Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 1.djvu/377

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n s. i. MAY 7, i9io.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


MESOPOTAMIA: "THAT BLESSED WORD MESOPOTAMIA." What is the earliest occur- rence of this phrase, or of the story on which it is founded ? PARACELSUS.

LOSACK FAMILY. My great-grandfather Richard Hawkshaw Losack, Lieutenant- General of the Leeward Isles (born 1730, died 1813), owned land in St. Kitts. James Losack was Speaker of the House of Assembly at St. Kitts in 1744. Both the above were descended from a French Huguenot emigre, Marc Antoine d'Astor de Lussac, Conte d'Eran.

I shall be very grateful to any one who will be so kind as to give me information i about the family.

(Mrs.) C. M. CHAD WICK.

Findhorn House, Forres, N.B.


Can any reader refer me to a copy of the

| sale catalogue of this collection or any

I information on its dispersal ? I am familiar

with the descriptive catalogue published

i 1 May, 1804, at sixpence, and the reference

to it in Smith's ' Mary-Le-Bone,' 1833 ;

but if it is possible, I should like to ascertain

what these " masterpieces of art " realized

and to whom they passed.


" CATTLE-DRIVE." When was this term first applied to the system now so well known in Ireland that it is accepted in questions put in the House of Commons as the correct appellation ? The quotation of 1878 given in ' H.E.D.' " If cattle- driving was to be interpreted as levying war " needs supplement to fit the phrase precisely to current use. POLITICIAN.


MAKE A WORLD." Will any of your readers kindly say to what author this phrase can be attributed, or whether the obvious truism is of polyphyletic origin, and there- fore is not traceable to an individual ?

E. B. Brighton.

LEO XIII.'s LATIN VERSES. Pope Leo XIII., when dying a very old man, wrote certain Latin verses which were afterwards given to the world. Wliere can they be found ?

Two of the lines are :

Ohristus adest, miserans humili veniamquo

roganti Peccatum, ah fides, eluet omnc tibi.


4 How HAPPY COULD I BE WITH EITHER ! ' Would any of your readers kindly tell me who was the author of this song and give me its date ? CHRISTOPHER HOLFORD.

[John Gay, ' The Beggar's Opera,' Act I. (1728).]

RICHARD BLACOW, Vicar of St. Mark's, Liverpool, was convicted at the Lancaster Summer Assizes, 1821, of publishing a libel on Queen Caroline in a sermon preached by him in St. Mark's Church, 26 Nov., 1820. Did he hold any preferment in the Church after his imprisonment ? When did he die, and where ? G. F. R. B.

RICHARD CANNING (1708-75). Whom, and when, did he marry ? The ' Diet. Nat. Biog.,' viii. 431, ignores his wife, but mentions his son. G. F. R. B.

JAMES CHELSUM (1740 ?-l 801). When and where did he die ? The ' Diet. Nat. Biog.,' x. 183, says only that " he died near London in 1801, and was buried at Droxford.' 1

G. F. R. B.

ANSGAR, MASTER OF THE HORSE TO EDWARD THE CONFESSOR. Can any reader assist me to find information about Ansgar, the Master of the Horse to Edward the Confessor, who resided at Waledon (now Saffron Walden) Castle ? I have Lord Bray- brooke's ' History of Audley End.'


Literary and Scientific Institution, Saffron Walden.



(11 S. i. 168.)

THERE is no book treating upon this par- ticular kind of grotesque one first intro- duced into Gothic architecture in this country (according to Parker's ' Glossary ') in the thirteenth century. Numbers of isolated articles have been written on the subject by various authorities. Somewhat lengthy ones from my own pen may be found in The Illustrated Carpenter and 'Builder for 4 and 25 Nov., 1904, 26 May, 1905, 1 March, 1907, and some other numbers of the same journal, the dates of which I do not seem to have preserved.

In one of the latter occurs the history of the widely known series of gargoyles which form conspicuous objects on the outside of the Cathedral of Notre Dame at Paris.