Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/174

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LafEan (1.) on regalia of the ancient Corporation of Cashel, xii. 320

Lafleur (Prof. Paul T.) on British views on Canada in the 18th century, viii. 145 " Chasse au maringouin," xii. 25 Dotheboys Hall, antici- pated, viii. 3 Evelyn's ' Diary,' unconnected error, vii. 206 Feminism in the 17th century, yj^ 48,5 poe : R. L. Stevenson, i. 261 Seven- teenth-century Pan-Germanist, xi. 377

Laglen (G. R.) on Andr6 (Major John), x. 349 Fulwood, vi. 510 Howe (Sophia), vi. 249

Laigle (Richer de), killed 1085, a charter of, ix.

321, 395

  • Laik," origin of the word, x. 170, 217

Laishley (C.) on authors of quotations wanted, iii. 128

Laithwaite (.T. G.) on " Queen's Trumpeter," viii. 249 Stewart family of Wilmont, co. Down, ix. 128

Lake and Farington of Worden families, vi. 467

Lake (Sir Launcelot du) in ' Widsith,' x. 141

Laker origin of the surname, ix. 429

" Laking "= playing, etymology of the word, vii. 87, 152

" Lallation " of the Meliceet Indians, vi. 387

Lamb (Charles), Burton and Francis Spiera, iii. 61, 152, 212, 374 ; his 'Rosamund Gray,' pub- lished, 1798, iii. 467 ; iv. 36 ; and rhythm in prose, iv. 426 ; spelling of his name, v. 66, 137, 193 ; on Wordsworth's ' To Joanna,' vii. 252 ; on Taylor's ' Holy Dying,' vii. 386, 477 ; and ' Dog Days,' viii. 5 ; his " one 11 ," viii. 201 ; " Mrs. S." in his " Chapter on Ears," viii. 262, 318, 375, 414, 476 ; ix. 257 ; songs in his ' Memoirs,' viii. 349, 414 ; his ' Cancellarius Magnus,' viii. 362 ; his " Mr. H " in America, x. 350, 394

Lamb (Evelyn H.) on ' Beowulf,' i. 26 Queen Elizabeth and astrology, ii. 107

Lamb (John), Westminster scholar, c. 1700, x. 369

Lamb (William), Westminster scholar, K.S. 1675, x. 369

Lamb's Chapel, London, its registers, vi. 291, 357, 435 ; vii. 51, 354

Lambarde (Major F.) on Adam : a mediaeval conceit, vii. 270 " Bassett," vi. 377 Cinque Ports, election of Mayors, vii. 306 " Dacia " = Denmark, vi. 238 Fane : Vane : Vaughan, vii. 484 Hatficld charter, vii. 505 ; viii. 126 Johnson (Dr.) of Warwick, iii. 337 Milton portrait by Samuel Cooper, vi. 398 St. Mary's, Scarborough vii. 396 Shrines, English, 'ix. 277

Lambarde (William), his MSS. ' Perambulation of Kent,' vii. 37

Lambe (E.), his refusal of knighthood, 1635, xi. 455

Lambert (D. II.), B.A., on Germania : Tedesco, xi. 281

Lambert (John), Commissioner for the trial of Charles I., ix. 430, 493

Lamberton, registers of runaway marriages at, ix. 489

Lamberton (J. F.) on Christmas rimers in Ulster, vii. 311 ; origin of picture sought : ' The Last Communion of St. Mary,' viii. 308

Lambeth, inscriptions in St. Mary's Churchyard, xii. 296, 355, 396, 436, 449, 477

Lambeth, ' Racing for Lambeth,' print r. 1750, xii. 182, 283

Lambourn, Van Helmont's connexion with, viiu

i 54

tLambton, Durham, site of Bridgeford Chapel, ii- 466

Lambton (Lieut.-Col. Francis) on " babbyJuMe,' r

, v. 388

Lambton (Lieut.-Col. J. L.) on Latin inscription,, xii. 408

Lammas, Latter Lammas, the meaning of the- term, iv. 469 ; v. 18, 75, 155, 232

Lamoureux ( ), printer and engraver, Paris, xi.. 171

Lamport, Northants, the living in 1641, xi. 376

Lamps, Scottish, called " erusies," ii. 328, 393

Lamsley (Harry) on letter of Queen Caroline, vii. 184

L'Amy (M. W. Ramsay) on " We'll go to Kew m lilac time," x. 490

Lanark, French marriages, in 1812, x. 367

Lancashire proverb, " What comes over the devil's back," ix. 427, 493

Lancashire sobriquets, viii. 125, 197, 256 ; ix. 415

Lancaster, maps of, prior to 1800, xi. 69

Lancaster (Joseph), engraved portrait of, ii. 348

Lancaster (Roger), priest, d. 1598, v. 127

Lancaster (Rev. W.) of Folkestone Grammar School, 1805-13, vii. 510

Land customs, manner of acquiring land, v. 108-

Land measures of Salisbury, 15th century, vi. 6

Land Office : Land Office business, use of the term, i. 56

' Land of the Midnight Sun,' author of the poem, i. 226, 292

Lanclor (W. S.), anecdotes collected by, i. 128 171 : his " George the First was reckoned vile," ii. 368 ; his poems in ' The Examiner,' 1836- 60, iii. 364 ; Salomon in his ' Imaginary Conversations,' ix. 386 ; his saying about critics in hell, xii. 341

Landseer (Sir E.), his portrait of his father, xiL 118

Landseer (J.), his portrait by Sir E, Landseer,. xii. 118

Land's End, Cornwall, origin of the name, viii. 349, 413

Lane (E. H.) on " crusie," Scottish lamp, ii 328

Lane (Brevet-Major H. Bowyer), d, 1843, his letters, iv. 408

Lane (H. Murray) on Eleanor of Bretagne, iv. 464

Lane (John) on ' Arabian Nights' Entertainments,*' xi. 277 Baker (Rev. H. De Foe), vii. 228 Bonington (Richard Parkes), vii. 486 Borrows (William), M.A., xi. 471 Breholt (J. Davy),, vii. 169 Caccia (Signer Antonio), xii. 85 Calvert (Hon. Mrs.), ii. 427 Carleton (!.). artist, vii. 148 Carr (W.), artist, vii. 228 Christinecke (C. L.), v. 329 Columbine (General' Francis), x. 96 Conyngham (Lady), ii. 608 Dawe's portrait of Goethe, ix. 370 Dawes- (Sophie), Baronne de Feucheres, iii. 27 Dellon (R.), artist, v. 348 Diezer (August), xi. 228 Dinner- jacket, v. 515 Domestic iron and other metal-work, ix. 151 Donelly (Sir Ross), viii. 390 English family, vi. 367 Harding (William) of Baraset, xi/281 Hastings (Her- cules), clockmaker, xii. 341 Houghton's (John) list of painters, vi. 28 ' Nollekens and his- Times,' ix. 49 Parkinson (Thomas), artist, viii. 428 Rabbit rime, viii. 150 Ranken (Robert), xi. 249 Rogers (Jonathan),