Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/550

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30, 1915.

Ignoramus on safety in a thunderstorm, 49 Ingersley (R. M.) on poets' birthplaces, 329 Inglis (J. A.) on College of Chemistry, Scotland, 317

J. (C.) on authors of quotations wanted, 387

J. (G.), F.S.A., on Thos. Holcroft : the Countess de Marsac, 386. Marsack, 11

J. (G. H.) on Heine and Amiens Cathedral, 275. Reference wanted, 369

Jackson (T. W.) on old pistol maker, 387. Use of military titles, 348

Jacobs (Reginald) on Crooked Lane, London Bridge, 489. " Three Cranes " in the Vintry, 509

Jaggard (W.) on Chapel - House, 14. 'Coming

K ,' &c., 296. Liberalism : bibliography

wanted, 116. Mourning letter-paper and black- bordered title-pages, 496. Ortega in Nelson's Strait : feats of seamanship, 514. " Platoon," 498

Jenkins (Rhys) on Lombard Street bankers : Sir Stephen Evance, 17

Jerrold (Clare) on Duke of Sussex : morganatic marriage, 36

Johnson (H. H.) on " Flewengge " : "sparrow- bills," 157. " Kultur," 452. Modern advocate of Druidism, 456. Oriental names mentioned by Gray, 53. Przemysl : language of Galicia, 456. Sex of Euodias, Epistle to the Philip- pians, iv. 2, 509. " Sparrowgrass," 227. ' To One in Paradise,' 72. Words used in Thomas Lodge's ' Wits Miserie,' 1596, 435

Johnston (T. R. St.) on Johnston family, 69

Johnston (Col. W.) on Sir Jacob Adolphus, 16

Jones (T.) on " christening of the apples," 152. Ice : its uses, 73. Renaming London streets, 333. " Wait and see," 158. Wall-papers, 110

Jones (Rev. T. Uechid) on A. R. Burt, miniature portrait painter, 508. Erskine's (Lord) speeches, 131. Law against cutting ash trees, 211. Old Etonians, 177. Penmon Priory, 115. Ward- lobe of Sir John Wynn of Gwydyr, 469


K. (H.) on " christening of the apples," 152. Cusani, 138

K. (H. W.) on first barmaid, 96

K. (J.) on author wanted, 457. Card coinci- dence, 468. Latinitv, 468. <t>/j6>iyuoi ws oi fleets, 508

K. (J. H.) on Henry Hase, 15

K. (L. L. ) on action of vinegar on rocks, 152. Author of ' Paddiana,' 310. " Boches," 495. " Brother Johannes," 418. Christmas trees, 486. Croly (Dr. ) on a Servian hero, 89. Daugh- ter of a St. Paul's schoolmaster temp. Eliza- beth, 190. " Dun Cow's Rib " in Stanion Church, 168. Early railway travelling, 215. Early steam-engines, 450. " Forlorn hope " = skirmishers, 386. Foundation sacrifice, 354. Frescoes at Avignon, 250. Gelria : a place- name, 218. Gothic mason-sculptors, 372. Last King of Naples, 136. Loseley MSS. and Louvain^ 230, 377. Military machines, 33. " Morall," ' Midsummer Night's Dream,' 377. Oriental names mentioned by Gray, 158. Przemysl : language of Galicia, 457. Reno- daeus( Johannes), 256. St. Angus, 174. "Sand-

wich spoils " in 1457, 24. Schubert queries,

154. Semaphore signalling stations, 77. Site of the Globe Theatre, 209, 290. Temple (Sir William) on Huniades, 107

K. (R.) on army scouts and the fleur-de-lis, 51

Keith (W. Grant) on Gothic mason-sculptors, 417

Kelly (Paul V.) on Cardiff newspapers, 389

Kenny (S. P.) on author wanted, 389

Ker (W. D.) on Schaw of Sauchie, 488

King (C.) on clapping and hissing, 108

King (W. L.) on John Bacon of the First Fruits

Office, 49. Henham (Peter), 3i9. Humphry

(Ozias), 394

Kingston on descendants of Catherine Parr, 170 Kirke (Col. St. G. M.) on " Aschenald," 49 Kitchener (Sydney W.) on Hornsey Lodge :

\Vallace : Bruce, 469 Krebs (H.) on " nine different languages of the

Austro-Hungarian monarchy," 308. Przemysl:

language of Galicia, 457. Quinton (G.), 1801-3,

155. Servian terms : " Narodna Obrana " and " Samoupiava," 107. " We " or " I " in authorship, 337

Krueger (Dr. G. ) on " blood-boltered," 'Mac- beth,' IV. i. 123, 95. Palm the bookseller, shot by Napoleon, 77

L. (F. de H.) on Baker of Ashcombe, 376. Conda- mine, 74. French Huguenot regiments in English service, 1689-1725, 68. Spineto (Mar- quis de), 177. Webster (Joshua), M.D., 1777, 156

L. (J. H.) on John Bateman, 230. Irish Volun- teers, 230

Laglen (G. R.) on Major John Andre, 349

L'Amy (M. W. Ramsay) on " We'll go to Kew in lilac time," 490

Lane (J. ) on General Francis Columbine, 96

Lange (F. W. T.) on " Accidents will occur in the best-regulated families," 296. " Kultur," 377. Terminal " inck," 318

Lavington (Margaret) on between Winchester and London, 332. Wars of Louis XIV. : household linen, 306

Lawson (Richard) on ' Manchester Marine,' 49

Lee (A. Collingwood) on author of quotation wanted, 477. Henry IV. 's supper of hens, 236. Library wanted, 115. Voyage of the Provi- dence : Capt. Bligh, 17

Leeper (Alex.) on authors of quotations wanted, 387

Leffmann (H.) on Hessian troops in America, 53. Maimonides and evolution, 156

Leslie (Major J. H.) on Capt. Peter Fyers, 330. Quayle (Major John), 349. Ruvijnes (De), 288

Letts (M.) on Sir Thomas Browne and his books, 321, 342, 361

Lewis (Penry) on Governor of Malta in ' Mr. Mid- shipman Easy ' : Sir Thomas Maitland, 22. Wreck of the Jane, Duchess of Gordon, 115

Lindsay-Smith (F. A.) on Mr. Asquith and the City "of London School, 470

Londoner on Mr. Asquith and the City of London School, 429. Books on Chelsea, 15

Lovell (Percy W.) on rate-books kept by overseers of the poor, 189

Lucas (J. Landfear) on announcements in news- paper office windows, 38. Between Winchester and London, 172. British coins and stamps,