Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 1.djvu/335

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n s. i. A PR . 23, 1910.) NOTES AND QUERIES.


ALABAMA - KEARSARGE FIGHT. In his account of this celebrated engagement (1864) Mr. F. M. Edge says he saw the negative of a photograph of the battle, made by M. Rondin, a Cherbourg photographer ; the view was taken from the top of the old church tower of Cherbourg.

Can any one help me to find the photo- graph, or the descendants of either Mr. Edge or M. Rondin ? W. ABBATT.

141, East 25th Street, New York.

MAJOR WELSFORD : LIEUT. HOME. I should be obliged, for historical purposes, if I could find the representatives or family of the late Major Welsford, 97th Regiment, who was killed when leading the storming party at the Redan, and of Lieut. Home, R.E., who blew up the Cashmir Gate, Delhi. The latter was a brother of Col. Home of the same corps. The family waps formerly at Cockburn Law, Berwickshire. I almost think the male line is extinct.


Temple Grove, Montreal.

" JIRGA." In a telegram which appeared in The Times on 11 April, from the Viceroy's Camp, Parachinar, about the visit of the Viceroy to Kurram, we are told that "a large jirga representing all the tribes of the neighbourhood welcomed the Viceroy cordially, and testified to the many benefits of British rule.

The word jirga evidently means an assembly. To what language does it belong? The word is not registered in ' N.E.D. 1 or in ' The Stanford Dictionary.'


21, Norham Road, Oxford.

THE ANNUALS. In The Publishers 1 Circu- lar for 27 June, 1891, there is a list of the Annuals, but it is incomplete and inaccurate. Can any reader supply me with a better one ?

I shall also be glad of any references to articles, &c., dealing with these works. Please reply direct. HENRY R. PLOMER.

44, Crownhill Road, Willesden, N.W.

ELY PARISH REGISTER MISSING. The first register of St. Mary's, Ely, which con tains the baptismal entries of two at least of the daughters of Oliver Cromwell, who resided close to the church as farmer of the tithes, has been missing since 1800. The Rev. John Griffith in that year recorded that it was not amongst those delivered to him by his predecessor, the Rev. Charles Mules, who gave up on succeeding to a family estate at Marwood, near Barnstaple.

Every now and then during the last few years we have heard, notably in East Anglia,

of the recovery of missing parish registers, I shall be grateful to the readers of ' N. & Q.'

or hints as to the best means of discovering

the whereabouts of our missing volume.

K. H. SMITH. Cambridge Road, Ely.

CANON JAMES CRAIGIE ROBERTSON. He died at Canterbury, 9 July, 1882. He married a Miss Stevenson, and was sur- vived by two sons and three daughters. I shall be obliged to any contributor to ' N. & Q.' who will furnish me with particu- lars of Robertson's family, and also with a copy of the epitaph on his tombstone, which I presume is situated at Canterbury. The information is wanted for an article I have in preparation on inscriptions in St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Aberdeen. There is a font of exquisite workmanship to Robert- son's parents in the church named.

Please reply direct.


71, Bon- Accord Street, Aberdeen.

SHAKESPEARE ILLUSTRATORS. Was Thurs- ton the first artist who provided the whole of the designs for one edition of the plays ? Several artists contributed illustrations to Bell's edition and to Boydell's great work, but I am desirous of ascertaining if any one preceded Thurston as the sole illustrator of an entire edition. ALECK ABRAHAMS.

REV. RICHARD EVATT, 1582. He be- longed to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and became A.B. 1585, A.M. 1589, and B.D. 1599. He was presented to Walesby, Lincolnshire, in 1616.

What livings, presumably in the old diocese of Lincoln, did this gentleman hold between 1589 and 1617, and when did he die ? GEORGE J. H. EVATT,

Surgeon-General. Junior United Service Club, S. VV.

GAINSBOROUGH'S POMERANIAN DOG : C. J. SMITH. Can any one tell me the history of the white Pomeranian dog so often appearing in Gainsborough's pictures, and at what date the dog lived ?

Who was C. J. Smith, mentioned in con- nexion with Gainsborough in the ' Life of Nollekens * ? Are any of his descendants living at the present day ? Was Major Smith, a retired Indian officer who lived in Harewood Square, descended from him ? My reason for asking is that Major Smith possessed two fine pictures by Gainsborough. (Mrs.) HAUTENVILLE COPE.

18, Harrington Court, Glendower Place, S.W.