Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/12

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io- s. m. JAN-. 7, im

ILady saynt Mary & vnto all the holy companye of Hevyn & my body to be buryed in the Cherch yarde of Shotteley aforesaid. Item 1 bequeth my Ten'fc lyeng in Dedh'm [in Essex] holdyn by Copy of

Courte Rolle w l all the londs therto belongyng to my Syster Elyzabeth Partrych hyr heyers & assigneis aft r the deth of my Mother Isabell Part- rych And tlie Residue of all my goods I gene vnto my Mother & my Syster Elyzabeth aforesaid for to

se me Honestlye buryed. Whom I make myn

executryces. Wyttenes of this my powre [poor] Will and Testament Syr John Bulle pryst Rycharde Maye & Margerye May w* other.

Proved at Ipswich, 8 Oct., 1538.

Dedham lies in the valley of the Stour,

which separates Essex from Suffolk. Ded-

ham is bounded by the Essex parishes of

Langham, Ardleigh, and Lawford, and the

.'Suffolk parishes of Stratford St. Mary and

East Bergholt. It is not improbable that from

'the Partridges of Shotley were descended

the Partridges whose history begins in the

registers of Stratford and the adjoining

parish of Higham in the years 1589 and 1585

respectively. See 'Partridge of Shelley Hall ' in Muskett's ' Suffolk Manorial Farui-

'liea.' ii. 165-70.

No. V.

(Book XIII. , fo. 7 b .)

In the name of god Amen I Isabell pertryche

wedowe of the p'ish of Shotteley in Suff beyng in

good mynde lawded be Jesu The iiij te daye of Apryll

& the yere of our lorde god M'cccccxxxviij"

make my last will & Testament in this man'

. & forme folowyng [fo. 8"] ffyrst I bequeth my

> soule to god to our ladye <fc to all the companye

in hevyn my body to be buryed in the cherch yarde

of Shotley I bequeth to the high Aulter ther iiij' 1 for my tythes forgotton & not don. Item I bequeth ij

Trentallys of three score masses to be said by some

honest pryst for my husbonds soule & myn ft our

ffrynds Soulls. Item I bequeth & geue to Johan

'Pette the yonger iiij nr Ewe lambys. Item I bequeth

to my doughter Elyzabeth p'trych my pece of

grounde callyd Belts the which I gaue hyr State

in tyll such tyme as the said Johan Pette com to

the age of xx t! yerys. Then she to haue yt. And yf

yt fortune hyr to dye or [before] that tyme Than

the said pece of grouude to remayno to my said

. doughter Elyzabeth & to hyr assign' in ffee Symplee

'for en'. And I will the rente therof be payde

alweys & as yt hath eu' be in the house that I dwell

in. And also I geue to the said Johan Pette my

' Ten'tt callyd Burton when she comyth to the age

aforesaid. And yf she dye a fore the age Than

my said doughter Elyzabeth to haue yt in ffee

Symplee as ys aforesaid wreton. Also I geue to

the said Johan Pette oon Brasse pott next the best

whan she comyth to the age aforesaid. The Resydue

of all my gooddys moveabylls & vnmoveabyHs wher so eu' they ley or be I geue to my said doughter

i Elyzabeth payeng my detts and honestlye buryyng me. And eu' a monge as she may be some dedys of Charytie to remembyr my soule my husbonds soule & all Oystyn soulls or cause to be don. Whom I ordeyri & make my sole executryx and

Sup'vyso r Master Symoncle Nycolls p'son of Erwar-

.'toii whom I geue iij' iiij' 1 . These be wyttcnes of

this my last will and Testament Thomas Blosse the elder Rychard Brome John Turno r Will'm Smyth and John Branston the elder.

[Fo. 8 b ] Proved at Ipswich, 5 May, 1538, by the executrix.

No. V. appears to be the last recorded will of any Partridge of Shotley, but the following notes prove that the name continued to exist in the parish. The register is incom- plete : baptisms begin in 1644, marriages in 1687/8, and burials in 1571. An examination of the last section down to 1612 brought to light eight entries relating to a family named Patrick, and also the two following, both in 1604 :

The same daie [30 of August] An infant the daughf of Thorn's patrich bur.

The 23 of December Thorn's Patrich the husband of Mary bur.

The following notes are from various sources :

1628, 22 April, marriage licence, Thomas Fuller, widower, and Alice Pattriche of Shotley, widow, to be married at S. Helen's, Ipswich.

1639, 18 Oct., administration of Alice Partrige of Shotley granted to her aunt Susan, wife of William Browne, during the minority of her sisters, Mary and Hester Fuller.

1657, 26 Nov., administration of Alice Partridge, late of Shotley, Suffolk, spinster, granted to Henry Partridge, her uncle (P.O C.).

1671, "John paterredg of Shotely singell- man and Mary Barrnard ware married the 24th of August" (Brantham parish register)

1728, marriage licence, John Partridge, of Shotley, Suffolk, to Ann Waller of the same, at Mistleigh or Manningtree. E. M.

" QUANDARY." Many speculations have been hazarded as to the origin of this word ; but we have all of us overlooked a highly important piece of evidence, to which Dr. Ellis drew attention as far back as 1871. The ' N.E.D.' gives the earliest quotation as from Lily's 'Euphues': "in a great qunn- darie," ed. Arber, p. 45, the date being 1579.

The next quotation is the very important one from Stanyhurst's ' Virgil ' (ed. Arber, p. 94) in which quanddre is so used as to show that the accent was on the penultimate, the date being 1582.

The next quotation is dated 1611. But there is another notice of the word, in 1582, which practically explains its origin. This is from Rich. Mulcaster's ' First Part of the Elementarie which 'entreateth chefelie of