Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/364

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xn. OCT. 9, im

exact shade of meaning, and musicians generally accept this theory as satisfactory, and are propor- tionately grateful. Mr. P. A. Vaile advocates a new scheme of Imperial scholarships in contradis- tinction to the Rhodes system. The cricket season of 1909 is skilfully and pleasantly dealt with by Mr. E. H. D. Sewell. The play in county cricket is favourably contrasted with that of Test Matches.

POLITICS are much to the fore in The Nineteenth Century, Mr, J, Ellis Barker leading the way with 'The Land, the Landlords, and the People,' a striking article, written from a Unionist standpoint, and taking as its model the land laws of Prussia, which were put in force shortly after the defeat of that nation by Napoleon. Sir John Dickson Poynder follows with 'The Budget Valuation Proposals,' in which he shows himself sceptical as to the accuracy of the Government estimate of two millions for covering the cost of valuation, and urges as an alternative the introduction of a Valuation Bill. Capt. Cecil Battine utters a grave warning against a policy of laissez-faire with regard to armaments, but fails to point out any satisfactory remedy against a deplorable tendency. Mr. Alfred H. Harrison advocates the fitting-out of a British Arctic expedition, not for the sole purpose of reaching the North Geographical Pole, but generally to conduct scientific investigation in the northernmost regions, of which comparatively few data have yet been collected; and he brings pertinent reasons to support his plea for a winter as opposed to a summer advance. Mr. Kenneth E. Kirk contributes a somewhat unnecessary article on 'Indian Students in England,' traversing a former article by Mr. Dicey, and suggests the elimination of sedition amongst Indian students by a policy of equality with the white man. The writer's views are hardly likely to commend them- selves to practical Anglo-Indians. Prof. Foster Watson draws some interesting parallels between Milton's ' Tractate of Education ' and Vives's ' De Tradendis Disciplinis,' and submits a theory as to Milton's indebtedness to the Spanish humanist. In

  • Ireland's Need' Mr. Stephen Gwynn at the outset

evidently intended to write a strictly moderate article on the necessity of Home Rule for Ireland. As we proceed, however, the bias of the Nationalist is apparent. The Abbe Ernest Dimnet has written an article on ' The Evolution of Maurice Barres,' and finds M. Barres's merit as a writer is unequal. Sir Walter Gilbey deals in a lucid manner with the educational value of museums generally, and the Victoria and Albert Museum in particular. In ' Ab Occidente ad Orientem ' we have an ephemeral, rather unnecessary trifle, in which pseudo-philo- sophy struggles with inflated metaphor and descrip- tions of everyday scenes in a tourist's journey to India. We give one quotation, if only to show that in the effort to affect smartness the line of good taste is considerably overstepped: "The West ^firmly believes that, if there is a God, He reads The Daily Mail every morning, and is much inter- ested in it." Prof. George M. Wrong contributes an interesting article on ' The Attitude of Canada,' in which the political and social outlook between Great Britain and Canada is surveyed with an earnest appreciation of the subject.

IN a graceful leader the retiring editor of The Burlington Magazine takes leave of his public, and thanks all and sundry for their help and encourage- ment in the past. Mr. Harold Child, supported by

a strong advisory committee, has now assumed the editorship. The article on ' Old English Silver ' is continued, and some excellent examples are illus- trated. ' The Origin of Lustre Ware ' is dealt with in an erudite manner by Dr. A. J. Butler, who endeavours to indicate the indebtedness of the later Persian Potters to those of Egypt before the eleventh century, thereby providing connoisseurs in the world of ceramics with an interesting problem. Dr. Butler is, however, in no doubt himself on the point, and brings forward many cogent arguments in support of his theory. Mr. M. L. Solon is responsible for ' The Ceramic Art of Orvieto during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.' Included in the number are two fine photo-reproductions of a bronze statue of Minerva attributed to Cellini.

MR. E. H. BLAKENEY has recently printed at his private press ' Omar and his Translator,' a short paper by Col. W. F. Prideaux, which offers a new view of the astronomer-poet of Naishapur. A few copies are for sale, and may be obtained of Mr. Blakeney, King's School, Ely, or Col. Prideaux, 1, West Cliff Terrace, Ramsgate, who has also printed 50 copies of ' The Lay of the Himyarites : an Introductory Note, of which a small supply is similarly available.

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W. M. and others. Forwarded.

PERCEVAL LUCAS. If you send a letter care of the Editor, it shall be forwarded.

Z. ("Plus je connais les hommes"). See 10 S x. 188, 273, and ante, p. 292.

ZEPHYR ("Origin of ' Limerick'"). See 9 S. ii. t08, 470 ; ix. 314 ; xii. 8 ; and the quotations in the New English Dictionary,' s.v.

E. A. J. ("I think it could be done, and England

will do it "). The reference is to Millais's picture

The North-West Passage,' the motto of which is

'It might be done, and England should do it.'

The picture is in the Tate Gallery.