Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 1.djvu/216

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NOTES AND QUERIES. tn s. i. M AK . 12, 1910.


is referred to in Burton's ' Monasticon Eboracense ' as having some centuries ago a church. Can any reader identify it3 position, or give the modern name if changed ? The only approach to it that occurs is Sheffield Park in Sussex. Might it be anciently a coast church that has shared the fate of Dunwich ? R. B.


HOLE-SILVER. This fine was paid by the vills of Coin Rogers, Coin St. Aldwyn, and Duntisborne Abbots, co. Glos. What was the nature of it ? ST. CLAIB BADDELEY.

GUILDHALL : OLD STATUES. Opposite p. 71 of Price's 'Descriptive Account of the Guildhall of London * is a reproduction of a drawing in the Gardner Collection of six statues from the outside of the old porch. Price states :

" In 1794 Mr. Alderman Boydell induced the Cor- poration to present them to Thomas Banks, the sculptor, who held them in great estimation as works of art. At his death in 1809 they were pur- chased for 100?. by Henry Bankes, M.P., for Corfe Castle."

Can any readers kindly inform me where these statues are now ? S. P. Q. R.

GUILDHALL MS. ON CITY CHURCHES. Can any one assign a fairly close date to the account of Wren's churches constitut- ing MS. 44 in the Guildhall Library ? It looks like the writing of the eighteenth or very early nineteenth century. The author seems unknown to the authorities. WILLIAM MCMURBAY.

SCHULTZ'S ' MY LIFE AS AN INDIAN.' Will some transatlantic correspondent -of ' N. & Q.' tell me whether the life of the Black- feet described in ' My Life as an Indian, ? by J. W. Schultz, 1907, is considered a correct account of the tribe, as it existed in buffalo- hunting days ? Were the higher types of Red Indian in reality so fine a race before they were contaminated by the Palefaces ? Had they so many virtues, and so few vices ? Or did the author as he wrote look back on the past through the rose-coloured mists which often brighten it ? M. P.

"LiTEBABY Gossip.' 5 Is "Claudius Clear'* correct in his statement in The British Weekly of 10 February to the effect ' ' that the originator of literary gossip in this country is still living " ? He refers to Mr. Francis Espinasse, a venerable Brother of the Charterhouse. I have made the discovery,

at all events, that as far back as 22 Oct., 1831, there appeared for the first time in The Athenceum a column headed ' Our Weekly Gossip on Literature and Art l ; that on 13 Sept., 1837, ' Our Weekly Gossip l took the place of the longer title ; and that the familiar phrase ' Literary Gossip ' as a heading dates from the issue of 30 Oct., 1869. Mr. Espinasse, who is in his eighty- seventh year, was certainly not associated with The Athenceum in 1831. J. GBIGOB. 14, Crofton Road, Camberwell, S.E.

HANDLEY CBOSS. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' inform me whether Handley Cross, which gives a title to the well-known sport- ing novel by Robert Surtees, is intended to represent any particular district of England ?

P. D. M.

" BUSH INN " AT STAINES. Where can I find an account of this famous old hostelry ? HOBACE BLEACKLEY.

4t CUCKOOS TO CLEAR THE MUD AWAY."- Several ' times during February I heard middle-aged people say in relation to the weather : " We shan't have it better until the cuckoos come to clear the mud away." Others said " crows, a &c., and as the latter, when grubbing for their young, get on the land at least a month before the cuckoo comes, the crow seems the more likely bird, and I shall be glad to know how the saying runs elsewhere.



WITHAM FAMILY. Can any of your readers give me information as to the ancestry of Abraham Witham, Consul - General at Minorca about 1780 ? E. T. C. BOWEB.

94, Piccadilly, W.

LA JEUNESSE. ' Sir Walter Scott's Friends,* by Florence MacCunn (Black- wood), has in the chapter on ' Tom Purdie,* p. 351, this :

" La Jeunesse the saner prototype of Caleb Balderstone is as perfect a gentleman of the ancien regime as the master whose coat he brushes.

Again, p. 352 :

" The hunt, cut out of toast, galloping over a landscape of boiled spinach the triumph of La Jeunesse's skill was perhaps a reminiscence of a Bowhill plat."

I cannot find La Jeunesse in any of Scott's writings, nor can I identify the hunt of toast galloping over boiled spinach. Can any reader of ' N. & Q. 1 assist me ?


Windham Club.