Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 3.djvu/616

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Notes and Queries, July 29, 1905.

Editorial :

'Needy Knife-grinder,' 380

Pain : again, rime, 260

Pig hanging a man, 100

Postage stamps, used, 400

Queen's uniform, 420

" Eeligion of all sensible men," 80

' Eeminiscences of Thought and Feeling,' 320

Sexdecim Valles, 129

Shakespeare (Edmond), brother of William, 340

"The breaking waves dashed high," 80

"The more 1 know of men," 120

" Though the mills of God grind slowly," 280

Washington's arms and the American flag, 420

"Write me as one who loves his fellow-men, : '480 Edmond and Edward, mediaeval use of names, 49, 163 Edmunds (A. J.) on United States of America, 326 Edward and Edmond, medizeval use of names, 49, 153 Edward VII. (King), his surname, 114, 174, 351, 412 ;

photograph in frock dress, 327

Edwards (F. A.) on English officials under foreign Governments, 214

Japan, antiquity of, 149

My Cousin's Tale of a Cock and a Bull,' 268

Bussian names, 317

" The " as part of title, 193

Travels in China, 154

Eggs, Easter, as ecclesiastical payment, 303 Egyptian Hall, Piccadilly, 163, 236, 297, 334, 411, 451 Elba, David Erskine, buried at, 407 Elderton, Winchester Commoner, 309 Elgie (J. H.) on Jules Verne : star and crescent moon,


Ellacombe (H. N.) on laurel crowns at Olympia, 87 Ellis (A. S.) on Benj. Blake: Norman : Oldmixon, 98

L'Espec (Sir Walter), 30 Elm, great hollow, at Hampstead, 187, 257 Elworthy (F. T.) on horseshoes for luck, 90

Bichard of Scotland, 14 Embassy buildings, finest, 347 Emeritus on the mussuk, 13

Photographs and lantern slides, 85

Pompelmous, 191 Emmet (Bobert), Sarah Curran and Major Sirr, 303,

413, 470 England, original meaning of the word, 16 ; its

pronunciation, 322, 393, 453, 492 England, suppression of duelling in, 16, 475 English, Algonquin element in, 34, 77 English canonized saints, 25 English commentators on Scotch words, 272 English crown jewel sold in Holland, 429, 494 English literature in the Far East, 826 Englishmen holding positions under foreign Govern- ments, 87, 129, 218, 415 Enquirer on American place-names, 188

" Heart of my heart," 29 Entwisle-Millikin families, 6 Epigrams :

If this white rose offend thy sight, 309, 354, 370, 433 When daring Bloodfirstplann'dtostealthecrown, 188 Epitaphs :

" Amplissimus Vir," 267 Chalkhill (John), 230 Edgar (Lieut. Thomas), 23

Epitaphs :

Googe (Barnabe), his 'Popish Kingdome,' 400

"He lamed singing far and near," 253

" His duty done, beneath this stone," 186

" Hush, ye fond flutterer, hush," 195

Joy (Bichard), "Herculean Hero! Fam'd for Strength," 24

Nichols (Thomas), 24

" Oh ye of Scotia's sons," 24

" Eemember we as you pass by ! " 24

San Sebastian, Spain, epitaphs at, 361

Skipp (Mr. Thomas), 8

Stolz (David), 24

"Tu qui tran&ierip, videas, sta, perlege, plora," 23

" What stronger circle can Art-magick find," 8

" Whoso thow art, wyth lovinge harte," 23 Epitaphs, their bibliography, 114, 195, 371, 437 Epsilon, explanation of the name, 228, 277 Equitas on rates in aid, 469 Erskine (David), buried at Elba, 407 Espec. See L Jpeo. Essay, its history, 148, 294 Eton lists, Mr. Clayton's collection, 87 Evangelical zoology at Vitoria, 486 Everitt (A. T.) on " Old Bell " Inn, Holborn Hill, 432 Evil eye, gesture against, 214, 314 Ewart family, 428 Ewart (A.) on Ewart family, 428 Execution, military, at Malta in 1861, 304, 375 Executions, children at, 33, 93, 495 F. (A.) on Ophelia, 249 F. (G. B.) on Progressive, 67 F. (J. T.) on " As such," 49

Bidding Prayer, 233

Cursals, 12

Dinkums, 217

Eesidence dinners at Durham, 1, 343

St. Sepulchre, 172, 295 F. (M. B.) on Dr. James Barry, 228 F. (B. W.) on Dr. James Barry, 313 F. (S. J. A.) on Dickens and Thackeray, 275

Lamb in place-names, 294

Lines on a mug, 498

Police uniforms : omnibuses, 432

" Pop goes the weasel," 492

Ealeigh's 'Historic of the World,' 275

Sailor's chanties, 49 Faber-Browne (F.) on Marriage Service, 74

Mass, solitary, 95

'Faithful Admonition,' May, 1554, 484 Fanshawe family, 327, 349, 494 Fanshawe (E.) on beautiful Miss Gunnings, 409

Fanshawe family, 327

Fanshawe (Sir H.), 451

Fanshawe (E. J.) on Parsloe's Hall, Essex, 490 Fanshawe (H. C.) on Fanshawe: Boswell: Young, 349 1

Whitehall Matted Gallery, 388 Fanshawe (Lady), her gift of amberskins, 309 Fanshawe (Sir JR.), portrait of, 451, 499 Farkers, meaning of the word, 188, 272 Farmer, his arms and implements, 353 Farmer family of Hartsbill, Warwickshire, 48 Farrell (John), manager of Pavilion Theatre, 188, 252 Farrer (W.) on the Fitzwilliams, 165

" Walkyn Silver," 170 Favourite, envied, versions of the story, 71