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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. AUG. u, im

Aberford by York, about 1773-4. Hono Raper was descended from Edward III Replies direct. W. CLEMENT KENDALL. Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland.

AUTHORS OF QUOTATIONS WANTED. Th following lines are quoted in Momerie'

  • Immortality ' :

Soul of my soul, I shall meet thee again, And with God be the rest. Who is their author ? C.

The following quotation is found in Wennington Churchyard (South Essex) ove: the remains of Henry Perigal, who died set. 97, in 1898 :

One of those unwelcome preachers who thank lessly reteach their teachers.

Is the author known ? MEDICULUS.

PARODIES OF KIPLING AND THE POET LAUREATE. I should be greatly obliged i: any of your numerous readers would inforrr me where I can find parodies of Rudyard Kipling's poems, and of the Poet Laureate's Several have, I believe, been published in various periodicals, but I am unable to trace them. I shall esteem it a favour if infor- mation be sent direct to me.

F. A. STANLEY ADAM. 14, Lonsdale Square, Barnsbury, N. [For some Kipling parodies see 9 S. iii. 329.]

NICHOLAS HOBART OF LINDSEY, SUFFOLK. Under ' Sir Thomas Browne ' (ante, p. 36) SIGMA TAU infers a knowledge of the Hpbart pedigree. I am anxious to identify Nicholas Hobart, who married Sarah, daughter of Matthew Bush. She lies buried at Lockerley under a stone which records her death on 5 Sept., 1701, and the inscrip- tion states that she was wife of Matthew Barlow, Doctor of Physic (there buried 30 April, 1701), and widow of Mr. Nicholas Hobbard of Lindsey in Suffolk. Anne Gifford, widow, of Lockerley, in her will dated 6 April, 4 Charles II., bequeaths to her " very kind and loving neighbour Mrs. Sarah Hubbart her silver bowl.'*

Lockerley lies between East Titherley and Romsey in Hampshire. X. Y. Z.


HEWS OR HUSE FAMILY. William Huse or Hews of Hursley, Winchester (will 1688), is very illegibly recorded in the Hursley marriage register for 26 Jan., 1675, as being father of Elizabeth Huse, married to Robert Forder of the same village. Among the burials for 1629 is also that of "William Hewes, senior." In a somewhat vigorous search for this family it has been suggested

that this name may have been intended for Husse (Hussey). I observe under 'Hussey of Slinfold ' (ante, p. 3) that in a will of 1554 the name is spelt " Hussee." Any information as to William Hews (Huse) will be gratefully received by W. M.


CRAYLE CRAYLE, ESQ., 1721-80. Will; any one kindly lend me the portrait and. book-plate of the above gentleman for purposes of reproduction ?

GEORGE C. PEACHEY. HA, Oxford and Cambridge Mansions, Hyde Park..

GOTHAM AND THE GOTHAMITES. With a- view to its inclusion in a new and corrected edition, I shall be glad to hear of any addi- tional information about, or in any way bearing upon, the Gothamite legend, not contained in my book ' All about the Merry Tales of Gotham,' 1900. I shall be especially pleased to learn of references in old English, literature not previously noted.

A. STAPLETON. 39, Burford Road, Nottingham.

THE PRYOR'S BANK, FULHAM. Did Mr- Baylis, the creator of this house and its- collections, issue any catalogue or handbook of the contents ? I am curious about the origin of his stained glass and carved wood- work.

Is an annotated copy of the sale catalogue,. May, 1841, to May, 1854, available for reference in any London library ?


FOLK SONG. I remember three lines of an* ancient ballad recited to me when a child,, nearly sixty years ago, on the border of Herefordshire and Shropshire :

Franky Well went out to plough,

He spied a lady on a bough.

Then came some sort of tag or chorus :

There came a wild boar from the wood. Jan any one refer me to a complete copy ?

A. H. D.

BIBLE : " KNAVE OF JESUS CHRIST." !n ' A Sketch of the Materials for a New History of Cheshire ' (Chelmsford : Printed and sold by L. Hassall ; sold also by Mr. ~ awton, Bookseller, in Chester ; and by Mr. Bathurst, Bookseller, in Fleet-street,. London, 1771), p. 28, note, is the following : " The old English translation of the Bible has- Paul the knave of Jesus Christ.' "

n which translation, and in what place, is >t. Paul thus described ?

The ' Sketch ' is anonymous, but, accord- ing to an entry on the title-page of my copy,.