Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 1.djvu/308

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. i. A. 9, 1910.

folio, vellum over oak boards, 1646, 8l. 10s. Complete copies very seldom occur for sale. Mather's 'Magnalia Christi Americana,' first edition, 1702, with folding map (in facsimile), is 61. This was George Meredith's copy, and at one time was in Buckle's library, numbered 17 241. Braun's or Bruin's ' Civitates Orbis Terrarum,' with hundreds of large double plates, comprising plans and views of the cities and towns of the world, engraved on copper by Hogen- berg and Noevel, Vols. I. to V. (should be 6), folio, contemporary Italian binding, 1597, is 101. The sixth volume is extremely rare. There are many illustrated books under Caldecott, also under Crane, besides books illustrated with coloured plates by Alken, the Cruikshanks, Bowlandson, Pugin, Nash, and others. There are works and collections under French Revolution. Under Thomas Hardy is a collection of first editions in the original bindings, 19 vols., 1871-87, 351. Under Irish binding is a charming specimen of Irish inlaid binding of the latter half of the eighteenth century, such examples being rare. The book so bound is Sandby's edition of Horace, with numerous copperplates by Muller, 2 vols., 1749, 121. 10s. Other works include Molloy's 4 Court Memoirs,' 24 vols., half-morocco extra, 1882-94, 121. ; Morier's Novels, 21 vols., half- calf 1824-49, 31. 10s. ; Rembrandt's CEuvres, 4 portfolios, Paris, 1880, 14Z. ; Sterne's Works, 4 vols., morocco, 21. 8s. ; and ' Palaces of Eng- land ' 19 vols., bound uniformly by Zaehnsdorf, 1369-96, 121. The last-named include Dixon's

  • Her Majesty's Tower,' L'Estrange's ' Chronicles

of Chelsea, 1 Cave-Browne's ' Lambeth,' and Law's Hampton Court.' There is a complete set of

  • World in Miniature,' edited by Shoberl and

Pvne 43 vols., 12mo, original boards, uncut, hundreds of coloured plates, 1830, 20Z. Mr. Edwards offers the only complete edition of the works of Samuel Johnson, 16 vols., New York, 1903, published at BL, for 31. 3s.

Messrs. Henry R. Hill & Son's Catalogue 101 contains Owen Jones's ' Alhambra,' 2 vols., imp. folio, half red morocco, a fine fresh copy, 1842, 121. 12s. ; Alken's ' Symptoms of being Amused,' 42 coloured plates, small oblong folio, new half-levant, 1822, 61. 6s. ; Catherwood's Ancient Monuments in Central America,' folio, half-morocco, 1844, 31. 15s. 6d. ; and Anderson's

  • Pictorial Arts of Japan,' 1886, 81. 15s. ; under

Bacon is Pickering's beautiful edition, 17 vols. in 16, 1825-34, 61. 6s. ; under Britton and Brayley, ' Beauties of England and Wales,' with Forsyth's ' Scotland,' 31 vols., full calf, 51 and under Froude his life of Carlyle, 4 vols., half-calf, 11. 15s. Chalmers's ' Poets,' 21 vols., royal 8vo, citron calf, 1810, is 51. 5s. ; Foss's 14 Judges of England,' 9 vols., 3Z. 15s. 6d. ; Law- rence & Bullen's " French and Italian Novelists," complete set, 9 vols., as new, 10Z. 10s. ; Gillray, brilliant early impressions, 2 vols., folio, M'Lean, 1830 4Z. ; and the first edition of the ' Auto- biography ' of Leigh Hunt, Smith & Elder, 1850, 21 15s. Under Jesse is a complete set, Nimmo's edition, 30 vols., new, 10Z. 10s. ; under Kinglake,

  • The Invasion of the Crimea,' best library edition,

8 vols., 21. 18s. 6d. ; and under Farmer ' Merry Songs and Ballads prior to 1800,' 5 vols., for

subscribers only, 21. 10s. A set of the large-type edition of Motley, 11 vols., uncut, is 71. 10s.

Under Scott is the Border Edition, 24 vols., full tree calf, 71. 7s. Under Shakespeare are the collo- type facsimiles of the ' Poems ' and ' Pericles,' with introductions by Sidney Lee, Oxford, 1905, 4. ; and 'the Cambridge Edition, 9 vols., full calf, 61. 15s. Under Leigh Sotheby is his ' Principia Typographical 3 vols., 1858, printed for the author, 81. 8s. A complete set of the Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archeology, 23 vols. in 18, half -calf, is 151. 15s. Portions of the Catalogue are also devoted to Natural History, Engineering, Mechanics, Technics, &c.

MB. WILLIAM MCMURRAY, whose name is well known to our readers, intends to publish by subscription a volume on ' The Records of Two City Parishes.' This embodies a collection of documents illustrating the history of the parishes of SS. Anne and Agnes, Aldersgatc, and St. John Zachary, from the twelfth century onwards. Mr. McMurray is clerk of the united parishes, and a diligent student of the life of the past. He pays special attention to early documents, and epitaphs.

A PROPOSAL is on foot for the formation of a Society of Nautical Antiquaries, which would found a periodical wherein subscribers could record the results of their researches into, and bring forward points needing elucidation concern- ing, such matters as the following : The design, building, and equipment of ships ; the language and customs of the sea ; iconography ; genea- logies ; nautical flags, relics, medals, dress, and so forth.

The proposed Society, or periodical, would serve as a useful ally to the Navy Records Society, would cover a field of highly interesting research on which ' N. & Q.' has touched from time to time, and do something to educate a singularly ignorant public on naval matters. The annual subscription would probably be one guinea. Those who are in favour of the project are asked to communicate with the Acting Secretary, Mr. L. G-. Carr Laughton, 5, Ruvigny Mansions, Putney, S.W.

WE beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print, and to this rule we can make no exception.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries '"Adver- tisements and Business Letters to "The Pub- lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

A. IREDALE (" Hempseed I sow "). See the discussion at 10 S. xii. 208, 255, 296.

G. K. CONGREVE, Vermilion, Alberta, Canada (" Four Winds "). Information anticipated by a correspondent nearer home. The other shall appear shortly.