Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/158

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Hymns, by W. E. Gladstone, published 1898, vi. 449 ; for Easter Day, c. 1270, xi. 335 ; for the Lord's Supper, 1700, xi. 335 ; Latin, by St. Bernard of Clairvaux, ii. 428; Latin Pagan, collection of, vi. 250, 370 ; " Weep, Holy Angels ! Lo ! your God," viii. 268

Hyndman (William) of Coventry, his will, 1558, vi. 341

"" Hypergamy," etymology of the wood, vii. 229, 275

Hypnosis, weight of a person in, xii. 119, 189, 249

Sysing or Huysing (H.), b. 1678, d. c. 1752, vii. 168

Hytch (F. J.) on author wanted, ix. 113 Hotten (John Camden), xi. 357 ; xii. 270' Parson and the Painter,' ii. 477 Phen4 (Dr. John Samuel), ix. 457 Portrait : identification sought, vii. 289 ' Shotover Papers ; or, Echoes from Oxford,' v. 521 " Slang Dic- tionary," xi. 30

Hythe Church, hatchment in, 1638, ii. 529

"I" or "we" in authorship, x. 288, 336, 433,

514 I. on acrostics, x. 129 Lawyers in literature, x.

216 ' Salogne ' : a prophecy, x. 210 J. <A. N.) on Alexander Innes, D.D., x. 29 J. (H. B.) on Ingepenne (Inkpen), Cos. Hants,

Berks, and Cornwall, vii. 248 I. (P.) on authors of quotations wanted, v. 68 I. (T. B.) on the Brazils, i. 394 J. (W.) on " Winchester Quart " : " Corbyn," ii.


" I am paid regular wages," grammatical con- struction, iv. 287, 356, 437, 491 ' Ian Roy,' by Urquhart Forbes, v. 110 ; vii. 54,

98 J'Anson, explanation of the surname, v. 330. 416,

497 ; vi. 70

Ibberson (A. E.) on Morlena Fenwig, iv. 130 Jbbetson (Denzil), officer and portriatist at St.

Helena, iii. 327, 391 Ibbetson (Henry), Westminster scholar, 1732, iii.

129 Ibbetson (Samuel), Westminster scholar, 1717, iii.


.jEbershoff (C. H.) on ' Ethics of the Dust,' x. 36 Ice, Its use for the table and medical purposes,

ix. 469, 512 ; x. 73 ; xi. 270 'Iceland, snakes of, a " chapter " on, xi. 249 Icelandic MSS. in a sale, 1788, xi. 375 " Ice Saints." English references to xi. 451 ; xii.

18, 71

Ichabod as an exclamation, xi. 110 Ickleton or Icknield Way, its spelling i. 25 " Idea," modern pronunciation of the word, v. 367,


Idea (Paul), d. 1514, brass to, at Penshurst, ix. 28 " lebie horse," the meaning of, x. 130, 175 " I fegs," meaning of the phrase, iii. 206 " Ignoble tobagie," Michelet's, quoted by

Stevenson, iv. 248

Jgnoramus on safety in a thunderstorm, x. 49 Ikenilde Street, identification of, xi. 281 Ikin (A. J.) on author of quotation wanted, v. 28 Ikon, Russian, initials on, i. 487 ; ii. 32 Jkona on authors of quotations wanted, iii. 409

" He," the termination, its pronunciation, ix. 45 Ilfracombe= Alfred's Oombe ? 1283, ix. 50, 177 Iliff (Rev. ), Westminster School master, iv.

210, 537

" Iling," meaning of the word, 1750, viii. 29, 114 Hive (Thomas), London printer, c. 1705, xi. 49 :

xii. 139, 205

Illegitimacy in the Middle Ages, viii. 9, 96, 253 ' Illustrated London News,' and postage, x. 250 Image of All Saints, form of, xi. 300, 386, 456 " Immorigeris," meaning of the word, xi. 361 Impey (Sir Elijah), his London home, xi. 394 " Impression " and " edition,'.' publishers use of

the words, vii. 90, 172

Imprisonment in Jersey, Scilly Isles, &c., v. 368 " In black and white," use of the phrase in 1598,

iii. 206

Ince (W.), Rector of Patney, 1708, vi. 370, 415 " Inck," surnames with the terminal, x. 268, 318 Incumbents, list of, of Rhoscrowther, Pembroke- shire, iv. 349 ' Ind^pendance Beige,' its publication during

the German invasion, 1914, x. 345 ' Index,' Roman, English authors placed on the,

1600-1750, xife 333 Index to Foxe's ' Acts and Monuments,' i. 248.

334, 395 Index to the Christian Fathers, i. 248, 334, 453 ;

ii. 54 Indexes Locorum to printed parish registers, iii.

186, 256, 276, 498 Indexes to newspapers, ix. 187 Index-making, strange vagaries of, xii. 7, 108 India, Duke of Wellington on the loss of, ii. 286 ;

lotus as emblem of, iv. 27, 72 ; relic of Bona- parte found in, 284 ; portrait found in a bazaar,

505 ; records of navigation in, vii. 9, 37 ;

religious rights of, vii. 346 ; German critics of,

x. 470

India and Iran, personal names in, ix. 7, 77 Indian aerial post, iii. 265 Indian custom, knots as reminder, ii. 506 Indian monument in Oxfordshire, vi. 286 Indian plants : Vata tree, Gangapatro, viii. 369 Indian Queens, Cornish place-names, iv. 128 Indian settlement, British Columbia, oldest, viii.

424 India paper, Oxford, history of its discovery, iii.


Indicus on street nomenclature, iv. 187 Indomitable, as Christian name, vii. 446 Indulgence in aid of Rickmansworth Church, i.

245 Infantry, British, " the best in the world," viii.

428, 491 Infinitive, split, the use of, xii. 198, 251, 310,

350, 385, 427, 468

" Infit," corresponding to an outfit, 1841, ix. 105 Influenza, Isle of St. Kilda and, viii. 126 Information Bureau, Lord Truro's, vi. 251, 335,

412, 511 Infra Aldrichgate on Lord Mayor's Visitors'

Books, i. 64 Ingalls or Inglis (Frances Erskine) =Seiior Calderon

de la Barca, 1838. vi. 148, 376 Ingelo family, vii. 209 Ingersley (R. M.) on Nixon, viii. 455 Poet's

birthplaces, x. 329 Staffordshire poets, ix. 448 Ingham (Sir John de), his pedigree, x. 150 Ingleby (A.) on Authorized Version of the Bible,

xii. 183