Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/100

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"Disraeli (Benjamin), his phrase " blunlering and plundering," ii. 267 ; ' Political Adventures of Lord Beasonsfield,' 268, 317 ; identity of Henrietta Temple, 425 ; and Macready, 506 ; his baptism and S. Rogers, iii. 268, 314 ; and Madame D'Arblay, 348 ; and E. Bulwer (Lord Lytton), iv. 25; called "a harp struck by lightning," 449, 498 ; his novel ' Walstein,' v. 347 ; Lord Lytton and ' Vivian Grey,' 445 ; his 'Vivian Grey,' vii. 409; commemorative tablet, viii. 119 ; quotations and statements, 170, 216, 255 ; juvenilia, ix. 125 ; the elder at Stoke Newington, 1800, x. 287 ; his allusion to " Emanuel," xi. 301, 390, 477 ; xii. 18, 89 ; his eulogy of Bloomfield, 29 ; his description of Thames Street, 359, 405 ; references in his works, 361, 406

"D 'Israeli (Isaac), his first appearance in print, 1784, viii. 86

Disraelis, their burial-place, viii. 154, 217

Diss, Norfolk border town, i. 94

Dissenters, Protestant, registers of, ix. 489 ; x. 30, 93, 193

Dissenters and Charles Dickens, v. 461, 511

" Distoneth," meaning of the word, viii. 88

" Distribute," printers' phrase, early use of, x. 106

Ditchfield (P. H.) on old squires of England, iii. 227

' Dives and Pauper,' dialogue, c. 1400, author of, iv. 321, 358, 527 ; v. 54

Divorce case, Stair, 1820, ii. 489 ; iii. 74, 174

Divorced persons, marriage of, temp. Elizabeth, iii. 226, 478

Dixon (Elizabeth), Quaker, her biography, iii. 109

Dixon (Ronald), on Arundel of Clerkenwell (Sir John), vi. 96 Brodribb of Somerset : Sir Henry Irving, vi. 31 Brown (Jessie) and the relief of Lucknow, iv. 328 Cassiterides, Scilly Isles, and Lyonesse, iv. 286 ; vi. 88 " Cousins and half-cousins," ix. 273 Families : duration in male line, vi. 114, 273 Fullwood, Halley, Parry, Pyke, vii. 277 -Garge, destruction of library at, by Wellington, v. 506 Geffery le Bakes'ter de Loffithe, iii. 207 Grahame (Cle- mentina Stirling), ix. 236 Hellings family, iv. 267 ' Jane Shore,' ii. 116 Ladies and univer- sity degrees, ii. 395 M.P.'s unidentified, ii. 173

Mansel family, iii. 433 Palm the bookseller,

shot by Napoleon, x. 196 Piper (Henry Hunt), vi. 176, 216, 236 Pole (Geoffrey), iii. 112 Smeaton (Lords), iii. 209 Sybil, Queen of Scotland, her parentage, iii. 116 " ToMching for a loan," vi. 314 "Dixon (W.) on burlesque sermon, xii. 110

Dobbs (E. Wilson) on Australian coat of arms, v. 44 ; Queen Mary's armorial bearings at the Coronation, iv. 467 ; royal arms, viii. 349

Dobell (Bertram) on ' Memoirs of Sir J. Langham, Baronet,' viii. 281 ; unique book : Anna Trapnel, ix. 221

Doble (Henry), Etonian, 1757, x. 211

" Docky down " =all at once, vii. 470

Doctor on 'The Death- Killing Doctor,' i. 249

Doctors, James I. on iv. 148

'Doctors, " Jockey Doctors," temp. Charles II., iv. 470 ; v. 517, vii. 218 ; women, v. 65, 187, 318

~' Dr. Fell,' epigram adapted from Martial, v. 490 "Documents, American historical, from 1540, iv. 268

Documents, official, advertisements on, xii. 240

Dodd family, ix. 329, 413

Dodd (Dr.), his sermon, 1769, iv. 445

Dodd (E. W.) on Lope de Vega's ghost story, xi.

Dodd (Loudon) on Sherlock Holmes : his methods and literary pedigree, x. 309

Dodds (Edwin) on Cumberland epitaph, v. 372 ; Swinburne Hall, co. Yorks, ix. 9

Dodds (M- H.) on Austen (Jane) and the word " manor," v. 412 ; and Columella, x. 453 ; Godmersham, vii. 116 Authors of quotations wanted, vii. 257 ; viii. 396 ; ix. 315 Bulmer (Lady) alias Margaret Cheyne, iv. 448 Bur- lesques of mystery plays, ix. 34 ' Cecilia Bodenham,' a portrait by Holbein, xi. 231 Chantries, xi. 443 Chelsea, books on, x. 57 Chesapeake and Shannon, xii. 58 Complete versions wanted, x. 433 Death folk-lore, ix. 352 Died in his coffin, vii. 96 Dreams and literature, x. 512 ; xi. 326 East Anglican families, vi. 312 Edward VI., birth of, xii. 106 -" Forth shall come an Aske," xii. 125 Garabaldi : reference wanted, viii. 368 Hamilton Hill, Lines, v. 468 Helmet worn at Flodden Field, x. 392" Killing the calf in high style," vii. 315 Lady Chapel, dedication of, xii. 230 Lamb or Lambe, vii. 252 ' Margiana,' vii. 233 Memory game, vii. 97 ' Northanger Abbey,' novels in, vi. 449 " Of sorts,' vii. 136 Poem wanted, x. 277 " Queen Elinor in the ballad," x. 195 " Ouerke of the sea," vii. 476 " Raising feast," viii. 134 Redcoats, viii. 296 Royalty, sanctity of, vii. 335 ; viii. 72 Sambel (Suinbel) : Wells, ix. 18 Scarlet gloves and Tractariaiis, viii. 509 Scott's poems on the battle-field, x. 366 Scott's ' Rob Roy,' x. 54 Smith's (Horace) verses on surnames, viii. 73 " Topping of the land," vii. 138 Trial for treason, employment of counsel in, vi. 113 " Vicar of Bray " : " pudding time," vii. 215

Dodds (R.) on Jacques Daitnell, vi. 90 ; English chanteys, vii. 370

Dodekanisa, topographical misnomer, viii. 167

Dodge (F.) on Beazant family, v. 71

Dodgson (E. S.) on Christ's " Seven Eyes " in Welsh poetry, xii. 420 ; Fromond's Chantry at Winchester, 509 ; ' Lady of Elche,' 428 ; " Lienin." 321 ; Maistre (J. G. Le), novelist, 1800, 480 ; Meaning of " Trent," 502 ; " Sancte Jaco a Compostel," 309 ; " Tinckle " for " tickle," 419

Dodington (George Bubb), his literary circle, i. 70, 443; ii. 10; Lord Melcombe, his MS. correspondence, x. 9

Dods (Meg), and t' The Cooi and Housewife's Manual,' iii. 209, 257

DOT as the friend of man, ii. 522 ; Hi. 51, 175

' Dog in the Service of Primitive Man,' paper on,

Dog, monument to, at Quilon, iv. 49 Dogs, black, apparitions of, v. 185, 296, 415 Dogs, breed of, in Castle Howard Mabuse, iv. 227 Dogs, history of the Skye terrier breed, x. 250, 291 Dogs allowed to enter churches, v. 209, 294, 395,

517 Dogs on brasses and stone effigies, iii. 208, 310,

376, 451 Dogs on tombs, earliest known date, vi. 129, 195,

253, 374