Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/193

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Wounds," viii. 457 Francis family, iii. 412 George III. and his love of Handel's music, v. 466 Greek typography, viii. 517 Haward (William), xii. 367 Henley (Rev. Phocion), ii. 177 Hough (Dr. John), ii. 1 1 9 Islington historians, ii. 239 Jewel's (Bishop) library, ix. 473 Johnson, bibliography of, viii. 71 Lawler (C. P.), iv. 438 Martyn (Richard), xii. 189 Maurice (Bishop) of Ossory and Hudson the portrait painter, ix. 142 Parliamentary soldiers and Charles I., vii. 497 Pitt's ' Letter on Superstition,' v. 315 Prebendaries of Weighton, York Minster, vii. 231 Public fasts, 1756 and 1776, xii. 125 Ralegh's (Sir Walter) house at Youghal, iv. 472 Royal Chaplains, xii. 186 ' St. James's Chronicle,' ii. 475 Sheridan's ' Critic ' : Thomas Vaughan, iv. 94 Thomas (Rev. James), x. 96 Warenne (Gundrada de), viii. 74

Macready (W. C.) and Benjamin Disraeli, ii. 506

Macrinus (Joannes Salmonius), his MS. Latin ver^e, v. 96

Macro (Ralph), Westminster scholar, c. 1680, x. 469

McTeague (P.), pseudonym of author, ix. 249

McTear (J. S.) on baccara, vii. 67 Easter Day, vii. 187 Primero, vii. 1, 23, 41, 177, 187 " Set up my (his) rest," vii. 347 " Trump " as a card term, vii. 378

McVeagh (Lieut. Richardson), c. 1760, his descent, ix. 369

Madan (Mrs.), Judith Cowper, her poems and portrait, x. 27, 97

Madan (Major J. Russell), 1701-88, his marriage, iii. 249

Madan (N.) on early railway travelling, vii. 314

Maddock family, i. 428. 518

Maddocks (Richard), Westminster scholar, c. 1610, x. 469

Maddy (Canon John), d. 1854, his wives, i. 309

Madeley (C.) on breast tackle : push plough, ix. 234 " Firing-glass," viii. 429 Holcroft of Vale Royal, x. 175 Insectivorous plants, x. 495' Our National Statues ' : ' The Saturday Magazine,' viii. 157 " Rendering," xi. 347 " Stile " = " hill," ix. 494

Madert (Dr.) on queries from Green's ' Short History,' vii. 487 ; viii. 97

Magagnati (Sig. Girolamo), ' Letters del,' viii. 289

Magazine article on finger-prints, v. 208

Magazine story of a deserter, ii. 129, 252

Magazines for boys in the fifties and sixties, iii. 389

Magdalen College, Oxford, statue of, vii. 10S, 176

Magi in the Gozzoli fresco, Florence, viii. 130

Magic, the use of hair in, xii. 84

" Maggs," 1736, meaning of the word, ix. 70, 137, 435

Maginn (Dr. W.), his writings, i. 507 ; ii. 74

Maginnis (J. P.) on early fountain pens, v. 496

Magistrates wearing hats in court, ix. 189, 253, 315 ; x. 397

" Magnum," wine bottle, its capacity, x. 365

Magpies and water, v. 329

Magrath (Dr. J. R.) on " agasonic," iv. 96 Ambiguous possessive case, viii. 91 Asgil] (Sir Charles), v. 317 Authors of quotations wanted, iii. 454 ; vi. 97 Balnes, Laleham, Littlyngton, and Stanes, ix. 508 ; x. 137 Bibliography of theses : Duncan Liddel, vii. 196 Biographical information wanted, viii.

218 Brandon, Duke of Suffolk : Brunt, v, 215 Bristol M.P.'s : Sir Arthur Hart and Sir John Knight, iv. 247 Buss (Miss) and Miss Beale, v. 392" Cambo Brittanicus," x. 436

Cowper's ' Charity ' : " porcelain," iii. 456

Danvers family of Swithland and London, viii. 113 Debitzen, professors at, 1756, xi. 279 " Die ^Egyptiaca " : " Hora ^gyptiaca," xiL- 255 Elzevir, viii. 251 Feast of the Ass, i. 396 Fourteenth-century calendar, i. 127 Full- wood : Halley : Parry : Pyke, vii. 277 " Furdall," vii. 297 " Galleon " in English- verse, x. 95 " Gas " as a street-name, viii. 378 Gelria : a place-name, x. 168 ' Gentle- man's Calling,' xii. 87 Gilpin's (Bernard) will,, v. 156 Gray's ' Elegy ' : translations and parodies, iv. 135 History of England wiht riming verses, iv. 375 I'Anson, vi. 70 Inscription on brass at Queen's College, Oxford, x. 387 Irish family histories, viii. 213 James (Dr.), Master of St. Bees School, v. 357 Jeffreys's colleague, Northern Circuit, 1684 r v. 167 " Jerusalem-Garters," iv. 288 Kirby's- ' Winchester Scholars,' v. 258 London bushel in the fourteenth century, x. 90 Lowther (Col.),. 1739, vi. 176, 293 Lowther family, iv. 457 Lucius, v. 411 Mander (Rev. Dr. Roger), xii. 243 Markland, vii. 278 Masonic drinking- mug : frog or toad mugs, iv. 210 Poems wanted, viii. 193 Porch inscription in Latin,, iv. 516 Queen Henrietta Maria's almoner, xi. 47 Queen's College, Oxford : Fellow in 1625,. iii. 254 Quotation from Froissart, x. 387 Rainey (Mr.) : a Bible before 1611, xii. 183 " Rendering," xi. 266 Retforde : Derlee : officials of Edward III., x. 130 St. Leodegarius and St. Leger stakes, ii. 66 Saltzburgers sent to Georgia, 1734, xi. 299 School folk-lore, xu 347 Seventeenth-century school-books, viii. 406 Shakespeare plays, second folio of, 1632, viii. 196 Signs of cadency, x. 50 " Sleeveless ; errand," vi. 74 ' Song of a Buck,' v. 107 Source of quotation wanted, viii. 152 Theses- by Mr. Secretary Thomas Reid, iv. 234 Thomas (John), ix. 177 Thornley (Rev. John) r viii. 174 Tobacco in the seventeenth century,, price of, vi. 413 Weight of 1588, iii. 456 Wellesley's (Lord) issue, vii. 332 Wharton- (Si-r Mile's), iii. 372 Wooden nut-crackers, viii. 157

Maguire (Mr. Barney) and the Coronation, I838 r iv. 166

Maguire family of Fermanagh, x. 89

Mahon (Mrs.), the " Bird of Paradise," date of death, i. 155

Mahony (Capt. Dennis), d. 1813, iv. 107

Maida : naked soldiers, viii. 316

Maida, regiments present at the battle of, iv. 110 r 171, 232, 271, 334, 492 ; v. 14, 115, 195, 491

Maiden name, mother's, used as surname, iii. 107 r 154, 218

Maidens' garlands, carried at funerals, vi. 251, 335, 412, 497

Maids of Honour under the Stuarts, viii. 330, 417 ; ix. 376

Maidstone, Latin schoolmaster bound for New England, 1635, xi. 376

Mail, American pony express, ix. 325

Mail-coaches, John Palmer, projector of, 1786, ix. 209, 273 ; date of the last, iii. 186, 237 r 278