Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/33

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quotations, vii. 337 ; x. 374. c Cloister and the Hearth,' iv. 313, 335. Coryat's ' Crudities,' iv. 132. Crashaw and Maximilian Sandaeus, x. 307. Crucified thieves, xi. 395. Dickens's automaton dancers, xii. 58. Dickens's " knife- box," xi. 116. ' Disce pati," ii. 412. " Dog and Pot," xii. 474. Dowries for ugly women, iv. 292. Drunkenness, precept on, vi. 492. Duke's Bagnio in Long Acre, iv. 217. " Eie sores," viii. 197. Ephis and his lion, iv. 351. ' Epicure's Almanack,' v. 153. Epicurus in art, xii. 433. Erra Pater, viii. 518. " False- hood of extremes," xi. 234. Feilde (Rev. Matthew), xii. 413. " Fide sed cui vide " : Bahusius, ix. 134. Fielding's grave, ix. 134. Flying Turk, xii. 236. ' Futura praateritis," xii. 295. Gilbert (Sir Humphrey), his last words, xii. 391. Giraffe : camelopard, xii. 292. Greek and Roman tablets, v. 350, 473,512. Greeks, and laws of gravity, ix. 16 ; and block and tackle, 312. Hastle, x. 377. Hippo- crates legend, x. 35 ; and the black baby, xi. 271. ' His end was peace," x. 517. Horace, first edition, i. 338. Horace in Latin and English verse, ix. 13. ' Humanum est errare," ii. 293 ; iii. 78. Johnston family of Scotland, ix. 456. Jonson (Ben), ' Underwoods,' v. 337. King's * Classical and Foreign Quotations,' ii. 281 ; iii. 447 ; vii. 24 ; ix. 107, 284 ; x. 126, 507 ; xi. 247 ; xii. 127. Landor and Manage, viii. 407. Latin lines on Buxton, viii. 333. Latin quotations, i. 437, 496 ; ii. 110 ; ix. 37.

  • ' Lesbian lead," vii. 256. Letters, their

names, iii. 277. Literary allusions, viii. 512. Literary pastimes, vi. 92. " Love in phan- tastick triumph sat," iv. 212. Macaulay : olive trees in Australasia, xii. 86. Margaret of Richmond, xii. 215. Mechanical road carriages, xi. 431. Melampus and the Saint, xi. 353. Meschianza, x. 97. Meswinde the Fair, ix. 77. Morante (Marquis de), his book-plate, xi. 366. More (Sir T. ) sainted by a Bask, vi. 115. " Mors janua vitse," xii. 231. " Mors sceptra ligonibus sequat," xii. 494. Name-puzzle in early Spenser, xi. 334. " Nitor in adversum," ix. 451. " Nobile virtutis genus est patientia," iv. 417. " Non sentis, inquit, te ultra malleum, loqui ? ' vii. 354, ' Notes and Queries ' Commemoration, xii. 478. ' One shoe off and one shoe on," xi. 434. Owen (John), and Archbishop Williams, ii. 146 ; Mr. A. F. Leach on, xi. 21, 156 ; epigram on Drake, xii. 207. 1 Pancharis ' : ' Minerva,' 1735, v. 517. Pen- necuik (Alexander), and the Louvre, xi. 416. Philip II. of Pomerania, x. 415. " Posui Deum adjutorem meum," vii. 78. Priscian's head, ix. 375. Reade (C.), his Greek quotation, vii. 176. References wanted, iv. 154 ; vi. 16. Roman death duties, ix. 73. Roman inscription concerning Corbridge, ix. 311. Roman in- scription at Baveno, x. 193. Roman law, xi. 38. Roman legions, xi. 412 ; xii. 393. Romans at York, x. 134. Rome, ancient, its popula- tion, xi. 273. Sainte-Beuve on Castor and Pollux, xii. 252. Scaliger (J. C.), his books, ii. 325. Scott's ' Count Robert of Paris,' viii. 454. Seventeenth-century quotations, x. 270, 356, 515 ; xi. 356 ; xii. 217. " Sinews of war," x. 137. Spanish works in Borrow, x. 276. Sponges, xii. 438. Stevenson and the house- maid, xi. 518. Storks and Commonwealths, x. 438. " Sub rosa," ix. 335. Sundial in- scription, ix. 518. Swinburne and Maupassant,

