Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 4.djvu/313

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io"8.iv.SKPT.23,i906.] NOTES AND QUERIES. 259 Messrs. Douglas & Foulis, of Edinburgh, have a clearance catalogue of surplus books from their library. Mr. Sydney V. Galloway, of Aberystwyth, has a list of new and second-hand educational works. It includes nearly three thousand items, so purchasers will find plenty to select from. Mr. John Jeffery, of City Road, has a clearance catalogue of cheap books, tracts, population tables, and statistics of life assurance. There is a first edition of Tennyson's ' Princess,' uncut, 25s. Many items are of interest to Wesleyans. Mr. H. H. Peach, of Leicester, has specimens of early presses and Cambridge and Oxford presses. Under Architecture are Wood and Dawkins's ' Palmyra,' 101 plates, 2 vols. folio, 10*. 10*.; and Fritech's 'Architecture of the German Renais- sance ' 51. o». Other items include Bauldwin s • Moral Philosophy,' 1606, 21. : Burton's ' Arabian Nights,' 1894. 61. fia.; 'Commonwealth Tracts,' 15«.: a beautiful Psalter, printed for use in the royal chattels 1581, from the Hopetoun Collection,

tf. lis. 6W. : 'Rabelais,' 1691, 2 vols. 12mo, 25s.;

