Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 1.djvu/75

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ii s. i. JAN. 22, 1910.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


An examination of P.C.C. wills, 1710-29, by Mr. R. J. Beevor, M.A., of St. Albans (who also discovered the above will of F. .Halley, sen.), revealed several John Wards, one a widower and yeoman, of Bozeat, Northants (about five miles south of Welling - borough), who mentions a daughter Mary and sons Abraham, Isaac, and John. His will was registered in 1726. No Nicholas Wright was found during the same period, 1710-29.

Nicholas Wright and Jane Farren were granted marriage licence on 5 July, 1700 (cf. ' Calendar of M. L. issued by the Faculty Office, 1632-1 7 14,* British Record Society, London, 1905).

Mr. G. F. T. Sherwood announces that he possesses two quarto volumes (pp. 244) of notes on the family of Day, with an index. That collection has not yet been examined in the present quest.

I should be grateful for any other facts on the relationship between the Halley, Ward, Wright, Day, and Pyke families.


1, Park Row, Chicago.

" SAFETY- VENT." The above word is not noticed in the ' N.E.D.' It is used by Mr. Maurice Hewlett in his 'Open Country,' p. 52 (1909) :

......When he wanted to cry out upon the weak-

ness of her work, lashed out upon some botching n his own. Here was a safety-vent."

H. P. L.

GIL MARTIN. My note on this name at 8 S. x. 334 may be supplemented by the fact that the Pope has appointed the Rev. Thomas P. Gilmartin, Vice-President of Maynooth, to the Bishopric of Clonfert. The name seems to be very uncommon, as it is in neither the commercial nor the Court portion of Kelly's ' London Directory. 1


HAWKS IN 1390. On 5 Dec., 1390, Richard II. appointed Eubold Lestrange, parson of the Church of Gresford, to take the " prise " of all falcons sold in the town of Chester and all towns and ports within forty leagues. The charges to be levied were : for " le gerfauk,*' two marks ; " le tercel du gerfauk,' 1 one mark ; " le faucon gentill," twenty shillings ; " le ter- cellet gentill, n ten shillings ; "'lostour," one mark ; and " le tercel de lostour," " le sacre," " sacret," " laner," and " laneret," half a mark each. See Calendar of Cheshire Recog. Rolls in 36th Report of the Deputy Keeper, &c. R. g. g. *


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.

BEN JONSON IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY. At the Philobiblon Club recently I asserted that there are two stones marking the grave of Ben Jonson in Westminster Abbey one in the floor, and the other in the wall and that both are marked " O Rare Ben John- son.' 1

This was disputed. May I ask ' N. & Q.' to confirm my statement ? And why are there two stones ? JAMES B. SHBIGLEY.


METRICAL PRAYER AND PASSION EMBLEMS. I have lately acquired a water- colour drawing done by my grandfather William Fowler in 1785, about five years before the earliest of his published works. It repre- sents the three Calvary crosses, the middle one the highest, and surmounted by the crown of thorns and a glory. At the foot of the picture is a shield with the instru- ments of the Passion, and on a crest-wreath a cock. Over the top of the central cross is written : "A curious Piece of Antiquity on the Crucifixion of Our Saviour and the two Thieves. 11 Across the picture run 26 lines of writing, beginning

Behold God INRI vers of my Tears

I come to thee bow down thy blessed Ears.

The other lines are so contrived as to bring in an appropriate inscription on each of the three crosses, in the same way as INRI on the title, but reading for the most part vertically, thus :

I coME not Lord witH any oTHEr Merit

But WHat I by my S Aviour CHrist inherit. Here the capitals on the crosses belong to Lord remember ME WHen thou comest in thy

kingdom E.

O God, my God, WHy hast thou forsaken ME. If thou art THE CHrist, save thyself and US.

The last line is

To livE with theE sweet JeslJS say Amen. It will be seen that the capitals here form the ends of the three inscriptions on the crosses.

The drawing is oval, and set in a good mahogany frame with an oval glass. I do not think it can be an original composition, but imagine that it is a copy made by W. F. with his usual accuracy, from a much earlier work. He has carefully preserved the