NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. x. NOV. 28, im.
MESSRS. LUPTON BROTHERS of Burnley have in -their Hundredth Catalogue the largest-paper edition of Bewick's ' Birds and ' Quadrupeds, 3 vols., half- calf, Newcastle, 1820-26, 01. 6s. ; * Arabian Nights,'
12 vols, Nichols, 1894, 91. 9s. ; and Tonson's edition of ' Don Quixote,' 4 vols., 4to, 1737, 3/. 3s. A first edition of ' Bleak House,' in the original parts with advertisements, is 1(. 10s. ; and that of ' Little Dorrit' the same price. 'The Encyclopaedia Bri- tannica,' last edition, with Supplement, 36 vols., morocco, as new, is 16/. 16s. ; and La Fontaine, 2 vols., full calf, Amsterdam, 1762, 12/. 12s. (the famous Fermiers Generaux edition). There are first editions of Lever. Ackermann's miniature edition of 'Dr. Syntax,' 3 vols., 12mo, half-calf, 1823, is 31. ; * The Irving Shakespeare,' 8 vols., 4to, 21. 12s. Qd. ; and * The Speaker's Commentary,'
13 vols., 31. There are a number of works under Yorkshire, and a Cheap Clearance List at Is. per volume.
Mr. James Miles of Leeds divides his Cata- logue 149 into two sections, the first being Old Literature (Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries). In this the American items include a scarce collection -of tracts, Howe's narrative relating to his conduct during his command in North America, 1779, and others, 31. 3s. Under Blake are his 43 illustrations to Young's 'Night Thoughts,' 1797, 61. 10s.; and under Freemasonry is a good tall copy of 'The Constitutions of the Free-Masons, for the Use of the Lodges,' very rare, 1723, 11. 10s. Other works are Magnus's ' History of the Goths, Swedes,' &c., folio, 1658, II. 10s.; Burney's 'History of Music,' 1789, 21. Is.Qd.; Smollett's 'History of an Atom,-' 1769, 11.5s., and his 'Travels/ 10s. 6d. (both first editions), and Reginald Scot's 'Discovery of Witchcraft,' 1665, ll. 7s. 6d. The second section is -devoted to Anglo-Saxon and Archaeological and Antiquarian Books. We find Roe's 'Ancient Coffers and Cupboards,' 1902, ll. Is.; a fine set of ' The Antiquarian Cabinet,' 1807-12, ll. 10s.; Blore's ' Monumental Remains,' 14s. ; and a large-paper copy of Dixon's 'Her Majesty's Tower,' 4 vols., 11. 5s. There are many works relating to old Yorkshire.
Mr. W. M. Murphy, of Liverpool, opens his -Catalogue 140 with a superb copy of Burton's 'Arabian Nights,' 15^., followed by Froissart with the very scarce illuminations, 1862, 71. 7s. Blue- books on the Boer War, include those containing the Spion Kop dispatches, 7 vols., folio, 12s. Other works are Hallam, 8 vols., half-calf, 1837-42, 21. ; Bunsen's 'God in History,' 1868, 15s.; Cunningham's ' Nell Gwyn,' 1852, M. 5s.; Dante, the Milan edition, 1902, 31. 3s.; a fine copy of Fabretti's ' Inscriptiones,' Rome, 1702, 21. 10s.; Longfellow, Riverside Edition, 11 vols., 18s. ; Punch, Times reprint, 101 vols. in 26, half-morocco, 8/. 8s. ; Edition de Luxe of Staunton's
- Shakespeare,' 15 vols., original cloth, 1881, 51. 5s.;
and first edition of Swinburne's 'Poems and Ballads,' 1866, ll. 10s. (this copy is Hotten's issue, but has Moxon's name on the binding at the back). There are first editions of Dickens ; and works under Ireland, Lancashire, Sporting, &c.
Mr. Charles J. Sawyer's Catalogue 10 is a selec- tion of recent purchases. It opens with two im- portant Rowlandson items: the first, a finely -executed water-colour, 'Venus rising from the Sea ' 7iin. by 8| in., mounted, 81. 8s. ; the second, 'The
Interrupted Supper,' 31. 5s. Art items include
' Pictures from the Galleries,' descriptions by S. C.
Hall, 150 engravings, 1870, 5l.2s.6d. (cost 50 guineas).
Under Spenser is The Chiswick Press ' Faerie
Queen,' edited by Wise, 14Z. 14s. ; under Thackeray
the standard Library Edition, 26 vols., 1883, 131.
(a water-colour portrait of Thackeray inserted is
signed "Yours, W. M. T., 1857"); and under
Walter Crane a series of four water-colours illus-
trating a Greek trilogy, outside size 5 ft. 6 in. by
18 in., 1886, 221. the set. Other works are Balzac,
11 vols., 1897, 4^.4s.; ' Memoirs of Count Grammont,'
blue morocco, by Payne, 1811, 4/. 4s. ; the rare
edition of Chaucer, 1598, in fine old calf bind-
ing, 101. 10s. ; Ackermann's ' Eton College,' 1816,
11. 10s.; Grego's 'History of Dancing,, royal 4to,
levant extra, 1898, 21. 2s. ; an extra-illustrated
'Life of Erasmus,' by Knight, 1750, 9/. 15s., and
the Edition de Luxe of Fitz-Gerald, 7 vols., 1892,
31. 12s. 6d. Under Keats and Shelley are their
works and lives by Dole, India paper, 50 full-page
designs on vellum, 12 vols., 1904-5, 81. 10s. Under
Lever is the Edition de Luxe, 29/. 10s.
Messrs. Henry Young & Sons of Liverpool have in their Catalogue CCCXCVI. under America the first edition of Griswold's ' Portraits of American Ladies,' full morocco, New York, 1855, 31. 3s. ; also ' Portraits of Illustrious Americans,' India paper, folio, ll. 16s. ; under Caesar is Tonson's first edition, brilliant impressions of the plates, 2 vols., full bound in old English crimson morocco, 12/. Cruiksharik's works include a coloured copy of ' Points of Humour/ 6/. 6s. Under Shelley are the extremely rare first edition of ' Posthumous Poems,' in the original boards, uncut, John & Henry L. Hunt, 1824, 8/. ; and the first edition of ' The Masque of Anarchy,' Moxon, 1832, 4/. 4s. Under Scott is a complete set of the Waverley Novels, extra- illustrated, 48 vols., half-morocco, Cadell, 1829-33, 181. 18s. There are choice items under Ruskin, French, &c.
We must call special attention to the following
notices :
ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.
WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means >f disposing of them.
To secure insertion of communications corre- spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer- ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous entries in the paper, contributors are requested to put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second com- munication " Duplicate."
J. BROWN ("Dear Me"). See the articles by PROF. SKEAT and the REV. A. L. MAYHEW, ante, pp. 395, 434.