Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 1.djvu/345

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ii u. i. APK. 23, i9io.]



mentioned several times in A. von Tilliers' 'Geschichte d. Freistaates Bern' (Bern, 1838), iv. pp. 334, 336, 342, 350, 356, 359, 370, 372, 377, and v. pp. 7, 9, and 180. He helped the Swiss to get themselves included in the Peace of Ryswyck (1697). But the chief event of his Swiss sojourn seems to have been a great struggle on a point of etiquette: he was willing to address the Protestant Swiss Cantons as "Magnifiques Seigneurs," but declined to insert "et puissants," as they required.

A complete list of the English envoys to the Swiss Cantons down to 1848 will be found at the end of the several volumes of the 'Abschiede.' W. A. B. Coolidge.

Chalet Montana, Grindelwald.


(11 S. i. 285). This is doubtless an excellent

| project, but there seems to bedroom in this

i kingdom for a society similar in several

i respects to the New England Historic Genea-

j logical Society. For instance, the increasing

quantity of genealogical memoranda, both

privately printed and in manuscript, has no

I habitat ; and if a society did no more, in

i return for a moderate subscription, than

I secure a permanent repository, it would not

have been founded in vain. Many of us

have collected material for a history of our

families, which, when the last summons

001 nes, will most probably be destroyed ; but

if there were a society in existence, a clause

in the collector's will would ensure the MSS.

being handed over to it.

Perhaps MR. C. A. BERNATJ, as a genealogi- cal expert, would favour us with his opinion.

W. B. GERISH. Bishop's Stortford.

ROGER ALTHAM (11 S. i. 268). The Canon's wife was Frances, daughter and coheir of Christopher Hodgshon of New Hall, l>ston, Yorkshire; but I cannot give < ; . F. R. B. the date of their marriage. She was eighty when she died. They had only one daughter, Frances, a minor in 1714. Roger Altham, installed Canon in 1691, was obliged to quit in 1697 on account of "dis- qualifications about oaths"; but in 1703 he was restored to his stall and the Hebrew Professorship, which he retained to his death, 15 Aug., 1714.

Ten years before Roger Altham was Canon, 10 was senior student of Ch. Ch. In Anthony Wood's annals of the University

Oxford there is an amusing account of an enterprise by some undergraduates of Ch.

., of whom one was another Roger Altham, nephew of the senior student.

These young sparks, one evening in 1681, " plucked out of her coach " a certain " old Lady Lovelace"-; they also "broke win- dows " and " did many misdemeanours." " The Bishop extremely troubled at it."

The younger Roger Altham was expelled for this ; but the boyish prank does not seem to have interfered with his career, for he became in 1693 Moral Philosophy Reader at Oxford ; chaplain to the Bishop of London ; Prebendary of Willesden in 1694 ; Rector of St. Andrew Undershaft cum St. Mary-at-Axe in 1697 ; Prebendary of Wenlock-Bain in St. Paul's Cathedral in 1698 ; Rector of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate; and in 1716 Archdeacon of Middlesex. He was also Vicar of Latton in Essex, where he lies buried, and where there is a monument to his memory which speaks of him as "a man truly great and good." A. S. A.

Doulish Wake, Ilminster, Somerset.

GEORGE CHALMERS'S ' SYLVA * (11 S. i. 226). It is barely possible, but not probable, that the ' Sylva ~ of George Chalmers may be included in Leech's ' Musae Priores,' London, 1620. Two copies of this work were disposed of at the Scott Sale, 1905. I transcribe the entries from the sale cata- logue, on the chance that they may be of use to MR. ANDERSON :

" 1192. Leech (John, of Aberdeenshire ) Joannis Leochaei Scoti Musae Priores ; sive Poe- matum (partes tres), First Edition, blue morocco, g.e. (J. W. Mackenzie's copy), scarce, sm. 8vo. Londini (s.n. impr.) 1620.

" 1193. Leech (John) Another copy, title within woodcut border, limp vellum, large copy, sm. 8vo, ib. 1620."

No. 1192 was acquired by "Johnston" (? Mr. G. P. Johnston, bookseller, Edin- burgh) for 21, and No. 1193 by " W. Brown " (Mr. William Brown, bookseller, Edinburgh) for II. 12s.

There is also a copy, but containing ' ' pars prior " only, in the Advocates 1 Library, Edinburgh. W. SCOTT.

WILLIAM CHALMERS'S ' DISPUTATIONES THEOLOGICJE * (11 S. i. 267). Jocher's ' Gelehrten Lexicon 2 has an article on " Camerarius (Wilh.)," who appears to be the William Chalmers in question. He is described as ' ' ein Schottlander um die Mitte des 17 Seculi " and a doctor in the theological faculty of Paris. Jocher men- tions his vehemence in controversy, and gives some account of his theological works. The authority quoted is Dupin's ' Nouvelle Bibliotheque des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques. ? EDWARD BENSLY.