xi. 505. Swinburne translations, ix. 375. Teddington, pictures at, vii. 152. Thackeray's Latin, xi. 206. " Though lost to sight," xi. 498. Tooth, single, ix. 326 ; Silesian, xi. 336. Urceo (Antonio), quoted by Burton, xii. 185. Vescalion, iv. 73. Vilain XIIII. (Vicomte), xii. 451, 498. Virgil or Vergil ? iv. 309. Voreda, Roman town, x. 317. Weather, i. 38. Wilbraham and Tabraham, xi. 173. Windows in the breast, xii. 497 Bensly (M. H.), on Snakes in South Africa, vi. 218 Bensly (W. T.) on E. C. Brewer's school, vi. 497 Bent (M.) on Japanese names, i. 238 Bent (M. V. A.) on Edmond Hoyle, iii. 196.

Woffington (Peg), her portraits, iii. 195 Bentham (Jeremy) and James Mill, residence,

vii. 350

Bentley Priory, Stanmore, its history, xii. 487 ' Beowulf,' " waeg-sweord " in, the word, viii.

186 Bequests payable in the church porch, late date

iv. 369

Be"ranger's letter to M. Paques, i. 165 Berenice, wife of Ptolemy III. Euergetes, iv. 126


Beresford (G. B.) on Blore's collections, iv. 207 Beresford (S. B.) on Cumbermere Abbey, iv. 229 Beresford (Tristram) at Hanslope, Bucks, vi. 428 Bergerode in map of Lancashire, 1610, x. 407 ;

xi. 218, 338, 434, 513 ; xii. 73

Berkeley (Bishop ), and ' Adventures of Signer Gaudentio,' vi. 410, 516 ; pronunciation of his name, xi ; 348 Berkeley ( Gertrude )= Thomas Taylor, temp.

Charles I., xii. 147 Berkeley (Lord) and the highwayman, iv. 349,

415, 495 Berkeley Churchyard, Gloucestershire, curious

epitaph, xii. 507

Berkshire, portion of Wiltshire in, xi. 269 Berlin, derivation of the place-name, iv. 466 Berlioz (Hector), and Emanuel Swedenborg, i.

26 ; his ' A travers Chants,' iii. 365 Bermondsey, eighteenth-century gin distillery, v. 349. ' Lilliput Hall " public-house, vi. 209 Bernales Buildings, origin of the term, xi. 289 Bernard and Rudkin families, ii. 421 Bernau (C. A. ) on Altree family, ix. 413. Andrews of Walton-on-Thames, v. 289. Blackett family, ii. 9. Born with teeth, v. 78. Dummer family, iv. 315. Godfrey of Bouillon, vi. 213. Guydickens (Melchior), v. 93. Hose on the head, vi. 236. Inscription at Constance, vi. 69. Inscriptions at Lucerne, v. 466. Latton (John), v. 216. Maps, x. 77. Muscovy Company : Baltic Company, vi. 252. North Sea Bubble, vi. 38. Place, v. 371. Portman- teau words and phrases, v. 235, 512. Prior (F. ) : Annabella Beaumont, v. 78. Quartering of arms, v. 275. Quotations wanted, v. 76. Rebus in churches, v. 250. St. Brelade, iv. 188. Steemson and Cliff e families : Thorne Quay, v. 169. Surnames in England, their number, v. 370

Berne, Canton, Lake of St. Lampierre in, v. 489 Bernini (Cavalier), his statue of Charles I., viii. 53 Bernoulli and " Probleme de St. P^tersbourg," vi.

428, 474

Berry (G.) on curious book titles, viii. 251 Berry (G. L.) on chained books in iron covers, ix.


Berthon (Edward Lyon), 1813-99, his biography, ix. 232