Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/642

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1908.

Hughes (T. Cann) on Paul Braddon, 489

Defunct periodicals, 347

Lancaster Bridge, 168

Pageants, 327

Hugo (Victor) on Provencal folk-songs, 90, 488 Hulton (B.) on ' Into Thy Hands, O Lord,' 396 Hume (J.) : his relations with Ilousseau, 106 ; his

papers, 1823-32, 268, 315 Humphreys (A. L.) on ' Plaine Pathway," 452

Wilscombe Club, 134

Huntingdonshire, St. Ives booksellers and printers, 201 Hustings Courts, Cheshire, wills in, 170 Hutchinson (Col.) and Sandown Castle, Kent, 190 Button (James) and English Moravianism, 1738, 502 Hyde (Anne)=Samuel Ibbotson. 408 Hyett (F. A.) on 'Victoria History of Gloucester- shire,' 304

Hymn : " Rock of Ages," Latin version, 17 Ibbotson (Samuel) = Anne Hyde, 408 Idolatrous folk-lore in Brittany, 409 ' Ignes Fatui,' Hudibrastir. poem, published 1810, 408 lies du Salut: Devil's Island, its history, 108, 175 Incached, meaning of the word, 1589, 90, 235, 273 Inches Volunteers, 1797-1800, MS. cash-book, 224 Inder family, 507

Index nominum et locorum to the 'D.N.B.,' 161 India, T. L. Peacock and the Overland route, 121 Indian Mutiny, and Nana Sahib, 248, 316 ; Lieut.

Hodson, 348, 414 Inns, London coaching, 1680, 1

Inns of Court, minor, their Admission Registers, 428 Inmatecy, use of the word, 1807, 187 Inquirer on Bede's translation of Fourth Gospel, 130 Inscription in uncials on tablet at Bath, 95 Inscriptions, their preservation. 201, 275, 433 Inscriptions in old Protestant Cemetery at Naples, 62,

161, 242, 362, 423 'Into Thy Hands, O Lord,' oil painting by Mr. Briton

Riviere, 330, 396

Inventories of City churches, o. 1667-8, 389 Ipse on possessive case of nouns ending in s, 107 Ireland, English regiments in, 1820-30, 30 Ireland under the Tudors, 29, 93 Irish girl and Barbary pirates, poem on, 13 Irish Parliament, history of, 190 Irish pedigrees, 29, 93 Irish Eebellion, 1798, its historians, 69 Iron manufacture, use of bloom in, 26 Isles family, 17, 112 Iver, Bucks : Gallyhill, 77 J. (D.) on Prince of Monaco's letters, 83

Pie : tart, 494

J. (E. W.) on stake in racing, 270 J. (P.) on Eton House, Kent, 290 J. (W. C.) on London remains, 337

Tottenham Churchyard, Middlesex, 247, 437 Jackson (Lodowicke), c. 1666, his biography, 388 Jacobite rebellions, Highlanders barbadosed after,

68, 135, 176, 235, 317

Jag, meanings of the word, 5, 113, 294, 372, 475, 493 Jaggard (W.) on autochrome, 426

Bidding Prayer, 295

' Book-Prices Current ' Index, 366

Cemetery consecration, 153

Cricket report, earliest, 75

Dry, as applied to spirituous liquors, 371

Jaggard (W.) on Fleet Street, No. 7, 351

Lowe and Wright, 33

Lucy (Sir Thomas), 74

Radiogram : radiographic, 247

Shaw (Stebbing), Staffordshire MSS., 116 Jamaica records, 29, 274, 377, 478 James (John), architect, d. 1746, his biography, 5 Japanese arrow-breaking story, 25 Japanese crab and moon folk-lore, 186 Japanese life- star folk-lore, 34 Japanese lyrics, 34 Jarratt (F.) on Hamlet Fairchild, 436

Legislation against profanity, 269

S, its long and short forms, 372

Suck-bottle : feeding-bottle, 355 Jealousy in seventeenth-century story, 369, 436 Jem the Penman, forger, his biography, 410, 512 Jerram (C. S.) on ' Alonzo the Brave,' 169

Wy in Hampshire, 158

Jerrold (W.) on " Peccavi ": "I have Sindh," 473 Jesuit, first English, 190, 437 Johnson (Andrew), 1660-1729, 382, 462 Johnson (C.) on Hamlet Fairchild, 329 Johnson (H.) on abolition of deodands, 129 Johnson (H. H.) on Gula Augusti, 36

Thiggyng : fulcenale : ware-londes, 92 Johnson (Isaac), c. 1712, 283 Johnson (Michael), c. 1663-81, 282 Johnson (Nathaniel), d. March, 1736/7, 281 Johnson (Dr. S.) : and dish of palates, 29; Dr. John Swan and Dr. Watts, 178 ; his ancestors and con- nexions, 281, 382, 462 ; cancelled legacy to, 283 ; his first visit to London, 382 ; the hour of his birth, ib. ; his china teapot, il. Johnston (G. T.) on Glenara, 449 Jonas (A. C.) on Kilmarnock document of 1547, 412 Jones (D.) on Tottenham Churchyard, Middlesex, 356 Jones (J. B.) on 'Ignes Fatui,' Hudibrastic poem, 408

Shrewsbury clock : " Point of war," 96 Jones (T.) on Shakespeariana, 165, 504, 505 Jones-Graeme (Lieut.-Col.), his biography, 27 Jubilee of ' The City Press,' 81, 103, 122, 142 Judas Iscariot and elder-bush folk-lore, 131, 211 Juries, butchers exempted from, 17 Juvisy, French place-name, its etymology, 365, 494 K. (F.) on Bouvear, Bouviere, or Beauvais, 414

Pre-Reformation parsonages, 41 4 K. (F. F.) on London remains, 392

' Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford,' 449 K. (G.) on moke, a donkey, 257 K. (H.) on christening the dead, 405

Good King Wenceslaus, 33

Peroun, 331

Quattrocento, 258

K. (J. H.) on A in Shropshire and Worcestershire, 77 K. (K.) on authors of quotations, 388

Eighteenth century queries, 369

London queries of eighteenth century, 388 K. (L. E. B.) on suck- bottle : feeding-bottle, 355 K. (L. L.) on arms of Mauritius, 446

Hemiette Marie, Princess Palatine, 425

Krapina, 476

Kay, Clerk of the Green Cloth, 271 Kebbell (M.) on "Lombard Street to China orange," 7 Keble (J.), "eager bound" in 'Christian Year,' 92, 197 Keelhaul, c. 1696, explanation of the word, 54, 216