Catherine Hayes, Thackeray's " Catherine,"
who was executed on 9 May, 1726.
SIB LEWIS POIXABD (10 S. xi. 365, 433, 495, 515). I am at a loss to understand why MB. RHODES should think the judge's will better evidence of the number of his children than the statements of the Devon- shire historians. Was there anything to prevent his leaving all his property to six only of his twenty-two children, or for that matter to one only, if he felt so inclined ? In addition to the authorities already quoted by me I would refer your correspond-
Prof. E. Suess of
The Face of the
ents to the following.
Westcote, circa 1560,
in his ' View of
Devonshire ' states that the judge had
eleven sons and eleven daughters. Five of
his daughters were married, the Christian
names of some of whom he is unable to
give ; but he names their husbands, and
we know that four of his sons attained the
honour of knighthood. He does not men-
tion the window.
Risdon, circa 1580, in his * Survey of Devon,' says :
" In Nymet church judge Pollard lieth honourably interred, haying a monument erected to his memory, a window of which church, whereunto he was a benefactor, sheweth his name, marriage, office, and issue, with his effigies and his lady's figured fairly in glass, having ten sons on the one side and so many daughters on the other side, a fair offspring."
Moore in his ' History of Devonshire ' (1829) gives the story of the window with twenty-two children.
Now Westcote was born some twenty years, and Risdon some forty years, after the judge's death, when the window was probably intact, and both may have seen it. Again, Prince, who confirms the story was a Devonshire vicar for the long perioc of forty-eight years six at Totnes, and forty-two at Berry Pomeroy close by. He must have been engaged for many years in collecting material for his ' Worthies o Devon,' a work that for the time at whicl he wrote it is singularly correct. He may surely be considered as trustworthy as any one, and a better authority than the judge" will. A. J. DAVY.
PENINSULAS (10 S. xi. 490). The south ward direction of most peninsulas require a geological, not a meteorological explana tion. No such explanation can cover a cases, jsince there are several varieties o geological structure in peninsulas ; but th most striking cases viz., Africa, Arabia
India, and Greenland can be shown to have
once formed part of more extensive land-
masses, and to be the upstanding relics
between areas that have sunk along great
fissure-planes these sunken areas widening
and coalescing to the south. The classical
work on this and allied^ subjects is ' Das
Antlitz der Erde,' by
Vienna (translated as
arth '). For one attempt at a general
xplanation of the earth -movements that
lave produced these peninsular masses, see
le popular account of the tetrahedral
-heory of the earth in Prof. J. W. Gregory's
Geography, Structural, Physical, and Com-
arative ' (Blackie). A more complicated
heory was expounded by Prof. Love in his
ddress to the Mathematical Section of the
British Association in 1907.
"HACKBUT BENT" (10 S. xi. 507). Hackbut " is another name for, or form F, "Arquebus." " Bent "= aimed. See N.E.D.,' s.v. bend, where the phrase asked bout is quoted, from Scott's ballad ' Cadyow astle ' :
With hackbut bent, my secret stand, Dark as the purposed deed, I chose, reference is, of course, to tht> assassina-
ion of the Regent Murray by Hamilton of
Bothwellhaugh. See ' Minstrelsy of the
Scottish Border,' in the ' Poetical Works of
Sir Walter Scott,' vol. iii. p. 428 (Edinburgh,
Archibald Constable & Co., 1825).
T. F. D.
The words are to be found in Scott's Cadyow Castle.' The hackbut or hagbut was the ancient matchlock carbine, and bent " means " cocked."
SIB THOMAS BBOWNE : ANNE TOWNSHEND (10 S. xi. 410, 473). I am much obliged to bhe correspondents who kindly try to elucidate Anne Townshend's precise rela- tionship to Sir Thomas Browne. MB. FBED. JOHNSON, than whom there is no better authority on Norfolk pedigrees, says that from the facts he states " the inference is that Nevil Cradock [Anne Townshend's father] married a sister of Sir Thomas Browne." This is certainly a legitimate inference, though the fact that Elizabeth Cradock, presumably daughter also of Nevil Cradock, makes the Witherleys her principal legatees, might point to a relation- ship through the Milehams, as Hobart Mileham, a sister of Lady Browne's, married