Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/313

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Yew trees, planted by Act of Parliament, x. 430 ; xi. 58, 113 ; their great age, xii. 421, 477

Ygrec on " An old woman went to market," iii. 11. " As deep as Garrick," viii. 377. Authors of quotations wanted, xii. 255. Bishops and Parliamentary elections, x. 390. Blanched, iii. 348. Carnmarth: Lannarth, ix. 309. ' Christmas Boys,' vii. 75. Churchwardens' accounts, ix. 55. Cresset stones, v. 394. Detached belfries, iv. 290. Godolphin (Lord Treasurer), viii. 272. Jenkyn, Little John, &c., v. 109, 195. Manor Bolls (guide to), i. 169, 272. Maps, x. 8. Mazzard Fair, ii. 228. Phoenicians at Falmouth, ii. 518. Psalter and Latin MS., i. 109. 'St. George and the Bobbers,' v. 348. St. Piran's Oratory, Corn- wall, iii. 486. Scout = outside of a tree, ix. 326. Sellinger, i. 491. " Taping shoos " : Treleigh Church, vii. 259 ; viii. 75. Tristan's fight with Morolt, vi. 269

Yiddish language, ix. 267

Yiddish phrase, " Nit behamey," viii. 46, 135

Yiddish term, " Ga volt," x. 365

Ylima on ' The Lady's Museum ' : * Modern London,' 1804, iii. 169

Ympe=shoot grafted in, ii. 186

Yonge (Sir George), Secretary of State 1788, v. 47

Yonge (Rev. Henry), Rector of Great Torrington, xi. 129, 214

York, antiquity of St. Peter's School, i. 215 ; original registers sought, iv. 167, 235 ; ' oldest inhabitants " of, vii. 245 ; Roman legions at, x. 8, 134

York (Cardinal) and Lord Nelson, iv. 106

York (Edward, Duke of), and Miss Flood, xii. 8

York on Northern and Southern pronunciation, i. 508

York, Ainsty, meaning of, ii. 97 ; vi. 462, 511 ; vii. 36, 96

York, Lord Mayor, his seal used for confirmation, i. 447

York, Lord Mayors of, 1517 and 1540, iii. 409, 473

York, Vale of : Chevalier Bunsen, vi. 29

York Minster, J. A. Froude on, i. 290

York Minster windows and John Thornton, 1405, vi. 507

Yorke (Eliot), water-colour painter, iv. 488, 537

Yorkshire, Norman inscriptions in, iii. 349, 397, 476 ; iv. 16 ; china destroyed at coming-of-age celebrations, viii. 185 ; curious relic of wet summer, 248

Yorkshire dialect, iv. 102, 170, 190, 257

Yorkshire hunting incident, xi. 8

Yorkshire schools and Dickens, vi. 244, 373

Yorkshire similes, xii. 148, 218

Yorkshire spellings, iv. 104, 253

Yorkshire toast, ii. 58

Yorkshire wills, 1636-1715, iii. 465

Yorkshireman on Astwick : Austwick, i. 466. Northern and Southern pronunciation, ii. 256, 393. Raleigh, its pronunciation, i. 176. Tickling trout, i. 473. Tideswell and Tideslow, i. 471

" You was " superseded by " You were," i. 509 ; ii. 72, 157 ; v. 32, 76, 114, 155

Young (A. B.) on 'Maid Marian,' viii. 341. ' Original Poetry by Victor and Cazire,' x. 224. Peacock (T. L.), and Overland Route,

viii. 2, 121 ; ' Misfortunes of Elphin,' ix. 221,

331 ; unpublished songs, x. 441 ; xi. 43 ; his

literary remains, xi. 224 ; his plays, xii. 22 Young (Charles) and Bartholomew Beale, iv. 10 i Young (E.), author of ' Night Thoughts,' " the

painter of ill-luck," i. 126 ; and Burns, parallel

passages, iii. 466 ; his degree; x. 490 ; xi. 34,

78 ; and Bubb Dodington, xii. 504 Young (H. E.) on quotations wanted, vi. 149 Young (Joseph), Westminster scholar, xi. 488 Young (T. E.) on motherhood late in life, ix. 57 Young (W.) on long speeches, v. 86. " Jerusalem '

Coffee-House, ix. 70. Kant's descent, iii. 114 Young family, iii. 349 Young men's light in pre-Reformation churches,

v. 429, 494 ; vi. 34, 274 Younger (G. W.) on Nelson and Warren decanter,

ii. 268

Yseldon, a corruption of Islington, vii. 93 Ystrad Meirac (Meurig) Grammar School, ii. 68,


Ytene, poetic name for the New Forest, vii. 186 Ythanca3ster, Essex, its identification, iv. 48, 90 Yule " clog," bringing it in, iii. 11, 57, 155, 256 Yule-Waiting, the custom, x. 501 Yuloh, Anglo-Chinese word for single oar, iii. 305

Z, name of the letter, x. 107, 197

Z. (V.) on Father Petchorin, i. 487

Z. (X.) on blood used in building, ii. 389. Moral

standards of Europe, ii. 168, 334 Z. (X. Y.) on Chapel Meadow at Westhope, iii.

187. Hobart (Nicholas) of Lindsey, xii. 128,

Holbein subjects, ix. 449 Zaba (N. F.), his ' Method,' vii. 150 Zad (Adam), origin of his surname, ii. 48, 133 Zangwill (Israel) and Itoland, vi. 461 Zastrow (General von), letter from Major Cox,

v. 107, 152, 293, 372 Zeithammer (Prof. V.), his Cecil translation of

' Good King Wenceslaus,' vii. 426 Zemsky-Sob6r and Z^mstvo in Russia, iii. 185, 233 Ze"mstvo and Zemsky-Sobor in Russia, iii. 185,


Zenas on Ernest Augustus Stephenson, vi. 216 Zenobia (Queen) and vitremyte, viii. 229 Zephyr, definition of the word, ii. 312 Zephyr on authors of quotations wanted, ix. 128 ;

x. 68 ; xii. 268. Garden song in ' Quality

Street,' viii. 129. Glass and drowning sailor,

xii. 310. ' Sir Randall,' vii. 267. Stevenson

on N.B., xi. 449

Zeta on armorial bearings, ii. 328 Zionism, vii. 12, 93, 173 Zirophceniza, woman's Christian name, xii. 226,

317 Zoffany (J.) and John Gordon, i. 107 ; his portrait

of Mozart, iii. 487 ; his Indian pictures, c. 1782-

1796, vii. 429 ; viii. 14, 110, 174, 358 ; portraits

of him, x. 130, 193, 295 ; his residence at

Strand-on-the-Green, 290, 373 Zola (Emile), Abb6 Pierre Froment in ' Rome,'

ii. 271

Zornlin family, iii. 402 Zouave uniform, v. 5

Zug, church of St. Oswald at, vi. 488 ; vii. 11 Zulu war cry, Igama layo, its meaning, vi. 265


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