Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 1.djvu/416

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NOTES AND QUERIES. t n s. i. MAY 21, mo.

Ascough (or Ayscough) family did he belong ? The name does not once occur in the parish registers of Leyland between 1653 (when they commence) and 1710, and his will was not proved at Chester. His name appears as a witness to two deeds dated 1619 and 1626, when he is described as "of Farington [in Leyland], yeoman."


ST. PANCRAS CHURCH : ENGRAVING. I have an old print engraved by William Fellows, published by Robert Williamson. No date. Any clue will oblige. A. C. H.

SEAL FOUND AT DOVER : SPALDING PRIORY. An ancient seal has recently been dug up at Dover. It was found embedded in from five to six feet of chalk, on the slopes of the Western Heights, near the Bredenstone, where the ceremony of in- stalling the Lord Wardens of the Cinque Ports used to take place.

The seal is of copper, about the size of a penny, but twice as thick. Its design shows a monk kneeling before the Blessed Virgin and Child, and round the margin is the legend :

t S. Jordanis Monachi Spaldingie. This looks as though it were the seal of the Priory of Spalding. Was there a Jordan, Monk of Spalding ?

The seal is in the possession of Mr. H. S. Boyton of St. Martin's Place, Dover. He thinks that the Prior of Spalding might have been on a visit to the Priory of Dover and dropped the seal when passing over the hill. Later works of fortification might account for its being embedded in the chalk.



CONSTABLE'S * GILLINGHAM BRIDGE'. I possess an engraving of Constable's picture ' Gillingham Bridge. * I should be glad of information with regard to the original painting and to learn in whos^ collection it now is. F. R. HARDINGHAM.

The Church institute, Leeds.

' WATERLOO BANQUET ' : ' THE NOBLE ARMY OF MARTYRS ' : KEYS WANTED. Can any of your correspondents inform me where keys to the following prints can be got ?

1. ' Waterloo Banquet.' Published 10 June, 1846, by F. G. Moon.

2. ' The Noble Army of Martyrs : the Champions of the Protestant Reformation.' Published 9 March, 1869, by R. Turner, Newcastle-on-Tyne and London.


BRUNELLESCHI AND COLUMBUS'S EGG. I have read that the egg story associated with the name of the famous navigator was anticipated by the great Florentine architect by nearly a century. Who is the authority responsible for this statement ? I am surprised that it has never been disputed or challenged by the Italians themselves, if. correct. M. L. R. BRESLAR.

Percy House, South Hackney.

f Columbus and the egg are discussed at 9 S. i. 386 472; ii. 53, 132.]

NOTTING HILL : ITS ETYMOLOGY. There is a tradition that in ancient documents drawn up in Latin this hill is referred to as the " Mons Nodosus n (knotty hill). If so, this explains the etymology, and the customary derivation from ' ' Nutting Hill * becomes untenable. Can any readers of ' N. & Q.' correct or confirm this theory ? S. D. CLIPPINGDALE.

AUTHORS OF QUOTATIONS WANTED. Having utterly failed to trace the origin of the following lines, may I beg the use of your columns to enable any of your readers who have the information to say who is the author of them ?

If God's happiness was perfect

In the dawn of long ago, What induced Him. to impair it By creating sin and woe ?

E. B. Brighton.

An ounce of enterprise is worth a pound of privilege.

E. HOWARD. Albany, N.Y.

Though beaten back in many a fray, Yet freshening strength we borrow ;

For where the vanguard comes to-day The rear will halt to-morrow.

A. B.

Primus in orbe deos fecit timor.

HENRY SAMUEL BRANDRETH. [Statius, ' Theb.' iii. 661.]

ST. AUSTIN'S GATE. T. Wilson's ' Jerichoes Down-Fall,' a sermon preach* before the House of Commons at St. Mar- garet's on 28 Sept., 1642, was, as usual, "published by order from that house. The imprint reads :

. "London, Printed for John Bartlett, and arete bee sold at the Gilt Cup near to S. Austins (* 1643."


This place-name gives rise to much esting speculation as to its identity. L first suggestion is a gate of Austin Fria: but was the name retained after Sir Wilh Powlet had taken possession of and aim