Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/190

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. xi. FEB. 27, 1915.

ruined his career by recklessness and gambling His mismanagement gave occasion to those riots at Drury Lane in 1744 in which Horace Walpole played a sudden, surprising part, as he relates in one of his letters. However, it may perhaps be considered some palliation of Fleetwood's misde meanours that they originated in his despair at "being effectively thwarted by his mother in a love- affair where his affections were seriously engaged. There are also the pedigree of Fleetwpod of Wood Street, Cheapside, and extracts relating to Fleet- wood from the registers of the Reformed Dutch Church, New York.

Book - Prices Current. Vol. XXIX. Part I.

(Elliot Stock, 11. 5s. Qd. per annum.) THIS part records the sale of some expensive works. Among these are ' Don Quixote,' first -edition, of Part I. of Shelton's translation, 2051. ; and Burton's Benares edition of ' The Arabian Nights,' 121. 5s. An important American item is ' Articles of Agreement between the Lord Proprietary of Maryland and the Lord Pro- prietary of Pcnsilvania touching the Limits and Boundaries of the Two Provinces,' 531. Booth's ' Notes on Birds ' realized 101. 10s. ; and Boys's ' London,' 1GI. Under Diirer is a volume con- taining the series of woodcuts illustrating the Apocalypse, the life of the Virgin, and the ' Great Passion,' 511. Lord Kingsborough's ' Antiquities of Mexico ' brought 211. 10s. ; Ouseley's ' Views in South America,' 2 II. ; and a presentation copy to Theodore Watts of Swinburne's ' Blake,' 161. Of newspaper press interest are the issues of The London Weekly Paper and Organ of the ^Middle Classes, 26 numbers, continued by Tailis's London Weekly Paper, Nos. 27 to 77, in 3 vols., .all published, 1852-3, 10Z.

WE have received the following from MR. L. N. BROUGHTON :

" The undertaking of a concordance to the Toetical Works of Robert Browning was announced at the annual meeting of the Concordance Society of America, held at Columbia University, 30 Dee., 1914. This new work is under the editorship of L. N. Broughton of Cornell University, and B. F. Stelter of the University of Southern Cali- fornia. The editors wish to 'make this further announcement of their undertaking in order to -avoid any possible duplication of their labours. Communications regarding the work may be -addressed to L. N. Broughtou, Ithaca, N.Y."


MR. BARNARD'S Catalogue No. 98 of Tracts, Broadsides, and Ballads ; which he has recently s.-nt us from Tunbridge Wells, gives, in chrono- logical order, particulars of 087 such pieces, ranging from John Knewstub's ' A Confutation of monstrous and horrible heresies, taught by II. N.'[icholas], 1579, 35s., to a letter by Samuel Jones Loyd, addressed in 1840 to the President of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, 3s. Qd. Most of them are of English political interest ; but we noticed also five works upon the murder of Henri IV., a copy (translated) of the Due de Rohan's justification of his appeal to England for Assistance, and one or two purely moral tractates. Two York broadsides of 1642, being part of the

King's first call for troops in his defence (35s.), and a third, being an answer of the Parliament to a message of the King's, also printed at York, are so extremely rare that the last and the later in date of the first two are believed to be unique. A rather amusing item is ' The Way to be Rich,' concerning the moneylender Hugh" Audley, who is said to have begun in 1615 with 200Z. and to have died in 1663 worth 400,OOOZ. (16s.). A first edition of Pope's ' Epistle to Lord Cobham '(1733, 12s. Gd.), and a copy of Johnson's ' History of the Seven Champions of Christendom '(1679. 12s. 6d.), may also be mentioned. A copy of the ' Short Story of the Rise, Reign, and Ruin of the Antino- mians, Familists, and Libertines that infected the Churches of New-England ' the first edition pub- lished by Welde in 1644 appears to be an un- usually good example of a work which is often found damaged by the cutting, 2.1. 10s.

MR. WALTER NIELD of Bristol has a short catalogue, No. 179. A cop^ of The Studio, from February, 1900, to October, 1913, clean as published, with all the illustrations, is 4Z. 2,9. Qd. ; an extra-illustrated ' Elizabeth and her Times,' by Thomas Wright, 2 vols., half morocco, 1838, 3Z. 10s. ; the four-volume edition of Green's ' Short History,' edited by Mrs. Green and Kate Norgate, 11. 12s. Qd. ; and Jeaffreson's ' Book about Lawyers,' 109 additional portraits, 2 vols., 4Z. 4s. There are books on London. Among works on Napoleon is an extra-illustrated copy of O'Meara's ' A Voice from St. Helena,' 2 vols., newly bound, 31. 12s. Qd. The Pickerings include some of the exquisite " Diamond Classics," such as the Greek Testament, 3s. Qd., and Shakespeare, 9 vols., half-calf, 11. 4s. Theie are also books with illustrations by Caldecott.

MESSRS. SIMMONS & WATERS of Leamington Spa have in their Catalogue 290 a nice little selection of modern authors at moderate prices. Among the more expensive items are some extra- "llustrated books, such as Walpole's ' Letters,' vith 712 portraits and views, 16 vols., half

rimson morocco, 251. ; Gardiner's ' Music, and

Friends,' 303 portraits and views, 3 vols., new lalf morocco, 1838-53, 71. 7s. ; ' The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb,' with Introduction E. V. Lucas, 180 portraits and views, 2 vols., lalf morocco, 51. 12s. Qd ; and Rush's ' A Resi- lence at the Court of London,' 200 portraits and views, 3 vols., half morocco, 1833-73, 41. 4s. Other sxtra-illustrated books are Sheridan's ' Memoirs,' Bos well's ' Johnson,' and Lamb's ' Elia.'

[Notices of other Catalogues held over.]


WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed x> "The Editor of 'Notes and Queries'" Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- ishers "at the Office; Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

J. C. H. Forwarded.