Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/169

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10 s. xii. AUG. 14, im] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Hutchins, p. 4. It is inscribed : " To the Worshipful the Mayor and Corporation of Dorchester, This view in that Ancient Town, is respectfully Inscribed by their most obedient humb. servt. George Frampton." The last named was a bookseller and printer next the County Hall.

W. R. B. PBIDEAUX. Reform Club, S.W.

GIRDLESTONE (10 S. xi. 448; xii. 78). The oldest spellings I have discovered are de Gerleston and Girolston, in or near Lynn, c. Edward I. The letter d may safely be discarded ; it is like the p in Thompson. An examination of old records led me to associate the name with Garveston (Central Norfolk), which is spelt Girolfestuna in the Domesday Book. Some dropped the fe in this name, and made it Girolston or Girleston ; others dropped the ol, and made it Garveston. Norfolk supplies plenty of similar contractions. I should add, however, that the name as now spelt is found in a Balliol fine in the time of the Black Death.

My great-grandfather was spelt Gridle- stone in Gent. Mag. when he died, but he and his ancestors were baptized Girdlestone. The name is spelt in twelve ways in the old registers. After all, what does Girdlestuna mean ? R. B. GIRDLESTONE.

Canon R. B. Girdlestone, in his ' Genea- logical Notes on the Girdlestone Family ' (published 1904), says that a tradition exists in his family that the Girdlestones were evolved out of Kerdeston, a Norman family which " had to do in various ways with Kelling." In the Appendix of his book (Part III.) is a lined pedigree showing the Canon's descent from Guido and Agnes Ayno (see ante, p. 61), whose daughter Joan married John Bolney. F. H. S.


HEALEN PENNY (10 S. xi. 507 ; xii. 98). The replies of Miss LEGA-WEEKES and MR. MACMICHAEL are of interest, but do not clear the point raised by me. In the Cam- borne accounts (partially published in Journal Royal Inst. of Cornwall, vol. Iv.) the healen penny is received by the church- wardens, not paid by them. Miss LEGA- WEEKES'S extract from Northfield suggests that possibly the necessary moneys were collected by the church authorities and paid to the apparitor. Is it likely that he col- lected it for the King ? We can see that it was a burden felt by royalty, or the coin .given to the sufferer would not have fallen from the gold angel of Edward III. to the

rose noble of Henry VII. and the silver penny of Charles II.

I have still a few copies of reprints of extracts from these accounts, which I shall be pleased to send to any one interested.


Redruth, Cornwall.

HARVEST SUPPER SONGS (10 S. xii 30, 71).

-' The Horkey,' a Suffolk ballad by Robert

Bloomfield, published in 1806, gives a

graphic description of a harvest supper in

East Anglia and of the songs :

John sung ' Old Benbow ' loud and strong,

And I ' The Constant Swain ' ; " Cheer up, my lads," was Simon's song, " We 11 conquer them again."

JOHN PICKFORD, M.A. Newbourne Rectory, Woodbridge.

Your correspondent will find much that will interest him in ' English County Songs,' Leadenhall Press, 1893.



" BIER-RIGHT " : ORDEAL BY TOUCH (10 S. xii. 87). 1619. Mentioned by W. Perkins in ' Cases of Conscience,' p. 294.

1628. John Earle in ' Micro-Cosmographie ' (ed. Arber, 1868), p. 26 : "A meere dull Phisitian .... death and he haue a quarrell, and must not meet ; but his feare is, least the Carcasse should bleed."

1655. At Edwinstow, Notts, a man was found dead. The man who first found him, being suspected, was made to touch the corpse in the presence of the coroner and the jury (Marshall, * Edwinstow Registers,' 1891, p. 24). W. C. B.

"COHERER" (10 S. xii. 88). The first coherer was constructed by an Italian in 1884, and was known as " Onesti's tube." Then followed Branly's radio-conductor ; and in 1894 Mr. (now Sir) Oliver Lodge read a paper before the Electrical Congress on ' The Possibility of transmitting Signals with a Hertz Radiator.' He employed a device modelled after Onesti's tube and Branly's radio-conductor, and gave the tube the name of " coherer." Cf. A. Fred. Collins, 'Wireless Telegraphy' (New York, 1905), p. 137. L. L. K.

APPLES : THEIR OLD NAMES (10 S. viii. 429 ; ix. 297, 314, 495 ; x. 15, 215). ^As I have already contributed to this discussion (supra, p. 314), I am loath to trespass further on your space ; but as it is not eveiy one who has access to the authorities he men- tions I cannot help asking if the REV. W. D.