Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/532

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io* s. in. JUNE 3, 1005.

.Jesse's 'Historical and Literary Memoirs,' 1900-1, IS/ 18* There is also a collection of fifty pencil drawings by Linton, 1828-9, 10?. 10s.

Mr Sydney V. Galloway, of Aberystwyth, has a good 'general catalogue, many of the books being very cheap. A copy of Brandon's Gothic Archi- tecture ' 2 vols. large 4to, new as published at 51. OS., is priced at 16*. 6d. There are a number of works under County Histories and under Classical. A CODV of Maxwell's 'House of Douglas' is 10s'., and the Whitehall edition of Shakespeare, 24s. Farmer and Henley's ' Slang Dictionary,' 7 vols. 4to, as new, -is 51. Mr. Galloway also publishes monthly lists of books relating to Wales.

List 282 of Messrs. William George's Sons, of Bristol,"comprises additions to their former lists, including a large number of tracts relating to Charles I. and the Commonwealth.

Mr William Glaisher has a supplementary cata- logue of remainders. Many of these are priced remarkably low. The last portion contains a list of French classics at 1*'. 9</. per volume.

Mr J Haslam, Talbot Court, Gracechurch Street, has a short list of general literature at popular prices.

Mr J. Jacob, Edgware Road, issues a Summer Catalogue. This opens with Martinet's series of five hundred hand - coloured plates illustrating Buffon's ' Histoire des .OtaMB.' price 151. 15s. Other items are Pine s Order of the Hath, 1/30, 61. ICs. ; Annandale's ' Encyclopedia, If vols., 21s ; the first collected edition of Landor s Works, Moxon, 1846, 40*.; Cooke Taylor's ' Life of Peel, 15s and a copy of ' Supernatural Religion, toge- ther with Lightfoot's reply, 4 vols., 30s. Under -Swinburne is the very scarce first edition ot Speci- mens of Modern Poets,' 636'.; also 'Poems and Uallads,' first series, 5?.

Mr. John Jeffery, City Road, includes in his list some interesting MSB. Under India are The Mys- tery of the Nassack Treasure, 1818, 51. 5s. ; Plan -for defending the Range of Hills from the Aumba Ghaut ' 1817, 2?. 2*. ; and ' Notes on the Insurrection of Mysore,' 1830, 21. '2s. Under Africa there are copies of correspondence relating to the attack made by emigrant Dutch farmers on the tribe of the chief Neapaye, 1840 to 1844, price 51. 5s. -Under Cambridge occur manuscript copies of the Whittle- sey Decrees and an introduction to the charter of Wisbech, 1809, -31. 3s. ; and under Jamaica is a narrative of the Wesleyan missions, also 31. 3s. There are a number of plans and old deeds.

Mr. Macphail, of Edinburgh, has in his List

No. LXXX. many books relating to Scotland, in-

cluding a set of the Preceding* of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Mr. A. Russell Smith has a catalogue of books, -chiefly of the seventeenth century. Under Carstairs are three Scottish Chap-Books, 1688-91, price 51. 15s. No other copies are believed to be known. Under iPepys is a copy of the 'Historic' of Philip de ommines, 1614. This contains an autograph in- scription by Anne Pepys. There is also a poem, "The Stout Lord Wharton,' written and signed by her A copy of Ogilby's extremely rare ' Pocket Book of Roads,' 1679. is priced 35*'. Capt. Walter ."Scot's ' Scot Family,' first edition, 1688, is 81. 8s. Lockhart relates the delight of Scott on receiving vfrom Terry the actor a copy of this book by his

namesake. There is a first edition of 'TheBooke of Honor and Armes,' 4to, 1590, 8?. 8*. This is said to be the book referred to in 'As You Like It.' There is also a most interesting list of rare and curious tracts, chronologically arranged, extending from 1585 to 1790.

Messrs. Sotheran's catalogue opens with works under America. There is a good copy of Monardes's 'Joyfull Newes out of the New-Found Worlde,' 1596, 151. 15s. Poyntz's ' Present Prospect of the Famous and Fertile Island of Tobago,' first edition, 1683, is priced 11. is. This is not in Lowndes. A fine copy of Blore's ' Monumental Remains,' 1826, is 3?. 15$. ; an uncut copy of Boccaccio, 1757, 12?. 12s. ; a fine copy of Buck's ' Antiquities,' 77?. 10s. ; and ' Don " Bowie's copy of ' Don Quixote,' Madrid, 1750, is priced 8?. 8s. This contains his notes, some of which were not published in his edition of 1781. A copy of Lord Vernon's privately printed edition of Dante is 9?. 9s. There is a set of Rowlandson, in beautiful condition, 125?. ; and a sound copy of Dugdale's 'Warwickshire,' 1730-96, is "211. 10*. Under Shakespeare are several choice items, in- cluding a fine copy of the Fourth Folio and a set bound by Lewis, 84?. Under Surrey is a copy of Manning and Bray, 22?. 10s. Eckenstein's ' Woman under Moiiasticism,' an important remainder, is 6s. 6d.

Mr. Thomas Thorp, of Reading, lias an excellent general list with many recent purchases. Under Bewick is a large collection of Chap-Books, 73 vols., 10?. 10s. These include many early juveniles. Under Brighton we notice Repton's ' Designs for the Pavi- lion,' 1808, 1?. 18s 6d. There are some beautiful subjects in the Bartolozzi style in ' The Cabinet of Genius,' 1787, 4/. 17s. Gd. A curious book is 'Vulgar Errpurs in Practice Censured,' 1659, 35*. This " contains a censure of the epidemical! practice of reproaching Red-Hair'd men." There are first editions of Dickens, George Eliot, and Swinburne. A copy of FitzGerald's 'Letters and Remains,' new, is priced 31. 13s. 6d. This is marked out of print.


We must call special attention to the following notices :

ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub- lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately

R. EDGCUMBE (" News of the Battle of Waterloo"). Mr. Leopold de Rothschild's remarks were noted at 9 th S. xi. 286.

J. C. M. ("Lycidas"). The reference is presum- ably to Milton's poem.

J^CORRIGENDA. 'The Rev. James Sterling' (ante, p. 385). The references should read as follows 8 th S. ix. 23, 195, 237, 284. J. T. P.


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