1 Lettres de Madame de SevigneY 14 vols. 8vo, Paris 1862. 21. 2*.; a collection of 54 pamphlets on Socialism, by Holyoake, Bradlaugh, W. J. Linton, and others, including autograph letters, 15s.; and a first edition of verses on the death of Dr. Swift, 1731, 1J. 12s. 6d. Heywood's ' Nine Bookes of various History concerning Women,' London, printed by Adam Islin, 1624, is 51. 10s. This is a fine copy of a rare book, being in the original calf. Under Queen Elizabeth is a copy of the tract occasioned by the successful negotiations carried on between Elizabeth's ministers and the Porte. The last three pages are occupied by invectives in French and Latin verse against the queen. One commences:— 0 Regina Anglicana Malediota & prophana Mente capta & infama Quid furis tantopere. The catalogue also contains works relating to Leicestershire, Bibliography, and Early Woodcuts. Mr. G. A. Poynder, of Reading, has a set of The Sfliiiiiaru, 24*.; the rare first edition of Bacon s 'Henry VII.1 in the original calf, 1622, 51. 5s. ; a nearly complete set of The Toiler, very rare, IT/ 10*.; Lysons's' Magna Britannia.' 6 vols., 1806-22, 51 12*. M.; Marryat's ' History of Pottery,' 1857, In 6d.; Turner's ' Ceramics of Swansea, 31. 3s. Pawkins's ' Cave-Hunting,' 1874, 21. 18s. 6rf. ; Cnvier's 'Animal Kingdom,' 16 vols., 10/. 10s.: • The Orchid Annual.' 11 voh. royal 4to, 14*. Us WickesV Mediieval Churches of England,'2*.12». 6V* There are a number of works under Berkshire Buckinghamshire, and other counties; also under Botany, Geology, and Zoology. Mr. C. Richardson, of Manchester, has a set o: the Chetham Society Publications from the com niencement in 1844 to 1903, 165 vols., origina cloth 231. 10s.; and a set of The Art Journal 1849 to 1873, 61. 10s. Other important items »re Brumoy's ' Le Theatre des Grecs," 16 vols. red morocco, 1820-25, 81. 10s.; a very fine copy of Cavendish's ' Wolsey,' 1641, 8*.; Dodsley's • Old English Plays,' with notes by Hazlitt scarce. 1874, 11.: Duruy's ' Rome/ 6 vols. 1883, 6*.; Early English Text Society, 1864-75 •fcW; Randall Holme's 'The Academy o Armory,' Chester, 1688, 151. (marked " exceedingly are"}: ' Naval Achievements of Great Britain,' 5 large coloured plates, 1816, 12*.: Pelham's- Chronicles of Crime,' 2 vols., 1841, 31. 10s.; the- ' Waverley Edition" of Scott, 1842, 11.; a first edition of'Jack Sheppard,' 3 vols., original cloth, Bentley, 1839, W. 10*. : Lodge's ' Portraits,' 1823-34, 51. 10s. ; Hayley's ' Life of Romney,' Chichester, 809, 11.; and a first edition of 'Tom Brown,' Cambridge, 1857, 10*. 10s. The last is excessively- scarce. Under Costume is Racinet's 'Le Costume- Historique.' with 500 plates, 6 vols. imp. 4to, Paris, 1888, 111. 10s. Mr. Ludwig Rosenthal, of Munich, who is well <nown for the resources his shop offers in the shape- of early and valuable books, sends us a catalogue- concerned with Hungary, Bulgaria, Servia, Rou- mania, &c., the wars of the Turks, Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta. Among many interesting items the following may be noted : Jac. Bergo- mensis. "Libellus de Claris Celestisque Mulieribus,' Paris, 1521, 80 marks ; ' Vitse et Inones' of Turkish Sultans in German, Frankfort, 1596, 150m.; 'Brevi- arium Romano-Gernianicum,' Venice, 1518, 600m.; Breviarium for Hungarian Benedictines, Venice. 1519, 1,000m.; Cicero's 'Tusculan Disputations,' Paris, 1509, 100m.; Friedel. a collection of twenty- four portraits of fighters for the independence of Greece, including Byron, 1827-9, 120m.; Inno- centius III., Bull of Indulgences for support against the Turks, 200m.: Le Qiuen, 'Oriens Christianas,1' 1740, 550m.; and ' Chronicarum et Historiarnm Epitome,1 1475, the first book printed at Lubeck. There are interesting sections of maps, plans, and engravings. Among the English items for sale are J. Richards's 'Journal of the Siege and Taking of Buda in 1686,' 18m.: ' The Military Costume of Turkey,' a series of engravings, London, 1818, 100m.; Dodwell's 'Views in Greece,' 1821, two- copies at 600m. each : a ' Relation of the late Siedge and Taking of the City of Babylon by the Turke,' translated from Zarain Aga by W. H. Ajoutei London, 1639, 75m. ; and a portrait of Byron, 1820, 50m. Messrs. Smith & Son have a good list, including- a number of new remainders at very low prices. Messrs. Sotheran's catalogue for 16 September contains on the inside cover: "In Memoriam :.- Henry Sotheran, born May 29th, 1820: died July 30th, 1905. Cujus Animse propitietur Deus." The list is, as usual, full of interest. It opens with 'The Annual Register,' 1758-1901, 311. 10s.; and among other items are an extra-illustrated copy of Palmer's 'St. Pancras." 157. 15».; Stow's 'Survey,*" sixth and best edition. 'M. 15s.; a rare early col- lection of views in London, 1753, very scarce,. 12*. 12s.; Palmer's 'Index to "The Times," '333 vols., 37*. 10s., and a larger set, 42/.; and Dallaway's ' Sussex,' 1815-30, a rare work, 42*. Sets of societies publications include the English Dialect, 157.15s. : Early English Text, 601. ; Entomological, 521. 10s. ; Geological, 33*. ; Folk-lore, 37*. 10s. Other items- are Froude's works, best editions, 21*. : a large- paper set of Granger's ' Biographical History of England.' 1824, 7*. 10s. ; ' Chronicles and Memorials- of Great Britain and Ireland,' Rolls Series, 197 vols., 1858-98, 75/.; John Heneage Jesse's works, 23 vols., 31*. 10s. ; Horsley's 'Britannia Romana,' 1732, 11. ? Humphreys's 'Illuminated Books of the Middle- Ages,' 1849, 8*. 8s.; Hoare's 'Wiltshire,' 1812-52, 56*.; Dugdale's ' Warwickshire,' 1730,19*. 19?*.; and