Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/482

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NOTES AND QUERIES, no s. vm. NOV. i6, 1907

11. Is. A copy of Hewitt's 'Northern Heights of London,' extended to 2 vols. by the insertion of 133 .additional plates, is 4. Under Leech will be found the first edition of A' Beckett's ' Comic History/ Ql. 9s. ; & n( i under Panoramas a collection of 97 descriptive pamphlets of Barker and Burford's in Leicester Square, folding plates and diagrams, 5 vols., gvo half-calf, 1812-57, '21. 10*. There are first editions of Dickens, Thackeray, and Alken, The list under Military includes Heath's ' Costume of the British Cavalry,' 731. 10s. ; and the 'Armies .of Europe,' Goddard & Booth, 1812-22, 311. 15s.

Mr. Chas. J. Sawyer sends us his Catalogue of Remainders. There are works relating to Africa, Agriculture, and French and German literature, besides choice illustrated books.

Mr. A. Russell Smith's List 59 contains under 400 items, but is full of interest. There is a splendid series of Clouet's portraits, 2 vols., royal folio, 41 10s. Lewis's ' Abbey of Faversham,' is 4. 4s. Under Plague of London is a curious tract purport- ing to be written by the Lord Chancellor of Eng- land to that of France, St. Omer, 1626, II. Is. Raw- linson's ' English Topographer,' 1720, is 51. 5s. ; G Sandy's 'Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems,' folio 1638, 31. 3s. ; Wither's ' Narrative of the Plague,' 12mo, first edition, 1628, 51. 5s. ; ' The Antiquarian Repertory,' 4 vols., royal 4to, 1807, 3L to ?; Hayne's 'Life of Luther,' 1641, 4to, 21. 2s. ; and Pope's Works, first collected edition, a fine copy 1717. 51' 15*- Under South Sea Bubble is a .collection of 81 Dutch plates, 1720, 81. There are a number of American maps dating from 1580.

Mr. James Thin, of Edinburgh, has in his List 156 a number of interesting works relating to Scotland. 'These include MacGibbori and Ross's 'Castellated and Domestic Architecture,' 5 vols., 8/. 15s. ; their ' Ecclesiastical Architecture,' 3 vols., 31. 15s. ; the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scot- land, 1851-1902,' 36 vols., SI. 10s. ; Anderson's 'Fac- similes of Charters,' Edinburgh, 1739. 3/. 3s. ; first edition of Hogg's ' Jacobite Relics,' I/. 2*. ; and ' Scottish Charms and Amulets,' by George F. Black, '7s. Gd. There are a number of works on botany, geology, natural history, &c. Among the general entries are Bohn's extra volumes, 7 vols., 37. 15s. ; the Bronte Novels, 12 vols., 8vo, 21. 15s. ; The Com- hill, 1860-1906, 10/. ; first edition of ' Adam Bede,' \l 8s Grose's ' Military Antiquities,' 2 vols., folio, 1812 '21. 2s.; The Portfolio, 1870-98, 181.; and The Studio, 1893-1906, 121. 12s. There is a fine set of Nichols's 'Literary Anecdotes,' 17 vols., new half- .calf, 1812-58, 91. 8s.

Messrs. Henry Young & Sons, of Liverpool, have in their Catalogue CCCLXXXVI. the famous Banier Ovid, first edition, which is very rare. This copy is bound in the original French calf, and the engravings (which number 140 magnificent plates, besides 50 vignettes) are acknowledged to be among the finest produced by the French artists of the . eighteenth century, 4 vols., 4to, Paris, 1767-71, 251. A copy of Pickering's edition of 'The Complete Angler,' 1836, is priced KM. 10s. Under Binding is Camden's collection of Chronicles, first edition, in very fine James I. binding, 21/. ; and under Cervantes the scarce edition of 'Don Quixote,' by Jarvis, with Clark's engravings, 4 vols., 6V. 6s. Under Chaucer is the 1561 edition, which Prof, bkeat styles "one of the two representative editions. 'This copy is bound in the finest dark-red levant,

211. Other first editions include ' In Memoriam,' 51. 5s. (very scarce : many variations in succeeding editions); Keats's ' Endymion,' 18/. 18s.; Shelley^ ' Posthumous Poems,' 87. 8s. ; ' The Masque of Anarchy,' 4^. 4s. ; and Cowper's Poems, 31. 15s. Choice illustrated works include ' The Florence Gallery,' 18/. 18s.; Voltaire's 'La Henriade,' 6/. 6*.; and 'Les Graces,' after drawings by Le Jeune and Gravelot, 51. 5s. There are portraits of the Tudor period engraved by Bartolozzi in facsimile of Holbein.

s to C0mspontonts.

We must call special attention to the following notices :

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F. F. K. ("Adam Buck's Portraits "). You will find information about this artist at 9 S. vii. 361, 472.

FLORIDA ("Strada and Wireless Telegraphy"). See the full discussion at 9 S. ii. 1S4, 276, 471, 517.


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