Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/160

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"" Into we," meaning of the word, viii. 449 Inventions during the Commonwealth and Pro- tectorate, protection of, vii. 162 Inventory of the fifteenth century, vi. 227 ; of

1701, vi. 108

Inverness, bibliography of the town, xi. 67 Inverness Burgess Act and W. Curtis, viii. 128,


Inver-Slaney on Highland clan tartan, viii. 209 "" Inward " and " outward," use of the words,

xii. 267 .Inwood or Inward family, viii. 208, 277, 295 ;

ix. 517 ; xii. 386, 430

lona, derivation of the place-name, ix. 490 ; x. 18 Ionia on ' Hamlet ' in 1585, iii. 267, 398 Iorwerth = Edward, in Welsh, i. 387, 490 : ii. 34 lorwerth ab Espus of Glamorgan, 1194, x. 187 -" Ipecacuanha " in verse, iv. 102, 152, 276 Ipswich, " the Manor of Herald at," xii. 140 Iran and India, personal names in, ix. 7, 77 -Ireland, allusion in rime to stolen shire, v. 468 ; vi. 212, 496 Arms of. xii. 424, 490 Expedition to, 1571, and Capt. T. Smith, iii. 286 Iron trade in, c. 1760, iii. 3, 295 Map of, its date, ix. 208, 254, 273, 297 Lord Lieutenancy, Abp. Whately on, ii. 288, 353 Lords Lieute- nant, secretaries of, ii. 233 Milton's visit to, iii. 328, 453 -Petition about a schoolmaster, xi. 376 " Tracked " stones found in, ii. 288 Trade companies in, before 1750, vii. 70 Union (legislative) with Great Britain, medal relating to, 1800, vii. 489

Hreland = Eierland, etymological error, viii. 146 Ireland (George), Oxford, 1736, iv. 210 Ireland (S. W. H.), his poem ' The Fisher Boy,'

ix. 291, 333 Ireland (W. and G.), 1827, and W. H. Ireland,

iii. 128

Ireland (W. H.), his ' Life of Napoleon,' vii. 50 Ireton (General), date of his death, i. 86, 315 Irish (Anglo-Irish) families, Taylor of Ballyhaise.

vii. 16, 138, 214 .Irish Annals, 1056-1636, xi. 449 Irish Book of Remembrance, 1800, ii. 70, 114 Irish counties and towns, bibliography of histories

of, xi. 103, 183, 315 : xii. 24, 210, 276, 375 Irish family histories, vii. 483 : viii. 124, 173, 213,

335, 403 ; ix. 24, 66, 223, 263

Irish fiction, ' Guide to,' xi. 47, 89, 107, 129, 149 Irish ghost stories and legends, viii. 389, 453 Irish name for Good Friday, vii. 267, 351 Irish parish registers, duplicate copies, vi. 110 Irish Parliament, transcripts of debates, x. 348 Irish pillar-stones, x. 167 Irish schoolboys, descriptions of parents, c. 1750,

iv. 70, 138 Irish siiperstition : boys in petticoats and fairies,

ii. 05, 137, 293 ; vii.' 493 ; viii. 58 Irish Volunteers, 1778, their history, x. 230, 277,

298, 375

Irish war 1688-91, and Dean Swift, ii. 269, 317 Irish wills and registers, 1770 to 1830, ix. 370 Irish, 'Scotch, and American booksellers, i. 423 ;

ii. 170, 418

Irishman and thunderstorm, ii. 110 Irishmen, Spanish titles granted to, iv. 427

v. 69, 132 Iron, cast iron called sow metal, c. 1840, xii

278, 366

Iron, domestic, and other metal- work, ix. 151 Ironclad batteries, floating, 1855, xi. 430, 482

Iron Mask, a "feminist" theory, vi. 428; vii.

352 ironsides, Cromwell's, origin of the term, xi. 181,

257, 304, 342, 383, 404, 419, 436 Iron trade in Ireland and Chamney family, iii. 3,

295 Irvine (W.) on authors of quotations wanted, ii.

408 'rving (Sir Henry), his ancestry, v. 71, 251, 450 ;

vi. 30, 97, 111, 177, 217 [rving (James), Etonian, 1759, x. 490 Irving (Washington), quotations in his ' Sketch- Book,' iv. 109, 129, 148, 156, 196, 217, 275 ;

v. 14 ; his ' Rip van Winkle,' x. 509 ; his

European journal, 1804-5, xii. 300 Irwin (Dame Elizabeth), her will, 1720, ii. 28, 76 Irwin (H. C.) on " Brach Merriman " : an amen-

dation, vii. 205 ; white horses, vii. 295 Isaacs (A. Lionel) on J. M. Querard, ii. 177 Isaacs (J.) on Elzevir, viii. 209 ; French " of

Stratford-atte-Bowe," xii. 301 ; Meidinger (H.),

xii. 260 ; Novalis, xii. 280 [sabella Clara Eugenia (Infanta), miniature of,

c. 1550, vi. 190, 272, 351 [sdale (J.) on Jacobite song, i. 248 Isherwood (Thomas), Etonian, 1755, x. 490 ;

xi. 56 Isle of Man, runic inscriptions on crosses, vi. 26 ;

stone circle on Meayll Hill, vii. 383 Isle of Wight, ancient Port of Shamelhorde, 1339,

xii. 242, 328 Isleworth, Islington, etymology of place-name, iv.

43, 133, 196 Islington, Isleworth, etymology of place-name, iv.

43, 133. 196

Islington historians, ii. 187, 239, 250, 296, 334 Isola family, ii. 525 ; iii. 58 Israel (Manasseh Ben) and Rembrandt, v. 429 ;

vi. 34, 133 Italian genealogy, Marquis de Corilanne, vi. 291,


Italian literature and Shakespeare, v. 25 Italian proverb on monument, c. 1600, iv. 69 Italy, Scotsmen in, r. 1627-41, vi. 330 " Itte-dhandu," Indian game, vii. 308, 354 Ivanhoe, Scott's invention of the name, ii. 326 Ivatt (Richard), Westminster scholar, 1728, iv.

210 Ivatt (William), Westminster scholar, 1719, iv.


Ive (Simon), musician, b. 1660, ix. 291, 314, 355 Ivel on alphabetical nonsense, xi. 13 Ives (William), Westminster scholar, 1724, iv.


Ivison (John), Westminster scholar, 1719, iv. 429 Ivory (Sir John), knighted in 1682, ii. 147, 195,


Ivry, coats of arms granted after, v. 308 Ivy Bridge, in the Strand, mentioned in a ballad, xii. 317

J. (A. H.) on Sir T. Browne on Olybius's lamp, i.

227 J. (A. J.) on Inwood or Inward, viii. 277 ; school

account, iii. 406 J. (C.) on Amaneuus as a Christian name, ii. 197

Authors of quotations wanted, x. 387 Broad

arrow : the king's mark, iii 245 " Caeqehouias,"