Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/639

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1008.



Frost (F. C.), on Dyspeptic History of Stafford, 290

Proverbs, two old, 55

Fry (E. A.) on schools during the Civil War, 395 Fulcenale, in old inquisition, its etymology, 92, 296 Funeral and burial, o. 1413, distinction between, 9, 73 Funeral and right of way, 120 Fynmore (R. J.) on Archbishop Blackburn, 415

Blackwell (Barnaby), banker, 73

Bream's Buildings, 206

Common hangman, 336

Cooke (Sir Anthony), his wife, 75

Demont (Matthew Diamondbuld), 69

Diabolo : lorio, 374

Eburne's ' Plaine Pathway,' 1624, 410

Effigies of heroic size in churches, 433

Hamlet as a Christian name, 155

Hutchinson (Col.) and Sandown Castle, 190

Isles family, 17

Iver, Bucks : Gallyhill, 77

Kay, Clerk of the Green Clotb, 271

Keyes (Thomas), 147

Ladies riding sideways, 235

" Lombard Street to a China orange," 136

Men of family as parish clerks, 517

Monoux (Sir George), 91

Neale (Admiral) and Atkinson family, 418

Nelson and Walmer Castle, 310

Peirce (Sir Edmund), Kt., 490

Poll-books, 76

Princess Royal, the title, 35

Sweera (Cornelius), 230 G-. (A. J. C.) on Samuel Nettleship, 170 G. (G. J.) on Dickens quotation, 210 G. (J. D.) on authors of quotations, 508 G. (P. T.) on bus for omnibus, 147

Pie : tart, 134

G. (M. N.) on Fouch6 on Mary Stuart, 49 Gage family, notes on early members, 241 Galleywood, near Chelmsford, race-course round the

church, 77

Gambler detected at Scarborough, 189 Games: Diabolo: lorio, 65, 287,' 374 ; bumble-puppy, 72, 293 ; children's action, 206 ; medieeval, 369, 456 ; spellicans, 449 ; " Noble Duke of York," 494 Gamester's superstition : lizard with two tails, 328, 391 Gandy (E.) on beer sold without a licence, 232

Estates held by peculiar tenures, 389 Gandy (J. P.), R.A. ; designer of Exeter Hall, 337 ' Gard. Chron.' on Cox's orange pippins, 33 Garden song in ' Quality Street,' 129 Gardiner (R F.) on pie : tart, 432 Garibaldi in England, his visit to Mazzini's grave, 86 Garnet (Henry), Jesuit, his birthplace, 446 Gascoigne (George), poet, his biography, 189 Gates, lych, in England, 268, 354 Gatton (Sarah) = Richard Cromwell, 408 Gearing (H.) on antelope as crest, 229

Cape Town Cemetery, 106, 253 Gemmell (W.) on dapifer : ostiarius, 48

Kilmarnock document of 1547, 271 Genealogical notes in books, 381 Genealogical queries, 189 Genealogist on Scully family of Tipperary, 347 'Genealogist's Guide,' Marshall's, supplement to, 52,

153 Genius, musical, 33 ; its definition, 320

George I. the nightingale and death. 57, 192, 354 George III.: Southy's 'Authentic Memoirs ' of, 27, 72 ;

his daughters, 29 ; and Hannah Lightfoot, 321, 402,

483 ; and Lady Sarah Lennox, 387 George IV., ' Diary illustrative of Times of,' 387. 455 German Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 389, 457 German Encyclopaedia, best, 389, 457 Germany, English players in, 1592, 305, 412, 518 Gibbon (E.), errors in Brougham's life of, 386 Gibbons (Elizabeth) = Matthew Diamondbuld Demont,

69, 213

Gifford family of King Somborne, Hampshire, 489 bilbert (G.) on Mrs. Quentin, 230 Gilby (Antony), friend of Calvin and Knox, 131 Gilmour (W. T.) on 'The Outlaw,' 231 Girardin (Madame de), formerly Delphine Gay, 169 Gladstone (W. E.): his translation of "Rock of

Ages," 17 ; and "local option," 50, 196 Glasgow, Provand's Lordship Dinner at, 406, 497 Glenara, origin of the word, 449 Glencoe massacre, 20 Globetrotter, derivation of the word, 485 Gloucestershire, Victoria History of, corrections, 304 Goat's blood and diamonds, 270, 356, 456 Godolphin (Lord Treasurer), Kneller's picture, 210, 272 "Golden Angel," St. Paul's Churchyard, 33, 216 Goldsborough shield, its peculiar charges, 271 Goldsmiths' Company, memorials, 1335-1815, 194 Good (Dr.), Master of Balliol College, Oxford, 128, 215 Good (S. H.) on Dr. Good of Balliol, 128 Good (William), Jesuit, 190, 437 Goodridge or Gutteridge family, 28, 217 Goodwin (Thomas) and Fetter Lano, c. 1666, 1 94 Goose, its rump and drinking bouts, c. 1627, 493 Gordon and Rose families, 8, 95

Gordon (Archer), colonel in service of Isabella II., 8 Gordon (James), of the Surtees Society, 290 Gordon (Rev. John) and ' New Statistical Account of

Scotland,' 190

Gordon ( Miss) = Barnaby Back well, banker, 30, 72 " Gordon case " and Pope Clement XI., 450 Gordon riots and shot-marks on St. George's, Hanover

Square, 455

Gosling (Mrs. O.) on Mary Farrah, 387 Gosling family, 209, 255, 412 Gosnold (Bartholomew), d. 1607, navigator, 231 Gosselin-Grimshawe (H. R. H.) on Plaistow and

William Allen, 189

Gotham in Derbyshire, origin of the place-name, 8 Gould (I. Chalkley), his death, 320 Goumiersor Kroumiers, Morocco tribal name, 247, 296 Gourbillon (Madame), her rescue of Louis XVIII. as

Comte de Provence, 1 70

Gowdike, use and meaning of the word, 131, 214 Graham (Sir James), electioneering experience, 46 Graham-Easton (W. M.) on sword of Bruce, 261, 334

Thaw as surname, 250

Grant (Sir F.), his 'Melton Breakfast,' 269, 315, 333 Grant (Rev. Richard), d. 1826, his portrait, 108 Grave (Robert), father and son, 28, 110, 174 Graves (Algernon) on Robert Grave, printseller, 110 Gravestones in mediaeval churchyards, 390, 452 Gravity, laws of, and the ancient Greeks, 210, 394 Gray (T.), his letters, 68 Great Russell Street, C. and M. Lamb in, 421 Great Wyrley, pronunciation of the place-nam 247