; viii.

175 ; ix. 258

Bagger, Danish poet, his ' English Captain,' viii. 469 Bagman, abstract, reference by Stevenson, vii.

188 B agnail (J.) on " Mineria marra," motto, xii.

28 Bagnall (Thomas), Westminster scholar, 1753, v.

288 Bagnigge House, its history, xi. 385 ; xii. 192,


Bagnios, London, iv. 24, 115, 217, 277, 376 " Bag-o' -Nails " or " Bacchanals," inn sign, vi.

427, 490 ; vii. 56 Bagpipers, Roman, bronze figures discovered, v.

208, 315

Bagshaw (Samuel), his ' History, Gazetteer, and Directory of the County of Kent,' 1847, i. 9, 152, 295 Bagster (G. G.) on Count Truchsess of Zeyl-

Wurzach, vii. 389 Bahamian on Johnsoniana, x. 8 Baif (J. A. de), author, his biography, ix. 390, 492 Baildon (W. Paley) on Kingsway and Aldwych,

iv. 433. S. its long and short forms, viii. 372 Bailey-Kempling (W.) on Matthew Arnold's ' Horatian Echo,' iii. 6. ' Christabel,' ix. 27. De Quincey and ' Westmorland Gazette,' ii. 101. Name coincidences, iii. 466. Rossetti, Christina, vi. 328

Bailiffs also clerics in thirteenth century, ii. 527.

Baily (Johnson) on " Cast not a clout," v. 388.

Lusitania and the Sirius, viii. 325. Michaelmas

Day, x. 194. ' Topographia Antiques Romse,'

ii. 226

Baily (Prof. Walter), his books, c. 1586-8, vi.

507 ; vii. 96

Bailward (W. A.) on pauper's song, ix. 308 Bain family, vi. 269

Bainbridge (Thomas), c. 1568, his family, xi. 69 Baines (A. A.) on Baines family, iv. 68 Baines family of Layham, Suffolk, iv. 69, 330,

537 Baird (Major-General) and Seringapatam, vii.

230, 317

Bairn, Scotch word used in Lincolnshire, i. 415 Baker (A. G.) on swerve, vi. 133 Baker (A. J.) on ' Araminta,' xii. 288 Baker (C. T.) on George Baker, Oxford prizeman,

v. 215 Baker (George), Oxford prizeman, d. 1811, his

biography, v. 169, 215 Baker (Philip) and rectory of Winwick, ii, 109, 177, 258

Baker (T.), Socius ejectus* 1716-17, xii. 143

Bakers' servants c. 1440, xii. 427, 498

Bala, weather at, i. 347

Balaam, in newspaper offices, xi. 266

Balances, guinea, iii. 347, 413, 472

Balances or scales, early, iii. 208, 273

Balasore, handkerchief, its name, v. 449

Balboa (Vasco Nunez de) and the South Sea, ix..

107, 212 Balbus on Penrith, i. 97 Baldock, and Lord Melbourne, xi. 9 Baldock (Major G. Yarrow) on Alderman's Walk,. x. 354. Coop, to trap, iv. 296. Edmonton burial-place, ix. 267. Egyptian Hall, Picca- dilly, iii. 297. Foot Guards (3rd) at Bayonne, xi. 276. Johnson's poems, vi. 293. ' Kings- ley's Stand," vii. 158. Medical barristers, i. 32. Melbourne (Lord) and Baldock, xi. 9. Nail and the clove, iii. 231. Obsolete English games, vii. 511. Regimental marches, x. 352.. Sainte-Beuve on Castor and Pollux, xi. 392. Scots Greys, x. 396. Shadow-catcher = photo- grapher, vii. 67. Standard Theatre, Shore- ditch, ix. 247. West Indian military records* vii. 14. Wheel as symbol of religion, iv. 250 Baldwin (E. T.) on " punt " in football, xi. 355 Baldwin (H.) on houses of historical interest,.

vi. 356

Baldwin (Sir Timothy) in ' D.N.B.,' iii. 306 Bale (Otway), Westminster scholar, xi. 170, 214 Bale. See Basle. Balfour (Right Hon. A. J.), his descent from

Robert II. of Scotland, v. 201 ; vi. 91 Ball (E. J.) on Booth of Rame, x. 448. ' H&

which drinketh well," xi. 53 Ball (F.) on plane sailing or plain sailing, x_


Ball (F. Elrington) on Battle-axe Guard, iii. 315 ; Conolly (Right Hon. William), vi. 412. Curtis t Hughes : Worth, iv. 331. Edouard or Edouart, xi. 371. Tholsels, iv. 453. Tituladoes, ii. 16. Tynte book-plate, ii. 19. Wainwright (John), Baron of the Exchequer in Ireland, i. 55 Ball (H. H.) on Robert Brockholes, vi. 230. Nettleship (Samuel), 1831, viii. 254. Sophony,. iv. 148

Ball (Col. W.) of Virginia, 1650, ix. 269 Ballads in Beaumont and Fletcher's ' Monsieur

Thomas,' vi. 223, 291 Ballard (John), ' D.N.B.' on, x. 114 Ball-games played in Arctic Circle on festivals r

iv. 347 ; v. 376 Ballinger (J.) on Thomas Clay of Ludgate Hill,.

ix. 327 Balliol College, Oxford, and Dr. Good, viii. 128,.


Balliol family, their descendants, v. 130 Balloon, Major Money's, c. 1787, viii. 170, 311 Balloons, verses on, xii. 106, 158, 195, 271 ; dirigible, anticipated, 125. See also Flyiny Machines.

Ballowe (Henry) in * D.N.B.,' iii. 267 Balm of Columbia, Oldridge's, ' Punch ' on, vii.


Baltic Fleet, Russian, in 1788, iii. 246 Baltic Company, its history, vi. 149, 252 Baltimore and " Old Mortality '" Patersons, xi.

25, 218 Balzac, cipher used by, iii. 368 ; and Heine, a

coincidence, x. 109

Balzo, in Dante's ' Purgatorio,' viii. 226, 291 Banana, etymology of the word, vi. 325, 395, 433