MR. JAMES G. COMMIN'S Exeter Catalogue 252 contains Britton and Brayley's * Beauties of England and Wales,' 26 vols., calf gilt, &. 3s. ; 'Bridgewater Treatises,' 12 vols., full calf, II. 5s.; 'British Essayists,' 45 vols., 12mo, half -calf, II. 12s. ; Madame de Steel's '(Euvres Completes,' 17 vols., full calf, 1820, 21. 5s. ; and Tim Bobbin's ' Lancashire Dialect,' illustrated by Cruiksharik, 1828, 11. 4s. A fine copy of the first issue of 'The Complete Angler' with Hawkins's notes, 1760, is 21. 12s. The best edition of Wilkinson's 'Ancient Egyptians,' 3 vols., is 21. There is an interesting series of Coleridge's Works, Pickering, 1839-50, 16 vols., 12mo, cloth, 21. 10s. ; and under Commonwealth, thirty tracts dealing with the Restoration of Charles II., 1659-67, 21. 2s.
Messrs. S. Drayton & Sons' Exeter Catalogue 203 contains a fine copy of the original edition of Ackermann's ' Microcosm, of London,' 3 vols., royal 4to, 211. ; Pilkington's ' Dictionary of Painters,' 2 vols., 4to, morocco, 1820, 31. 10s. ; and Burke's ' Armory,' 1847, 11. 10s. Under Occult occur Casaubon's ' Treatise proving Spirits,' 1672, 10s. Gd., and Sibley's ' Astrology,' 2 vols., 4to, circa 1800, 11. Is. Under Paris is the Edition de Luxe of Menpes, 75 full-page illustrations in colour, 16s. 6d. ; under George Herbert the fourth edition of ' The Temple,' 1635, 21. 10s. ; and under Harriet Beecher Stowe the Cruikshank edition of ' Uncle Tom's Cabin,' 1852, 11. 12s. Qd., and the first edition of ' The Minister's Wooing,' 1859, 11. 5s.
Messrs. Probsthain & Co. have just issued their fifteenth Oriental Catalogue, dealing with 'Chinese literature. It is well classified. Mr. Arthur A. Probsthain in an introductory note states that it contains the collection made by the late Dr. Bushell, physician to the British Legation at Peking, during his stay in China. On his return he kept up his friendship with his books, for he was a thorough master of Chinese, reading and speaking the language with fluency. Sections are devoted to Journals and Transactions ,of Learned Societies, Bibliography, Grammars, Dictionaries, Classics, Religion, &c. Under His- tory is a complete copy of the twenty-four dynastic histories of China, 126 vols., half -calf, 151. Another item is the travels of Hiouen Thsang, in the original Chinese, almost unobtainable even in China, 25Z. ; and under Chin Shin So is a col- lection of ancient inscriptions on bells, mirrors, stone, &c., with more than a thousand illustra- tions, 1821, 1QI. Among works on coins is one by Li Tso Hien, entitled 'Ku Ch'uan hui,' 5Z. 10s. The author is said to have spent untold sums upon the collection of coins known as the Weihien Collection. There is a descriptive catalogue of the Imperial Library at Peking in 20 vols., 1868, 10Z. This is a fine specimen of biblio- graphy, a history of each work being included. A complete set of The China Review ; or, Notes and Queries on the Far East, in parts as issued, Vols. I.- XXV., Hong Kong, 1872-1901, is 301. Under Art and Sciences is Anderson's * Catalogue of the Collection of Japanese and Chinese Paintings in the British Museum,' extremely rare, 12Z. 12s.
Mr. Quaritch has just issued the Third Part of his Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Books on the Fine Arts. It opens with Medici coloured
reproductions. A choice copy of Monnet's ' De-
scription abr6g6e des quinze Estampes sur les
principales Journe"es de la Revolution,' oblong
atlas folio, with 5 extra plates, half-morocco
by Riviere, Paris, 1793-1802, is 181. 18s. There
are rare and curious works under Pageants.
These are headed by the fine series of 37 plates
(including 3 drawn by Hondius) delineating the
funeral rites in honour of Charles V. The plates
of the procession joined together would form
one large plate thirty-three feet in length. The
volume is oblong atlas folio, 1559-1619, 251.
Under William and Mary are a series of large
Dutch engravings to celebrate William's departure
from Holland, his coronation, &c., Amsterdam,
1689, 25L There is a list of over 150 items
under Palaeography and Facsimiles of Manu-
scripts, followed by collections of original drawings
by Phiz : ' Traits and Stories of the Irish Pea-
santry,' by Carleton, 1843, 63Z. ; 'Peter Priggins,'
by Hook, 1840, 261. ; ' Jack Hinton,' 150Z. ;
' The Daltons,' ' Davenport Dunn,' and ' Harry
Lorrequer,' 140Z. ; ' Tom Burke of Ours,' 210Z. ;
and others. Under Pinelli is ' Orlando Furioso,'
with the original drawings by Pinelli, Rome,
1828 - 9, 120L Portraits comprise Guerin's
' Leaders of the French Revolution,' 24 exquisitely
coloured stipple miniatures, 21Z. ; ' The Kit-Cat
Club,' Horace Walpole's copy, 1735, 42Z. ; and
Lodge's ' Portraits,' 4 vols., folio, large paper,
proof impressions, 1821-34, 631. Of special
interest to Americans are the thirteen portraits
drawn from the life by Du Simitiere, including
Washington, Baron de Steuben, Silas Deane,
General Reed, &c., 32 1. They are very scarce ;
Mr. Quaritch has been unable to trace the sale
of a set since 1880. Under Niagara are Cock-
burn's 6 views, 26 in. by 17$ in., 151. 15s. A
notable feature of this interesting Catalogue is a
superb set of the first issues of the 71 plates of the
'Liber Studiorum,' 1,5002.
[Notices of several other Catalogues are held over.]
jbotittz to
To secure insertion of communications corre-
spondents must observe the following rules. Let
each note, query, or reply be written on a separate
slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and
such address as he wishes to appear. When answer-
ing queries, or making notes with regard to previous
entries in the paper, contributors are requested to
put in parentheses, immediately after the exact
heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to
which they refer. Correspondents who repeat
queries are requested to head the second com-
munication " Duplicate."
Editorial communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.
CORRIGENDA. A nte, p. 10, col. 2, 1. 9 from foot. for "double-pointed" read double-jointed. P. 12, col. 1, 1. 20 from foot, for "Lownde's" read Lowndess; 1. 7 from foot, for "whether" read whither.
Q M V L. R. BRESLAR ("Swank"). See 10 S. ix. J. ROBISON. We do not advise in such matters.