Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 2.djvu/656

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 28, 1905.

Antwerp Cathedral, tower of, 57 Apperson (G. L.) on " Birds of a feather," 74 Phoenicians at Falmouth, 469 Woolmen in the fifteenth century, 514 Apple in Baskish, 269

Appleton (H.) on " Bearded like the pard," 166 Arago on Sir Isaac Newton, 265 Arbalest or cross-bow, its history, 443 Arch, Norman largest, 289 Ardagh family and the speakership of the Irish

House of Commons, 289 Arden as a feminine name, 368 Arkle (A. H.) on bumper, 28

Coutts (Messrs.), their removal, 293 Hartley (William), 152 Hand, 348 Jordangate, 537 Arkwrieht (Mrs.), her setting of 'Pirate's Farewell,'

448, 492

Armorial bearings, 328 Arms, royal, in churches, 500 Armstrong gun, its inventor, 34 Army, child commissions in, 420 Arnold (Sir Edwin), his ashes at University College, 286 Arnott (Rev. Samuel), his death, 140 Arthur (Lieut. William), Port Arthur named after,

212, 251

41 Artillarie," Roger Ascham on, 169 Artillery officers, Royal, 528 Ascham (Roger) on " artillarie," 169 Ashburner family, of Olney, Bucks, 168, 519 Asses hypnotized, Navarese folk-lore, 506 'Assisa de Tolloneis,' its date, 387, 451 A st (Enar) on Court dress, 107 Astarte on " I lighted at the foot," 412 Jacobite verses, 288 Witchcraft bibliography, 323 Astley (J.) on paste, 72

Poem by H. F. Lyte, 493 Astronomer : Astronomess, the words, 424 Astwick : Austwick, its pronunciation, 35 Athenian admiral and owl, 9 Atkins or Adkins (W.), Fellow of Winchester College,

45, 116

Atkinson (S. B.) on book of legal precedents, 365 Carter (Mary), 409 Phrases and reference, 297 Ropemakers' Alley, Little Moorfields, 426 Attenborough (J. M.) on poem by Cowley, 506 Auden (G. A.) on first-floor refectories, 237 Audience Meadow, Shropshire field-name, 208, 467 Audin or Audyn family, 18 Austin (R.) on ' Tracts for the Times,' 492 Austwick : Astwick, its pronunciation, 35 Avalon in Newfoundland, place-name, 309, 411 Averrhoes, his description of Venice, 130 Awdry (T.), on curious Christian names, 375 "A shoulder of mutton," &c., 158 Silver bouquet-holder, 134 Axon (W. E. A.) on Cape Dutch language, 256 Caxton and the word " Richter," 146 Cobden bibliography, 3, 62, 103, 142 Dog who made a will, 501 Emerson and Lowell : inedited verse, 423 " First KittoO," 296 Woolmen in the fifteenth century, 514

Axstede ware, early manufacture, 149

Aydye, use of the word, 368

Ayeahr on Christmas coincidences, 505

4 Death of Nelson,' 405

Greenwich Fair, 227

Mountain high, 505

"Hand, "493 B. on Bales, 353 B. (A.) on Jowett and Whewell, 353

Old Testament Commentary, 188 B. (A. C.) on Mercury in Tom Quad, 532 B. (C. W.) on Mercury in Tom Quad, 531 B. (E.) on " Convinced against her will," 426 B. (E. G.) on Jacobin soup, 146

Moon and the weather, 35

Paste, 137

Vaccination and inoculation, 27, 216 B. (E. T.) on birth at sea in 1805, 512 B. (E. W.) on " Humanum est errare," 57, 351 B. (G. F. R.) on Edgar (Alexander and R.), 248

Edmeston (Andrew), 268

Cameron (Donald), 528

Chaplin, 488

Ealea, 228

Edwards (S. B.), 309

Erskine (D. M.), second Lord Erskine, 535

Mercury in Tom Quad, 532

Pitt Club, 211

Westminster School boarding-houses, 275 B. (H. J.) on Disraeli on Gladstone, 110

Mummies for colours, 229

" A past," 35

B. (H. T.) on epitaph on Ann Davics, 106 B. (H. W.) on Swift's gold snuff-box, 249 B. (I. B.) on ramie, 13

Tideswell and Tideslow, 36 B. (J. T.) on saucy English poet, 153 B. (R. W.) on American yarn, 188

Carter and Fleetwood, 333

Fleetwood cabinet, 67

Lobishome, 15

Ravison : Scrivelloes, 452

Ropemakers' Alley Chapel, 33 B. (S.) on Lady Elizabeth Germain, 156 B. (V. O.) on " Christianas ad leones," 287

White Company : naker, 68 B. (W. C.) on antiquary v. antiquarian, 396

Bathing-machines, 131

Bunney, 14

Bread for the Lord's day, 538

Christmas : bibliography, 503 ; customs, games, &c., ib.', under Charles I., 505

Closets in Edinburgh buildings, 297

" Cuttwoorkes," 197

Duelling in England, 436 ".?," final, 47

Font consecration, 336

11 Fortune favours fools," 365

Gray's ' Elegy' in Latin, 92

H, its use or omission, 351 , "Hanged, drawn, and quartered," 97

Higgins (Godfrey), 331 Hill (Rev. William), 490

Holborn, 392, 493

Kerne (J.), Dean of Worcester, 389