Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - General Index.djvu/57

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Breaking the flag, the term in Royal Navy, vi. 69, 196

Breakspear (Nicholas), Pope Adrian IV., his death, x. 449 ; his biography, xi. 70

Bream's Buildings, notes on, v. 66, 133, 517 ; demolition of St. Thomas's Church, viii. 26 ; origin of the name, viii. 206 ; x. 127

Breath, foul, versions of the story, iii. 71

Brebaine (Rene), Westminster scholar, vi. 449

Breda (C. F. de), portrait painter, viii. 309, 416

Brede Manor, Sussex, its history, xi. 308, 357, 377

Breedon family, ix. 151, 454

Breese in ' Hudibras,' meaning of the word, vii. 446, 515 ; viii. 77, 113

Bregandiris, Court Roll term, its meaning, vii. 249, 317

Br^guet (Abraham), clockmakerto Napoleon, i.446

Brelan, old French card game, v. 29, 114, 177

Bremar (Mrs.), her ladies' school, Blackheath Hill, x. 30

Brembre (Tresilian), executed 1388, x. 236 ; his name, 306, 458, 516

Bremond family, ix. 149

Brenan (G.) on Sir Robert Howard, iv. 141. Mundy, i. 134

Brent, the, as an ancient waterway, iii. 349

Brentford, two Kings of, xii, 20

Brereton (J. Le G.) on William Carpenter, ix. 248

Brerewood (Edward), of B.N.C., his portrait, v. 208, 258, 337

Breslar (M. L. R.) on Alderman's Walk, x. 290. Amel of Ujda, vii. 515. Beaconsfieldiana, vi. 429. Bell inscriptions at Siresa, viii. 17. Buchanan (R.), his descent, xi. 489. Cam- bridge Heath : Bernales Buildings, xi. 289. Candlemas and Passover, xi. 324. ' Chovevi- Zion,' x. 453. Coffee, its etymology, xii. 112. ' Come live with me," ii. 89, 434. Cromwell and Milton, ix. 214. De Tabley (Lord), x. 229. Ellison (Henry), x. 8, 95, 137. Epi- taphiana, iii. 24. Fast = short of, ix. 209. Godfrey of Bouillon and Rashi, xii. 149. Hackney celebrities, viii. 86. Hampstead omnibus, viii. 157. " His end was peace," x. 517. Houses of historical interest, vi. 356 ; vii. 413 ; viii. 12. ' In essentials, unity," viii. 347. Intellectual harvest, late, ii. 54. Irish soil exported, iv. 113. Ito : Itoland, vi. 461 ; vii. 93. Jean Paul in English, x. 294. Jews and Jewesses in fiction, xii. 118. Jonson (Ben), his name, x. 158. ' Just before the battle, mother," iv. 208. Kaboose, ii. 106. Kean (Edmund), i. 449. Kennington, iii. 88. Lamb (C.), his Jewish extraction, vii. 121. Literary pastimes, vi. 28. Longfellow's ' Psalm of Life,' x. 272. Lopez (Sir Menasseh Massey), x. 96. Maginn (W.) and Moses Mendez, ix. 211. Mediterranean, x, 456. Milton and Hackney, xi. 388. Moloker, Yiddish term, x. 435. Monoux (Sir George), viii. 10. " Mors janua vitaV' viii. 456. Musical genius, vii. 433. " Nit Behamey," Yiddish phrase, viii. 135. ' Old Sir Simon," xii. 490. Parnell (C. S.), his descent, x. 210. Pearl, x. 236. Pinto (Mendez), x. 488. Portfolio Society, ix. 510. Pot-gallery, viii. 254. Potter's Bar : Seven Kings, xi. 89, 335. Prayer for twins, iv. 176. Salarino, Salanio, and Salerio, ix. 113 ; x. 132, 333. Shacklewell, iii. 288. Shacklewell Lane, x. 126. Slink : slinking, viii. 478. Sneezing superstition, xi. 7. " Sorrow's crown of sorrows," ix. 68. Spring Hill Park : diversion of path, viii. 447. ' Story of my Heart,' xi. 130.

" Taping shoos," vii. 259. Touching wood, vi.

476. Treloar (Sir William) and B. L. Farjeon,

viii. 287. Turner : Canaletto, i. 168. Vanished

pastimes, iii. 26. Weeping willow, iv. 115.

Whitman (Walt) on Alamo, Texas, xi. 510.

Wordsworth and Browning, ix. 93. Worksop

epitaphs, x. 503. Yale University, ix. 110. Breton (Nich.) and Shakespeare, literary parallel,

vii. 247

Brett, Bart., killed 1644, his identification, vii. 88 Brett (A.) on Brett family, ix. 509 Brett (Sir Alexander), killed 1627, x. 289, 352, 417 Brett (C.) on Shakespeariana, i. 425 Brett (Thomas), Westminster scholar, xi. 449 Brett family, ix. 509 ; x. 289, 352, 417 Brettenham Park, Suffolk, and Joseph Bonaparte,

x. 109

Breviary or Missal, its use, iv. 34, 75, 138 Brew (T. S.) on authors of quotations wanted, xii.

469 Brewer (Anthony), his ' Lovesick King,' ii. 409,

468, 496 ; iii. 113 Brewer (E. Cobham), errors in ' Dictionary of

Phrase and Fable,' ii. 362 ; his school at Mile

End, Norwich, vi. 69, 497 Brewetts, meaning of the word, iii. 371, 449 Brf, meaning of the name, iv. 389 Brian Boru in Smith's ' Cyclop asdia of Names,'

iii. 307

Brice and Den families, iv. 326 Brick Court, Temple, Goldsmith's commemorative

tablet in, vii. 385, 436

Brickmaking and beerbrewing, early, viii. 465 Brickwork, rod as measure for, x. 388 ; xi. 77,

116, 237

Bridal Stone, Cornish, ix. 509 Bridal stones, x. 329, 394, 515 Bride at church, xi. 10, 136 Bridegroom, creeling the, vii. 186, 256, 296 ;

at church, xi. 10, 136 Bridewell, its history, v. 29 Bridge, its derivation, i. 189, 250, 297, 394 Bridge, flying, iii. 93, 274 Bridge, Fulham, coloured print of, iv. 509 Bridge, Lancaster, drawing of, c. 1780, viii. 168 Bridge, Staines, its proportions, iv. 469, 536 Bridge with figures of the Saviour, ix. 309 ;

x. 476 Bridger's Hill, Hants, origin of the name, 111. 189,

338 Bridges (Wm. Thomas), Winchester Commoner,

iii. 7, 73 Bridgewater Borough, foundation charter, xn.

88, 132

Bridle, a Pelham, the name, ii. 267 Bridlington, pronunciation of the name, i. 471;

ii. 36, 77 Bridlington, St. John of, canonized by Boniface

IX., vii. 497 Brie (F. W. D.) on an Anglo-Norman chronicle, n.


Brief for Greek Christians, c. 1630, xi. 289, 357, 458

Briefs, discovered at Claverley, Shropshire, i. 474 ; in 1742, x. 330, 375

Brien (Viscount) and Kerr family of Lothian, iv. 448

Brierley (H.) on Richard Mosley Atkinson, xi. 118. Auriol (Charles James), xi. 177. Barton Grammar School, vii. 488 ; xii. 110. Crest and motto, xii. 289. Gowdike, viii. Greenteeth (Jenny), i. 365. Langbame (Gerald) 1645-57, viii. 229. Martindale, Westmorland, vii. 230. TJnthank, ix. 351