Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/389

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n s. x. NOV. 14, i9i4.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


I am glad of the proposal of a plaid for your \vilV : .M r Clark has now allowed me to provide it, .iiul she may depend I will not forgett it. My sister in law was advised to provide one for M" Ali-mi Hay, and one for M r John Henderson's wif.-, both to be from a woman who makes the l.e>t plaids in this country, but that for M re Henderson is desired to be a dark yellow, the other something lighter ! When they are sent shall acquaint you, that your wife may see and deter- mine which of them is most agreeable to her fancy, ieeordingly she shall be provided. Pray offer my humble service to her, and I am,

Dear Robt. Your obliged and most humble Serv*

JAMES ANDERSON. To Mr. Robert Lindesay


At his Shop in Milne's Squair opposite to the .Troii Church, Edinburgh.

Lint cost lOrf. per Ib. ; half a hundred flax II. 15s. ; black shalloon 21d., white " fustine " 16c/., coloured " velvatt" 16s., mixture frieze Is. 6d., black lace 2*. per yard; " Shou- shong " tea 8s., lump sugar 8d. per Ib. ; red port wine Is. 5d., whisky Is. 6d., brandy 3s., rum 4s. 6d. per bottle ; wool (kind not (1) lls. 6d. per stone.

There seems to have been a good deal of trade done with the North of Scotland, and it generally was sea-borne. A copy of insurance policy may be quoted in con- clusion of these " yesterdays " :

Edinburgh, 23 rd May, 1761. Mr. George Philip. Bra,

We hereby agree to become insurers to you of Thirty pounds sterling value of goods on board the " Concord " of Leith, John Paterson, Master, from Leith to Banff, against all hazards, having received the premium from Bailie Alexander I.imlesay at the rate of Two and a half per cent, heiny fifteen shillings sterling.

We are, Sir, Your most obed. Servants

WM. Hooo & Sox. To Mr. George Philip

Mercht. in Banff.

It may be mentioned that there is now no trace of the premises in which the brothers Lindesay carried on their business. J. LINDSAY HILSON.

Bonjcdward, Jedburgh.



(See ante, p. 326.)


82. Helen Mai-shall Blackwood, w. of Major Hi.l)ert Gordon, Bengal Staff Corps, b. at Edin- I'ui-irh, IS Sept., 1855, d. 18 Dec., 1889.

83. James MacKwan, B.A. (Cantab.), b. April 11, i. April (i, 1889, s. of the Rev. David Mac-

I-'wan, D.D., London.

81. Norman Iver, s. of Surgeon - Ma jor Wm. Macrae, d. 31 May, 1889, a. 18.

85. Edward Stuart Crawford, of Toronto, b. Nov. 24, 1858, d. Jan. 7, 1890.

86. Amy, dau. of the late Rev. George Philli- more, b. Jan. 18, 1847, d. Jan. 25, 1891.

87. George Alexander, Colonel Bengal Staff Corps, d. March 9, 1890, a. 50.

88. Madame Gustave Meurling, b. in America, 1845, d. in France, 8 April, 1890. Gust.v, Meurling, b. in Quebec, Canada, 3 March, 1829, d. at Cap d'Ail, 12 April, 1911. (In French.)

89. Andrew, s. of John Faill, Contractor* Glasgow, d. 19 May, 1890, a. 22.

90. Rev. William Ffoliott, Assistant Chaplain m St. John's Church, Mentone, b. 28 March, 1850, d. 24 Jan., 1891.

91. Constance Gwendolen Coates, d. Feb. 25

1891, a. 23.

92. Adeline D'Oridant, wid. of Charles D'OrJ- dant, J.P., formerly of Folkestone and Aldershot Park, d. 1 Feb., 1891.

93. Amy Charlotte Morrieson, d. 28 Feb., 189 U a. 29.

94. Frederic Thomas Brock, Capt. 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, d. Dec. 31, 1891, a. 09.

95. Edith Mary Kelsall, b. 12 July, 1861, d. 18 Nov., 1871.

96. Arthur Tumour Atchison, b. May 16, 1848, d. April .

97. Frank Herbert, d. 4 June, 1891, a. 26.

98. Caroline Lsetitia, dau. of Admiral Sir Robt. Waller Otway, Bart., G.C.B., and Cle- mentina his w., d. Dec. 18, 1891.

99. Mary Ann, w. of Benjamin Ellis, of Liver- pool, b. 16 June, 1831, d. 12 March, 1892.

100. Louisa Isabella Frances, wid. of Edward Branth, of Southwood, Leigh Woods, Bristol, d. 27 Feb., iM'.rj.

101. John Cook Wynn, of Birmingham, d. Jan. 29, 1892, a. 54.

102. John LI. Williams, d. Jan. 10, 1892, a. 21.

103. Georgina Bicknell, b. May , d. March 28.

104. Edward Wm. Wilde King, only s. of the Rev. E. J. Hardy, Chaplain to H.M. Forces, d. April 3, 1892, a. 13 y. 3 m.

105. John Birkbeck, of Settle, d. 15 April,

1892, a, 49.

106. Harriette, w. of the Rev. G. B. Durrant, C.M.S., , d. May , 1886.

107. Joseph Howland, Tioronda, Matteawan, New York, b. Dec. 3, 1834, d. April 1, 1886.

108. Annie, 2nd dau. of John Collen, Esq., Killicomaine House, Portadown, Ireland, d. April 23, 1885, a. l^.

109. Rev. Wm. Richard Cripps, first Vicar of I test wood Park, Notts, b. 31 July, 1829, d. 13 April, 1885.

llu. Dorothy Gertrude, only child of Charles Brock and Emily Charlotte Hunt, d. at ( 10 July, 1903. Mary Anne, wid. of Charles Hunt, of London, d. 4 April, 1885, a. 75.

111. George Weddall d. April 1, 1885. His 1 ro., Richard Capel Carew Bond, d. 21 Feb., 1880.

112. Charles Richard Congreve, d. 21 Feb., 1885, a. 38.

113. The Hon. Henry Holmes A Court Cap- tain R.N., b. June 26, 1841, d. Jan. 5,' 1885.