Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 1.djvu/348

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NOTES AND QUERIES. t n s. i. APE. 23, 1910.

56l. Under Lamb we find 'Blank Verse,' by Lamb and Lloyd, in the original boards, uncut, 1798, 35l.; also 'Ulysses,' 38l. Among the Shelley items is the first edition of 'The Cenci,' original boards, uncut, 64l. Under Meredith are first editions, including the poems published by Parker in 1851, 32l. There is also a list of Swinburne first editions. Under Naval is the original manuscript of a plan for a Royal Naval Seminary proposed to be instituted by George III., to be situated between Walton and Weybridge, large folio, purple morocco extra, with the Royal arms, 1805, 8l. 10s.

Mr. John Grant's Edinburgh Catalogue of Standard Publications consists of works, new as issued, now reduced in price. There are complete sets of the first, second, and third series of The Reliquary, together 49 yols., 21l.; Mrs. Barrington's 'Life of Lord Leighton,' 2 vols., 16s. 6d.; Prof. Seeley's 'Life and Times of Stein, 1757-1831,' 3 vols., 17s. 6d.; Whyte Melville's 'Novels and Poems,' edited by Sir Herbert Maxwell, 24 vols., 6l. 6s.; Stow's 'Native Races of South Africa,' 8s. 6d.; Esther Singleton's 'Dutch and Flemish Furniture,' 9s. 6d.; and Leonard Williams's 'Arts and Crafts of Older Spain,' 3 vols., 7s. 6d.; also the Edition de Luxe, 17s.' 6d. The prices do not include postage.

Mr. George Gregory of Bath has an Illustrated Catalogue of Rare Mezzotint and other Engrav- ings, Etchings, &c., arranged under the names of the artists. The illustrations are well executed, and there is an index of painters and engravers. Under Bartolozzi are ' Venus and Cupid,' ' Clytie,' William Pitt, &c. Albert Diirer is represented by ' Christ and the Woman of Samaria,' 31. 3s. ;

  • Coronation of the Virgin,' 51. ; and ' The Holy

Family with Mary Magdalen,' 81. 8s. Under Hol- bein is Dean Colet ; and under Hollar views of Old St. Pa\il's. Among mezzotint portraits are Lady Byron, the great-grandmother of the poet, 10Z. 10s. ; Queen Charlotte, 147. ; Congreve, 51. 5s.; Miss Farren, 11. Is. ; Fox, 81. ; Garrick, in the character of Kitely, 61. 6s. ; and Grinling Gibbons and Mrs. Gibbons, 51. 5s. After Reynolds are Lady Elizabeth Herbert and son, 10Z. 10s. ; 'A Bacchante' (Mrs. Hartley and child), 15Z. 15s.; and Miss Nelly O'Brien, 15Z. The Rembrandts Include Abraham Fransz, fourth impression, 101. 10s. (very scarce : the Holford copy sold for 23Z. in 1893) ; ' The Angel appearing to the Shepherds,' 20Z. ; and ' The Death of the Virgin,' "21L Among original water-colours are a portrait of Madame R^camier by Cosway, 100L ; and others by the same artist of Lady Sefton and Lady Orde. Under Constable, loose in port- folio, published in 1833, are 22 highly-finished engravings by Lucas, 25Z. ; also another copy in the 5 original parts, complete, 30Z. ' The Master- pieces of the Museo del Prado,' 110 photogravure reproductions, taken direct from the originals, special subscription copy, Berlin Photographic Company, circa 1900, 251. (cost 601.).

The catalogue also contains a few books.

  • Clio and Euterpe ; or, British Harmony : a

Collection of Celebrated Songs,' 3 vols., 1762, is 10Z. 10s. Under Gentleman's Magazine is a set to 1867 (4 vols. only wanting), 211. ' History of the Coronation of James II.,' 30 copper engrav- ings, 1687, is 31. 3s. ; Lodge's ' Portraits,' 12 vols., 1835, 4J. 4s. ; and Rogers's collection of prints, Boydell, 1778, half-spssia, 10Z. Under Rodney,

family is a seventeenth-century MS., 248 folios, a collection of prayers, meditations, and thanks- givings, 18Z.

Mr. Robert McCaskie's Catalogue 33 contains works under Architecture, including ' Croydon Church as rebuilt 1867-9 ' and Halfpenny's ' York Cathedral.' Under Stained Glass are 'Warring- ton's forty examples, 1848, 11. 15s. The Con- noisseur, first ten volumes, including the rare first editions of Nos. 1 and 2, is 31. There are a number of children's books ranging from 1798 to 1848. Among autographs and documents is a letter of James Hogg, 15s. There is also a collec- tion of old engraved portraits. Plans and views include Horwood's plan of London, 1794 ; plans of Bloomsbury, Lambeth, Rotherhithe, and Chelsea ; views of Devon, Lincoln, &c. Under Turner is the lithographic portrait done by Land- seer and Count d'Orsay, 1850, from life, without Turner's knowledge, at the house of Mr. Bicknell at Herne Hill, an account of which was given in The Athenceum of 16 Jan., 1909.

Mr. Albert Sutton's Manchester List 174 carries one back to Chartist and Anti-Corn Law League days. We have Carlile's " Sound Republican Weekly," The Gauntlet, a complete set with the exception of Nos. 57 and 60, 1833-4, 21. Other journals are The Model Republic, The National Instructor (edited by Fergus O'Connor), The Medusa, or Penny Politician, and The Millocrat. A collection of the works of Barker the Chartist, 26 vols., is 31. 3s. There are works by Cooper, Henry Hunt, Ernest Jones, Holyoake, and W. J. Linton. We have works relating to political and social economy under Cobden, Bright, Harriet Martineau, John Stuart Mill, and others, besides Howard's accounts of prisons, and works by Robert Owen. There are portraits of members of the Anti-Corn Law League, folio, half-morocco, 1843, II. 10s. ; and various works on the Factory System, Savings Banks, Free Trade, &c. The 1,200 items form a very interesting record.

READERS of * N. & Q.' who may be visiting Manchester will be glad to be informed that at the John Rylands Library there is an exhibition now open of original editions of the principal English classics. These exhibitions are arranged from time to time in the main library, so as to reveal to students something of the riches of the collections in the library. The Catalogue of the exhibition contains particulars of the special features of many of the editions shown. The exhibition has been arranged, and the Catalogue prepared, by Mr. Henry Guppy, with the assistance of his colleagues Mr. Vine, Mr. Kiddle, Mr. Nut- tall, and Mr. Moffet.

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W. B. C. ("A rose-red city half as old as Time "). This comes from Burgon's Newdigate Prize Poem on ' Petra,' Oxford, 1845.