Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/51

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Books recently published:

Palgrave's (F. T.) The Golden Treasury, iii.

218 Palmer's (A. Smythe) The Folk and their

Word-Lore, ii. 260 ; Some Curios from a

Word-Collector's Cabinet, viii. 379; Ideal

of a Gentleman, x. 138 Palmer's (F. B.) Peerage Law in England, ix.

520 Parry's (Judge) England's Elizabeth : being

the Memories of Matthew Bedale, i. 439 Parsons's (Mrs. C.) Garrick and his Circle, vi.

339 Patmore's (Coventry) The Angel in the House,

iv. 39, 80 ; Poems, Introduction by B.

Champneys, vi. 278 Payne's (J. F.) Fitz-Patrick Lectures, 1903,

ii. 259 Peacock's (T. L.) Headlong Hall, &c., iv.


Pedantius, ed. G. C. Moore Smith, iv. 298 Pedigree Register, ed. Sherwood, viii. 340,

366 Pennington's (W. H.) Sea, Camp, and Stage,

vi. 439 Penny's (Rev. F.) The Church in Madras, iv.

239 Pepys, A Later : Correspondence of Sir W. W.

Pepys, ed. Gaussen, ii. 59 Pepys's (S.) Diary, ed. H. B. Wheatley, Vols.

I. and II., ii. 399 ; Vols. III. to VI., iii.

198 ; Vols. VII. and VIII., 298 ; Memories

of the Royal Navy, ed. J. R. Tanner, vi.


Perrett's (W.) Story of King Lear, iv. 520 Petroni Cena Trimalchionis, ed. W. D. Lowe,

v. 259

Philip's (A. J.) Dickens Dictionary, xi. 338 Phillimore's (W. P. W.) Heralds' College and

Coats of Arms regarded from a Legal

Aspect, iii. 178 ; Law and Practice of

Change of Name, v. 99; Pedigree Work,

viii. 220 Phillips's (G. E.) Extinction of the Antient

Hierarchy, v. 39 Photo Miniature, iii. 279 Photograms of the Year 1904, iii. 19 ; 1905,

iv. 498 ; 1906, vi. 400 Photogravure Series, vi. 498 Pierce the Ploughman's Crede, ed. W. W.

Skeat, vi. 79 Pirie-Gordon's (C. H. C.) Innocent the Great,

ix. 159 Plato, Pocket, ed. S. C. Woodhouse, vii.

358 Platt's (H. E. P.) Byways in the Classics,

iv. 238, 261, 352, 435 ; Last Ramble in the

Classics, vii. 59

Platt's (W.) Child Music, iv. 539 Plunket's (Hon. E. M. ) Ancient Calendars and

Constellations, i. 260 ; Judgment of Paris,

xi. 520 Plutarch's Lives, trans, by Stewart and Long,

v. 500 Poems and Extracts chosen by Wordsworth,

v. 38 Poems of Patriotism, ed. G. K. A. Bell, viii.

119 Poe's (E. A.) Lyrical Poems, v. 318 ; Poems,

ed. E. Hutton, vi. 500 Poets and Poetry of the Nineteenth Century,

ed. A. H. Miles, iii. 40, 219, 479 ; iv. 160

Books recently published :

Political History of England : Vol. I., v.

199 ; Vol. II., iv. 438 ; Vol. III., v. 97 ;

Vol. IV., vi. 357 ; Vol. XII., ix. 38 Poore's Lamentation for the Death of Queen

Elizabeth, iii. 19 Pope's (A.) Old Stone Crosses of Dorset, vi.

339 Popular Ballads of the Olden Time, ed. F.

Sidgwick, iii. 159 ; vii. 39 Potter's (G. W.) Recollections of Hampstead,

viii. 339

Powell's (G. H.) Duelling Stories, ii. 458 Prevost's (E. W.) Dialect of Cumberland, v.

59 Price's (F. G. H.) Old Base Metal Spoons, xi.


Priestley's (Lady) Story of a Lifetime, xi. 38

Printers' Pie, 1904, ii. 20 ; 1905, iii. 500

Prior's (M.) Poems on Several Occasions, ed.

A. R. Waller, v. 98 ; Writings, ed. Waller,

viii. 98

Propertius, trans, by J. S. Phillimore, v. 419 Proverbs of Alfred, re-edited by Prof. Skeat,

viii. 139

Publishers' Weekly, iii. 320 Punch's Almanack, iv. 479 Purchas's (S.) Hakluytus Posthumus, Vols. I.

and II., iii. 177 ; Vols. III. and IV., 457 ;

Vols. V. and VI., iv. 159 ; Vols. VII. and

VIII., 278 ; Vols. IX. and X., v. 138 ;

Vols. XI. and XII., 458; Vols. XIII.

and XIV., vi. 138 ; Vols. XV. and XVI.,

239 ; Vols. XVII.-XIX., 497 ; Vol. XX.,

vii. 518 Quarterly Review, i. 179, 399 ; iii. 178, 399 ;

iv. 180 ; v. 260, 459 ; vi. 139 ; vii. 160,

420 ; viii. 419 ; ix. 160 ; x. 239, 459 ; xi.

239 Queen, or, the Excellency of her Sex, ed. by

Prof. Bang, vi. 158

Quiggin's (E. C.) Dialect of Donegal, vi. 260 Raleghana, Part VI., by T. N. Brushfield, in.


Raleigh's (W.) English Voyages of the Six- teenth Century, v. 138

Ramsay's (Sir J. H.) Dawn of the Constitu- tion, xi. 439 Ranke's (L. von) History of the Reformation

in Germany, iii. 177 ; History of the

Popes, ix. 439

Raven's (J. J.) The Bells of England, vi. 21 Reade's (Aleyn Lyell) Reades of Blackwood

Hall, vi. 79 ; Johnsonian Gleanings, Part

I., xii. 259 Reade's (C.) Peg Woffington, ed. R. Garnett,

v. 139 Records of the Committees for Compounding

Durham and Northumberland, 1643-60,

v. 318 Reference Catalogue of Current Literature, vi.

420 Reich's (E.) Foundations of Modern Europe,

ii. 318 ; The Failure of the ' Higher

Criticism " of the Bible, v. 218 Relics of the Puritan Martyrs, 1593, ed. T. G.

Crippen, vi. 118

Reliquary, i. 140, 439 ; ii. 100 ; ix. 99 Rembrandt : a Memorial, v. 278 Renshaw's (G.) Animal Romances, xi. l&y Rice's (B. L.) Mysore and Coorg from the

Inscriptions, xii. 259