Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/470

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. xii. NOV. 13, im

authority against the position on the ques- tion taken up by its author. Blackstone made no reply in the House, but the follow- ing additional paragraph appears on p. 163 of the fourth edition :

" And there are not only these standing incapa- cities ; but if any person is made a peer by the king, or elected to serve in the house of commons by the people, yet may the respective houses upon com- plaint of any crime in such person, and proof thereof, adjudge him disabled and incapable to sit as a member; and this by the law and custom of parliament."

The authorities given for this statement are : Whitelocke of parl. ch. 102. See Lords' Journ. 3 May, 1620. 13 May, 1624. 26 May, 1725. Com. Journ. 14 Feb., 1580. 21 Jun., 1628. 9 Nov., 21 Jan., 1640. 6 Mar., 1676. 6 Mar., 1711. 17 Feb., 1769.

Hence, as far as can be seen, any special value attached to the first edition should be shared by the second, and is at best of a negative character, viz., that it does not contain a paragraph which was added later to meet a particular case.

W. R. B. PBIDEATJX, Librarian.

Reform Club, S.W.

FRANCIS KINDLEMARSH. Going through the register of All Hallows, Bread Street, for another purpose, I find that the very first baptismal entry relates to this writer in ' The Paradise of Dainty Devises.' The register begins in 1538 :

" The 29th yere of King Henry the eight.


Imprimis, the 18th day of Oct. 1538 was christened Frances, the sonne of Richard Kindlemarsh." This register is interesting only because of the Milton entries, but I thought this second- ary writer might be noted. C. C. STOPES.

ARDEN FAMILY. In the Rothwell Regis- ter (Yorks Parish Register Society) are the following entries, which may be of interest in connexion with the family of Shakespeare : 1657, " August xxvjth. John Arden of Killing- worth in the county of Northampton was buried at Rothwell."

r 1658 9, Burial, January 17. "Thomas Arden of Killingworth in the countie of Warwicke."

  • ' Killingworth " is probably Kenil worth.



' N.E.D.' under ' Fish,' vb., I. 1. c, explains this figurative phrase as meaning " to take advantage of disturbance or trouble to gain one's end," and the quotations given bear this out. But Roget's ' Thesaurus ' enters the phrase under ' Difficulty ' (704), with, as synonymous expressions, " buffet

the waves, swim against the stream, scud under bare poles " ; and again under 'Dis- cord ' (713), with the parallel expressions " get into hot water, brawl, kick up a row (dust), turn the house out of window." Surely the phrase has no such meanings as are here, by implication, assigned to it.


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

CLIM or THE CLOUGH. The traditional ballad of ' Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudesly ' is found in numerous early copies, but all are clearly of one version. The story therein is built entirely around William of Cloudesly. He is either the chief actor or the cause of the action all through the ballad. Both Adam Bell and Clim play minor parts, the role of the latter being especially unimportant. Yet it is Clim of the Clough alone that is mentioned in several literary references ; and that in these cases his name is not used merely for ease in making rime is seen by such passages as the following :

" Gwalter Lynne, printer, in his dedication. . . . of ' The true belief e in Christ and his sacraments,' 1550, says, ' I woulde wyshe tharfore that al men, women, and chyldren, would read it. Not as they haue bene here to fore accustomed to reade the fained story es of Robinhode, Clem of the Cloughe, wyth such lyke to passe the tyme wythal,' " &c. Bitson, ' Robin Hood,' Notes and Illustrations, x.

See also the passage soon to be quoted from Nash.

Because of such references, it would seem probable that Clim must have been at one time a more important popular figure than our surviving ballad version would of itself indicate. This inference is much strength- ened by the fact that some of the refer- ences cannot be explained by anything in our extant ballad. There is an especially mysterious reference in Nash's ' Pierce Penilesse His Supplication to the Divell,' London, 1592 (Collier reprint, p. 58). The author is against drinking. That one vice obscures all one's virtues ; then

" Clim of the Clough, thou that usest to drinke nothing but scalding lead and sulpher, in hell thou art not so greedie of thy night geare. O ! but thou hast a foule swallow if it come once to the carousing of humane bloud ; but thats but seldome, once in seaven yeare, when theres a