Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/133

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ii s. XL FEB. is, 1915.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


7. " g," before 6 or p=EM ; generally = (Fr.) UN, (Fr.) IMpromptu.

8. "g" = Get, Give.

9. " i " before a vowel only softens the preceding consonant, and is not pronounced separately (cf. rules 13 and 25) ; generally = dEEr.

10. " j " = Yet, boY (cf. rule 22).

11. "1 " = Leek (appr.).

12. "l"=Way.

13. "n" and, before a vowel, " ni " (cf. roles 9 and 25)=Nyassa, Near; " ni " not ])efore a vowel=NEAt.

14. "o"^=Obey, AWfully.

15. "6"=rUle(cf. rule 20).

16. "r"=aveRRable.

17. " rz," after Tc, p, t (which should never be dropped), or at the end of a word = SHow ; generallv = aZure, pleaSure (cf. rule 24).

18. "s" = Son (never=Sing) ; (cf. rules 19 and 25).

19. "sz" = SHow.

20. " u "=rUle (cf. rule 15).

21. " w," before c, k, s, t, or at the end of aword=rooF; generally = Vain.

22. " y " before a vowel = Yet (cf. rule 10); generally =funnY, sin.

23. " z " = Zone (cf. rules 5, 17, 19).

24. "z " = aZure, pleaSure (cf. rule 17).

25. "6," "dz," "s," "z" (before vowels they are spelt " ci," "dzi," "si," "zi"), require practice. Foreigners usually pro- nounce " 6 " and " ci " like CHeek, " d " and " dzi " like Jingle, " s " and " si " like SHeer, " z" " and " zi " like aZure. Of course, if not followed by a vowel, " ci," " dzi," "si," and " zi " sound respectively (appr.) like CHEEk, Jingle, SHEEr, ZHI (cf. rules 9 and 13).

26. The accent falls in Polish words, as a general rule, on the last syllable but one.

LUDWIK EHRLICH, Exeter College, Oxford. Dr. Jur. Lwow.


(See 11 S. x. 1, 43, 83, 122, 163, 205, 244, 284, 323, 362, 403, 442, 484; xi. 4, 43, 84.)

1801. Deaf and Dumb : or, the Orphan Pro- tected : an historical drama. In five acts. Performed by their Majesties Servants of The Theatre Royal, in Drury-Lane. February 24th, 1801. Taken from the French of M. Bouilly ; and adapted to the English stage. London : Printed for J. Ridgway, York-street, St. James's Square, by J. D. Pewick, Aldersgate- street. 1801. Price 2s. Qd." Octavo, 8 + 1- 82 pp.

The above play was produced 24 Feb., 1801, at Drury Lane. It appeared under the name of Herbert Hill. Cf. Mrs. Inch- bald's ' Memoirs,' 2: 50 ; ' Biographia Dra- matica,' I. 1: 354 ; and Preface to Oxberry's- reprint. The work was a translation of ' L'Abbe de l':6pee,' by J. N. Bouilly, and Mrs. Inchbald expressed chagrin (' Memoirs/ ed. J. Boaden, 2: 48-50) that another version than hers appeared at the rival theatre before Mr. Harris of Covent Garden saw the value of the piece. Another trans- lation appeared in the same year :

" The Deaf and Dumb ; or, the Abb de l'Ep6e. An historical play. In five acts. Translated from the French Edition. Authenticated by the Author, J. N. Bouilly, Member of the Philo- technic Society at Paris. To which is prefixed^ Some Account of the Abbe" de l'Epe"e, and of his Institution for the Relief and Instruction of the- Deaf and Dumb. London : Printed by O. Whittingham, Dean Street Fetter Lane,* For T. N. Longman and O. Rees, Paternoster-Row^ 1801." Octavo, 8 + 1-70 pp.

The distinction, between these two booka is obvious on the most cursory examination. Cf. ' Biographia Dramatica,' vol. ii. item* 40 and 41 ; also British Museum (164. g. 41 and 164. g. 40). Benjamin Thompson took a translation of this play from the German of Kotzebue who had translated from the French of Bouilly and issued it in London in 1801. He later included it in vol. iii. of his " German Theatre. London i For Vernor and Hood, 1801." Cf. ' Bio- graphia Dramatica,' I. 2: 706-7 ; 2: 155. In neither case did he mention Bouilly.

A " fifth edition " of Holcroft's transla- tion appeared in 1802, with this title-page :

" Deaf and Dumb ; or, the Orphan Protected r An historical drama. In five acts. Performed by their Majesties Servants of the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. Taken from the French of M. Bouilly ; and adapted to the English Stage. Fifth Edition. London : Printed for J. Ridg- way, York-Street, St. James 's-Square, By T. Sutton, Britannia Street, Gray's-Inn-Lane- Road. 1802. Price 2s. 6d." Octavo, iv+ 2+9-81+1 pp.

It was included in Oxberry, * The New English Drama,' 1819 ; ' The London Stage,* 1824 ; J. Cumberland, ' Cumberland's British Theatre,' 1829 ; ' The Acting Drama,' 1834 ; Dicks's ' Standard Plays,' No. 263, 1883 ; and French's (late Lacy's) acting edition, No. 1933, London, 1888, with the title-page :

" Deaf and Dumb : or, the Orphan Protected* An Historical Drama, in Five Acts. Taken from the French of M. Bouilly, and adapted to the English Stage, By T. Holcroft. Printed from the acting copy, with remarks, bio- graphical and critical. To which are added a.