Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 7.djvu/643

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1907.



Dunheved on "taping shoos," 498

Durand (Col. C. J.) on Napoleon's carriage, 313

Scotch Garden of Eden, 162

West Indian military records, 156 Durham (E.) on Chavasse family, 150 Dutch words, incorrect translation into English, 346 Button and Seaman families, 266 Duynkerkers, inscribed on Delft jar, 309 Dyce's 'Skelton,' Bothambar, Bootham Bar, 165 Dyche (Thomas), his dictionary, 307 E. (C.) on Charles I., 169 E. (K. P. D.) on image of the Blessed Virgin, 9

Obsolete English games, 512

" Sham Abraham," 469 E. (L.) on Tristan and Isolde, 50 E. (S. I.) on slavery in England, 176 Eagles (John) and ' Penrose's Journal,' 148, 216, 277 Earl's Court, great wheel at, 406, 473, 515 Earl's eldest son and supporters, 332 Earthquakes and Mont Pelde, 346 East Anglia, and Virginian settlers, 329, 412 ; wooden

cups in, 489

Easter plays in Cumberland, 30 Ebsworth (J. W.) on First-footing, A.D. 1907, 5

^Scott (David), K.8.A., 186 Echidna, mythological monster, 356 Eden, Scotch Garden of, 162 Edgcumbe (R.) on Mezzofanti : Jeremiah Curtin, 6

Shakespeare's residence New Place, 66 'Edinburgh Review,' 1810, attack on Oxford, 128,

175, 190 Edinburgh stage, Bland and Glover families, 89, 131,

191, 354

Editor, use of the word author for, 226, 475 Editorial :

A sable cloud turns forth her silver lining, 60

"As much virtue as could die," 280

Barbadoes, the verb, 380

" Blessings beyond hope or thought," 40

Catholic and Roman Catholic, 180

Coke pronounced Cook, 380

Coldharbour, 200

Four Alls or Five Alls, 180

" I expect to pass through this world but once," 140

Kelty (Mary Ann), 300

Land-waiter, its meaning, 40

Lilith, Adam's first wife, 340

Music in England in Shakespeare's time, 360

Netting-mokes, 260

"O ye who patiently explore," 200

Parson's nose, 420

Peacock feathers unlucky, 240

Petty France, 120

Postage stamps first perforated, 320

" Ships that pass in the night," 200

Sidesmen's duties, 500

Snakes in Iceland or Ireland, 80

"So long," 160

" Straight is the line of duty," 140

" The hand that rocks the cradle," 140

" Tho' nature, red in tooth and claw," 40

" Tout comprendre c'est tout pardonner, " 400

'Ulalume,' by Poe, 40

"When late I attempted your pity to move," 460

" Who shall decide when doctors disagree," 220

Year-date, double, GO

Edward I., his daughter Eleanor, her pedigree, 229

Edward IV., his wooing at Grafton, 27

Eleanor, daughter of Edward I., her pedigree, 229

Eleanor of Castile, her tomb, 8, 57, 257

Election of Chancellor of Oxford, voting papers, 326

Eliot (George) and Charles Dickens, 13

Ell (H. G.) on Ell family, 163

Ell family, 163

Ellis (A. S.) on St. George : 455

Ellis (R.) on Wordsworth's primrose, 28

Elm, Great Hollow, at Hampstead, 234

Elmfield House, Teddington, pictures of Sibyls at, 88, 136, 194

Elshie on Scott's Black Dwarf,' 168

Ely House or Albemarle House, Dover Street, 268, 312

Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln's, 1863, 41

Embo baronetcy mysteries, 246, 315, 372

Engine house, octagonal, on Hampstead Heath, its demolition, 424, 513

Engineers, portraits of, 347, 514

England (E. B.) on Dubourdieu and England families, 110

England and Dubourdieu families, 110

England, Victor Hugo's property in, 33 ; Latin pro- nunciation in, 108, 170, 294; slavery in, 1764, 149, 176 ; earliest instance of beheading, 487

English, Californian, 36, 136, 154, 197

English canonized saints, 497

English Catholic on Queen Victoria of Spain, 76

English spelling, its reform, 51

Enigma on musical genius, 170

Enniskilling, Inniskilling, spelling of the name, 269

Enquirer on badges of the City guilds, 347 Charters to City guilds, 347

Epigrams :

Era quarto, e poi fit terzo, 506 Greek, 297

He first was fourth and then was third, 506 L'autre jour, au fond d'un vallon, 246, 297 O Charidas, what is there down below, 228, 274, 412

Epitaphs :

Admiral Christ. 38, 475

Affliction sore, 137

As much virtue as could die,' 280

Blest was the prophet in his heavenly shade, 267

Bone Deus, 29

Death creeps Abought on hard, 423, 516

From rageing storms at sea, 38, 475

Greek, 387, 436

Henry Abbot dead, 113

Here lieth the body of Samuel Tyler, 423, 516

Here lieth ye body of Robert Bideel. 423, 516

Here lyeth Interred the body of lohn Benbow

Esq., 116

Quse linquam, aut nihil, aut nihili, 387, 436 Stay, passenger, and contemplate, 76 Tho' boreas blasts, and neptune waves, 38, 475 'Tis gone with its thorns and its roses, 5 What things I leave are nought, 387, 436 What we say of a thing that has just come in

fashion, 27

Eques auratus, English equivalent of the term, 109 " Erasmus Rogers " in Acton's ' Lectures on Modern

History,' 487 Erbury (W.), his Scourge for the Assirian,' 208, 373