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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io:s. xn. JULY 31, im

" The floors [of the cloisters] abound in incised gravestones, but they have been terribly smashed by timber, &c., which used to be laid there. The incised figure and inscription to Richard de Gayns- borough, the sculptor, might be easily renewed from what still remains." Jr. 151.

W. B. H.

" SEECATCHIE" : " HOLLUSCHICKIE " (10 S. xii. 48). In a glossary appended to Mr. Henry W. Elliott's monumental Report on the Seal Life and Industry of the Prybilov Islands, published by the United States Government in 1881, and perhaps one of the most interesting papers ever issued, these terms are applied to the male fur seal and sea lion full grown, and to the bachelor seals who are herded by themselves, respec- tively. They are of Russian origin. The last-named category are slaughtered for their skins. WILLOUGHBY MAYCOCK.


(10 S. xii. 28). One full version of this nursery rime will be found in ' Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes ' (Blackie, 1909). There are, if I remember rightly, several slightly varying versions. The one I gave in that collection begins :

I have four sisters beyond the sea,

Para-mara, dictum, domine, And they did send four presents to me ;

Partum, quartum, paradise, tempum,

Para-mara, dictum, domine !

WALTER JERROLD. Hampton-on-Thames.

This is a variant of the version conserved in Halliwell's ' Nursery Rhymes of England,' pp. 201, 202. It begins :

My true love lives far from me,

Perrie, Merrie, Dixie, Domine. Many a rich present he sends to me, Petrum, Partum, Paradise, Temporie, Perrie, Merrie, Dixie, Domine.

He sent me a goose, without a bone ; He sent me a cherry, without a stone. Petrum, &c.


[Several versions have been forwarded to MB. CRESSWELL.]

THE MYSTERY or HANNAH LIGHTFOOT (10 S. viii. 321, 402, 483 ; ix. 24, 122, 264 ; xi. 472). I am informed by LADY RUSSELL that under the will of Robert Pearn of Isleworth, 26 Jan., 1757, an annuity of 40Z. was given to Mrs. " Hannah Axford, for- merly Lightfoot, niece to the late Mr. John Jeff ryes, watchmaker in Holborn."

I shall be obliged to any one who can give some particulars of Robert Pearne or John Jeffryes. , HORACE BLEACKLEY.

"HEN AND CHICKENS" SIGN (10 S. xii. 28). The authors of ' The History of Sign- boards ' seem to have thought that this was a development of the " Pelican's Nest," in which a hen and her brood were generally obvious ; and they did suggest that the

Prevalence of the sign might " be accounted Dr by the kindred love for the barleycorn in the human and gallinaceous tribes " (p. 178).


JAMES ISAACSON, M.P. (10 S. xi. 387 ; xii. 18). The exact date of his election as M.P. for Banbury was 23 July, 1698. After his expulsion from the House Sir John Cope, Bart., was elected in his place 23 Feb., 1698-9. See Part I. ' Parliaments of Eng- land, 1213-1702' (Blue-book), p. 582.


JOHN Hus BEFORE THE COUNCIL OF CONSTANCE (10 S. xii. 28). In the Council Chamber of the Staromestska Radnice (Old Town Hall) of Prague there is a famous picture by Wenceslaus Brozik representing this event, with a companion one of the election of King George of Podebrad. Brozik, a pupil of Piloty, studied at Prague, Dresden, and Paris. Among other works of this historical student are ' Embassy of King Ladislas to the Court of Charles VII.,'

  • Milton reading " Paradise Lost," ' Prin-

cess Polyxena of Lobkowitz tending the Wounded,' ' Tu felix Austria nube,' &c. M. Henri Hantich ( ' Art Tcheque,' p. 10) writes : " Brozik ne se preoccupait guere que d'6b- louir par la magnificence de decor, 1' extra- ordinaire profusion de couleurs eclatantes, et les effets de lumiere."


Streatham Common.

The original famous painting which was engraved some forty years ago is most probably the work of Karl Friedrich Lessing, ' Hus vor dem Konzil,' finished in 1842, and preserved at the Stadel Museum, Frankfurt- a.-M. I have myself a copy of this fine steel engraving. H. KREBS.

[MR. WALTER JERROLD refers to Brozik's picture.]

COL. PESTALL (10 S. xii. 29). Col. Pestel not Pestall was not an Englishman, but a Russian, though of German extraction. His father was Governor-General of Siberia. He was educated at Dresden, entered the Russian army, and took part in wars against Napoleon, but afterwards imbibed revolu- tionary views, and was hanged in 1826 for attempted insurrection.

I well remember the song alluded to by your correspondent ; it was very popular