Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 1.djvu/641

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Notei and Queries, July 30, 1904.



Dublin, William III. crowned at, 446 ; Macklin's

engagement at Smock Alley, 506 Dunheved on our oldest military officer, 389 Dunkeld (James, first Lord of), bis marriage, 328 Durand (C. J.) on last of the war bow, 497 Dutch fishermen in British waters, 87 Dyer (A. S.) on Bishop Buckeridge's birthplace, 287

Foscarinus, 127

Dyer (Sir Ed.), " My mind to me a kingdom is," 487 Dyxon (Gayus), of Tonbridge, Kent, 1565, 449, 518 E. (H. D.) on Wyburne family, 309 E. (K. P. D.) on gimerro, 107

Hanged, drawn, and quartered, 275

Napoleon on imagination, 488 Easter bibliography, 265

Easter Day, Kentish custom on, 324, 352, 391 ; by Julian reckoning, 324, 352, 390 ; in 1512, 388, 452 Easter sepulchres at various places, 265 Easterbrook (D.) on Raleigh's head, 49 "Easterling " and East Harling, Norfolk, 505 Ebsworth (J. W.) on ' My Old Oak Table,' 16 Economy and avarice, adage on, 38 Ecton (John), additions to biography in 'D.N.B.,'327 Edgar (King), his blazon, 76 Edgcumbe (R.) on Boer war, 325

History ' ' made in Germany, " 5

Leonardo da Vinci's 'Last Supper,' 25

Thorwaldsen's bust of Byron, 205

Torpedoes anticipated, 286

Edinburgh: Gillespie's Hospital andWryttes Houses,217 Edinburgh garrison, Chaplain to, revival of office, 145 Editor on Tenth Series, 1 Editorial :

Gates = things provided by the catour (caterer), 180

" Facing the music," 100

" Fat, fair, and forty," 460

Laystall, leastall, leyrestowe=a burial-place, 440

Mildmay (Sir Humphrey), his ' Diary,' 220

" broad and smooth the Avon flows," 520

Peacocks' feathers unlucky, 320

Quarter of corn, 340

" Raining cats and dogs," 60

Rime v. rhyme, 400

Roper (Margaret), 260

"Ships that pass in the night," 60

"Skoal ! to the Northland ! Skoal ! " 280

" Sow an act," 300

" Who plucked this flower ? " 200

Women and crests, 400

Edmunds (A. J.) on Cheshire cat in America, 365 Edwards (E. H.) on prints and engravings, 268 Egerton-Warburton (R. E.), epigram by, 169, 296 Egremont (George O'Brien, third Earl of), his mar- riage, 148, 192, 233 Eggs, blue, at May Day, 126, 173 Eggs and collectors, 327, 372, 453 Elba, conspiracy to help Napoleon from, 328 Elene, picture in Parma Gallery, 507 Elephant used by Warren Hastings, 349 Elephants, their age, 398

Elgie(J. H.) on Copernicus and the planet Mercury, 509 Eliot (George) and blank verse, 14 Elizabeth (Queen) and New Hall, Essex, 15 Ellacombe(H.N.) on epitaph on Sir John Seymour, 87 Ellison family of Boston, Mass., 268 Elm, large, noted by Wesley, 349

Elworthy (F. T.) on " Sal et saliva," 514 Emeritus on "chop-dollar," 456

Indian sport, 349

Va'ghnatch or tiger-claw weapon, 408 Emmet family and Madame de Fontenay, their corre- spondence, 52, 111

' Encyclopaedic Dictionary,' cedilla in the, 307 England, Old, earliest use of the term, 189, 255, 316 England and the American colonies : Pig and Kill- pig, 105 ' ' English dogs shall only wear their master's collars,"


English (R.) on ' ' Lost in a convent's solitary gloom," 98 English, foreign, examples of, 224 English, pigeon, at home, 506 English accentuation, 72 English Channel, French name for, 448 English rule in France, traces of, 164, 253 Engravings, book on, 268, 377; "publisht according

to Act of Parliament," 309, 336, 369 Enquirer on R. H. Brown, 126 Envelopes, their introduction, 57, 133, 175 Epergne, use of the word, 93 Epigrams :

" My name is Benjamin Jowett," 386

" Nash represents man in the mass," 32, 96

Pompadour (Madame de), 18

Reynolds (Sir Joshua) : " Laudat Romanus Raphaelem, Grsecus Apellem," 146

" Should a man through all space to far galaxies

travel," 386

Epimenides, St. Paul's quotation from, 405 Epitaph by Shakespeare, 126 Epitaphs :

Adderbury Church, Oxfordshire, 233

"Evasi : effugi," 445

Fewston, near Otley, Yorkshire, 233

Greek, well-known, 444

" Here lies poor Corydon," 173

" Here lies retired from busy scenes," 368

" Here sleepe thirteen together in oneToinbe," 285

" Ho ! ho ! who lies here ? " 196

"Optimus & Dominus mihi Maxim," 345

"Poor John Scott lies buried here," 69

" State super antiquas vias," 5

Seymour (Sir John), in Bilton Church, 87 Epitaphs, bibliography of, 44, 173, 217, 252, 334 Ermine: "Tymbers of ermine," explanation of the

term, 449, 492 Error. See Misprints. Ese, termination in English, 446, 516 Estrege, meaning of the name, 469 Euchre, etymology of the word, 13, 77, 116 Euripides, date of his birth, 447, 476 Evans (H. A.) on Jacobite wineglasses, 204

Shakespeare, early MS. mention of, 310 Evil eye, and scarlet, 148, 231 ; in England, 508 ; in

Sicily, 514

Excommunication of Louis XIV., 69 Eye, evil. See Evil eye. Eylisham. See Ayltham. Eyres (Major-General B.), his biography, 489 F. on ' Die and be Damned,' 328

Pindar family, 134 F. (D. E.) on Fettiplace, 396 F. (F. J.) on Browning's "Thunder-free," 504