Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/126

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NOTES AND QUERIES. ui s. xi. FEB. 6, 1915.

obelisks frequently appear on coins. The article in the same work, vol. i. part i., cols. 422-49, on ' Apollon,' for which the editor himself was responsible, does not touch on 6v/oa?os or 'Ayvtevs. Whether Roscher has discussed these elsewhere I do not know. But his view, that one of the most certain facts in my thology is that Apollo was originally a god of light and the sun, is by no means universally accepted at the present time. As a corrective to his attempt to derive the various attributes of Apollo from this one primary idea, we may take Wernicke's long article (111 columns, close- packed with references) on ' Apollon ' in Wissowa's edition of Pauly's ' Keal-Ency- clopadie.' The attitude in this is that Apollo is a composite deity, and that his widely different phases cannot be referred to a common source; in short, that a con- ception which will harmonize the whole conglomerate is as chimerical as Mr. Casau- bon's ' Key to all Mythologies.'


Seyffert's ' Dictionary of Classical Anti- quities ' gives the following :

" In many places, but above all at Athens, he [Apollo] was worshipped as Agyleus, the god of streets and highways, whose rude symbol, a conical post with a pointed ending, stood by street doors and in courtyards, to watch men's exit ^ and entrance, to let in good and keep out


LORD : USE OF THE TITLE WITHOUT TERRITORIAL ADDITION (11 S. x. 448, 498 ; xi. 58). MR. FOSTER PALMER has cited an exception to what, I think, may be regarded as the right practice ; but I may point out that, in the case of the earldoms of Cadogan and Beauchamp, promotion has taken place from baronies with territorial titles, viz., Baron Cadogan of Reading (1716), and, by a fresh creation in 1718, Baron Cadogan of Oakley ; and Baron Beauchamp of Powyke (1806). HERBERT MAXWELL.

ENGLISH PRISONERS IN FRANCE IN 1811 (11 S. xi. 66). To MR. LEIGHTON'S list I am able to add the names of the two follow- ing prisoners, with each of whom I can claim kinship: (1) Capt, William Young ot \Vappmg, master mariner. I possess a Prayer Book Capt. Young purchased while in France. It was published at Verdun in 1810, and in English, apparentlv for the

u V^^f P risoners - ( 2 ) Capt. George Hall, Elder Brother of the Trinity House Kmgston-upon-Hull. Capt. Half escaped but was recaptured. He escaped a second

time, successfully reaching Dunkirk after a long tramp, including many vicissitudes,, from Auxonne in the Vosges. His adven- tures he described in a fascinating little- volume entitled ' Journal of Two Escapes ' (London, Truslove & Hanson), edited by his son, the late Sir John Hall, K.C.M.G., some- time Premier of New Zealand.


TAILOR'S HELL (11 S. x. 264, 334). I think the word " hell " was applied to a large box concealed under the spacious- board on which tailors used to sit at their work. Under French influence, Lacurne de Ste. Palaye, whose Glossary was. compiled in the seventeenth century, gives the following: explanation under the word ' CEil,' No. 8 :

" CEil de tailleur, grand coffre ; de la leur vienfc leur facjon de parler quand on leur demands le- reste de l'e"tofl:e, qu'il n'en reste pas ce qui tiendrait dans 1'ceil. Oudin, * Cur. Fr.' "

" A Tailor's ceil, a large box ; whence is drawiv their expression, when they are requested to- produce the remainder of the cloth, that what is left could just fill up the ceil. Oudin, ' Curio- sites Franchises.' "

Oudiii's Glossary generally refers to six- terith-century phrases. Unfortunately, the- present circumstances do not allow me to look, for instances in the works of that period ,. all valuable books being stowed away on account of the War. However, in Abbe de Sauvage's ' Dictionnaire Languedocien f (1820) the word carieiro is given as the equivalent of ceil de tailleur with a similar explanation.

It is possible that French tailors intro- duced this phrase, many of them residing in London in the sixteenth century. I should, like to know what is the earliest instance of the word " hell." The pronunciation of the French word being ull, it may easily have been transformed into "hell" from the- position of the box under the table, which gave rise to many puns. I intend applying: to persons conversant with French sixteenth- century tales and plays for instances of the- French word. BN A. F. BOURGEOIS.

ADJECTIVES FROM FRENCH PLACE-NAMES; (11 S. ix. 21, 94, 171, 358). The name for the inhabitants of La Ferte sous Jouarre is* Fertois. B ON A. F. BOURGEOIS.

CARDINAL IPPOLITO DEI MEDICI (11 S. ix.. 87, 137, 375). I shall feel extremely obliged to L. L. K. or to " Christopher Hare " for communication of the passage in Marina Sanuto, or any other writer concerning; Medici's Hungarian expedition.