Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 1.djvu/316

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. i. APR. ie, 1910.

Isles of Scotland,' and in another the 'Tour to the Hebrides.' I suppose that, for purposes of exact scholarship, the title of the first edition should be followed. Is there an edition earlier than that in the B.M.? F. E. Nuttall.


DETHICK AND CHAMBERLAYNE FAMILIES. I shall be most grateful for any informa- tion your readers can supply respecting the following :

John De thick of Wermygay, Norfolk, but of Fincham in the same county when he made his will, dated 31 Aug., 1556 (proved P.C.C. 27 Jan., 1558), married firstly Eliza- beth, daughter of Thomas Chamberlayne, which Thomas bore arms Gules, a chevron between three escallops or, and a label azure. When and where did the marriage of John Dethick and Elizabeth Chamberlayne take place ? and what were the dates of her birth and decease ?

Sir Thomas Lovell. K.G., Speaker of the House of Commons 1485 (who died 1524), by his will, dated 12 Dec., 1522, gives a bequest of 40Z. to ' ' my cosyn Chamberleyn dough' maried to John Dedyke," i.e. John Dethick. From this it is clear that John Dethick was married to Elizabeth Chamberlayne before 1522, and that Elizabeth's father or mother was a relative of Mr. Speaker Lovell.

Edmund Dethick, eldest son of John Dethick and Elizabeth Chamberlayne, married Elizabeth Spelman, who was born c. 1505, as she was aged thirteen in 1518. What was the lineage of Elizabeth Chamber- layne on both sides ?

Thomas Chamberlayne's arms as given above are, with the exception of the label, identical with those of the Chamberlaynes of Stoney Thorpe, co. Warwick, and, with the exception of "or ' ? for " arg.," with those of the Chamberlaynes of Maugersbury, co. Gloucester, both of which families descend from the Counts of Tankerville, of Tanker - ville Castle, Normandy. It may not be unnatural, therefore, to assume that Thomas Chamberlayne was of the same family. At the same time more conclusive evidence is desired. In what work is a full pedigree of the above Chamberlayne family to be found ?

I am particularly desirous also of obtaining trustworthy information regarding the parentage of Simon Dethick of North Elm- ham, Norfolk, bailiff of the manor there, and an officer of Lord Cromwell's. - Simon's will was dated 10 June, 1542 (proved at Norwich 3 April, 1543), and he was buried

at North Elmham 1 March, 1543. He married Rose, daughter of Christopher Crowe of Mileham, Norfolk. She died a widow, of East Dereham in the same county, either in October or November, 1566, as her will was dated 25 Oct., 1566, and proved the 21st of the following month.

Amongst the issue of this couple was a daughter Christian Dethick, who was married 29 Oct., 1548, at St. Simon and St. Jude's, Norwich, to Thomas Pettus (incorrectly called John in the Visitations of Norfolk), Mayor of Norwich in 1590. Christian died June, 1578, and was buried in the above church. Thomas Pettus, who was born in 1519 and died 1597, was buried in the same grave as his wife.

The eldest son of Thomas Pettus by his wife Christian Dethick was Sir John Pettus, Kt., M.P. for Norwich, and apparently he, to perpetuate the memory of his parents, erected a monument between 1597 and 1613 over their resting-place, and on this monu- ment the following arms were placed in two different parts : Quarterly, 1 and 4, Argent, a fesse vary, or and gules, between three water budgets sable ; 2 and 3, Gules, a chevron between three escallops or the arms respectively of Dethick and Chamber- layne.

I am convinced in my own mind that Simon Dethick was a son of John Dethick by his wife Elizabeth Chamberlayne, because the Dethicks were a very important and proud family, and if Simon Dethick had not been the son of John and Elizabeth Dethick, the then representatives of the family would never have sanctioned the appearance of the Dethick and Chamberlayne arms on the Pettus monument, and Sir John Pettus, whose family was of considerable standing and position in Norfolk, would not have dared to place thereon arms to which those lying there were not entitled.

What I desire is some confirmatory evidence that Simon was the son of John and Elizabeth Dethick, nee Chamberlayne. Simon's name does not appear in any of the Visitations.

Replies direct are respectfully solicited. FRANCIS H. RELTON.

9. Broughton Road, Thornton Heath.

v<c GERIZIM* AND THE 'TEMPLE DICTION- ARY OF THE BIBLE.' When we meet with misprint or error in a work of deservedly high repute, we can generally, after investiga- tion, come to a probable conclusion with regard to the true reading. Such, however,