Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 12.djvu/489

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10 s. xii. NOV. 20, 1909.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS.-No. 308. NOTES : Statues and Memorials in the British Isles, 401 'D.N.B.' Additions, 402 H aspirate in English Writers 403 Queen Elizabeth's Day, 404 Walloon Etyraologii Spanish Epigram Miss Mellon and the Wigan Stage Chiswick Memorials, 405 Nelly O'Brien's Death " Decasualization " " Mother of dead dogs " Moon Superstitions, 406 Indexes to ' N. <fe Q.,' 407.

QUERIES : "Scarpine," Instrument of Torture Milton Cottage, Chalfont St. Giles 'Golden Lyre' 'Tom Jones in French, 407 Lemuel Kingdom Richard Graves the Younger Miss Anne Manning Louis XIV. Tablecloth 408 Vicomte Vilain XIIIL Dighton's Caricature For traits Swift on Windows in the Breast "Stripping cows " David's Sketch of Marie Antoinette ' Ballad o Indiscretion ' Selby Peculiar Court Lady Worsley Pin and Needle Rimes Scott's ' Search after Happiness,' 405 'The American in Paris' "The Guildford Barge,' Lambeth, 410.

REPLIES :-" Le Stoples " Petre Epigram, 410 Dickens " Woodbine," 411 Swinburne on Irish Nationalists Pigott's 'Jockey Club' Weltje's Club, 412 Rev. M Feilde Sir Jacob Jacobsen, 413 Buckle's 'History o Civilization '" Dog and Pot "Mechanical Road Car riages London Taverns Matthew Arnold, Shelley Keats, and the Yew, 414 Devil's Saffron Baron Grant- Land Office, 415 "One": "Oats" Language and Phy- siognomy Al vary or Alvery, 416 Miss Crawford, Cana- dian Poet Robinson Crusoe's Literary Descendants Flying Machines Miss Vanneck Cromwell and the 117th Psalm, 417 Charles. Duke of Orleans London Public Monuments St. Bartholomew and Otford Jacob Cole" Hoth "= Heath Hereditary Herb-Strewer First Elephant Exhibited "Une Catalogue Raisonne"e" Robert Toker, 418.

NOTES ON BOOKS :-' Dickens and his Friends ' " Mas- ters of Literature "' Association for Memorials of the Dead, Ireland : Journal.'

Booksellers' Catalogues.

OBITUARY : Prof. W. R. Morfill.


BRITISH ISLES. (See 10 S. xi. 441 ; xii. 51, 114, 181.)


I NOW attempt a first instalment of these.

Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey. The famous relic consisting of the stone on which seven of the Saxon kings of England were crowned is preserved here. It stands in a conspicuous place in the town, near the Assize Courts. Some half century ago it was brought from the church and placed here on a granite base, enclosed by iron railings and a series of granite pillars. On the base are inscribed the names of the kings whose coronation chair it successively became. These are : Edward the Elder, 900 ; Athelstan, 925 ; Edmund, 940 ; Edred, 946 ; Edwy, 955 ; Edward the Martyr, 975 ; Ethelred, 978.

Winchester, Hants. The millenary of the death of King Alfred the Great, which took place at Winchester in 901, was cele-

brated in 1901. A colossal bronze statue of King Alfred, erected in the centre of the town, was unveiled by Lord Rosebery on 20 Sept., 1901. It was sculptured by Mr. Hamo Thornycroft, R.A., and represents the king leaning with his left hand upon his shield, and with right arm raised, grasping in his hand a sheathed sword.

On 17 September, 1901, a bronze tablet in commemoration of King Alfred was un- veiled in the Brixton Library.

A coped memorial stone surrounded by iron rails marks the spot at Athelney where King Alfred is supposed to have allowed the cakes to burn.

There is also a statue of King Alfred at Wantage, Berks, the place of his birth in 849. It is of colossal proportions, and was sculptured in Sicilian marble by Count Gleichen. It was presented to the town by Col. Lindsay, and unveiled by King Edward (then Prince of Wales) on 14 July, 1877.

Hastings, Sussex. In the St. Leonards Public Gardens is a huge unshapen block of stone which, according to tradition, formed the breakfast table of William the Norman after his landing at Pevensey. Another tradition cites it as the stone which was used to cover the body of Harold after his burial on the sea shore.

New Forest, Hampshire. A triangular stone about five feet high marks the tradi- tional spot on which William Rufus met his death by an arrow in 1100. The oak tree which grew on the site, and was supposed to e the original tree from which the arrow lanced, was destroyed by fire more than a century and a half ago, and the present memorial was placed there by John, Lord Delawarr, in 1745. I hope to give in my next article the later history of this memorial and the inscriptions upon it.

Reading, Berks. A Cornish granite cross wenty feet high, the gift of Dr. Jamieson B. Hurry, has recently been erected to the memory of Henry I. in the Fosbury Gardens, heading. It was designed by Mr. W. lavenscroft, F.S.A., and unveiled by the light Hon. Augustine Birrell, M.P., on 18 June, 1909. On the base is the following nscription :

To the memory


Henry Beauclerc, King of England, who founded Reading Abbey

on June 18, 1121, and was buried before the High Altar

on Jan : 4, 1136.

Burgh-upon-Sands, Cumberland. On the arsh about a mile north of this village is stone pillar commemorative of the death