Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/204

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. XL MAR. 6, 1915.

TVherein the principal Arguments for and against -the Materiality are collected : and the Distinction "between the Mechanical and Moral System stated. With an Essay to ascertain the Condition of the Christian, during the Mediatorial Kingdom of Jesus ; which neither admits of a Sleeping, nor supposes a Separate State of the Soul after Death. . .. .London, 1758, 8vo, pp. (ii), xiii, 314. Fol- lowed in some copies by pp. 315-22 (Adver- tisement and Addenda), dated 27 Sept., 1760.

A. L. HUMPHREYS. 187, Piccadilly, W.

HAMMERSMITH (US. xi. 128). For more than two hundred years learned men have "been inquiring into the origin of this place- name. Bowack in 1705 ('Antiquities of Middlesex') finds the question too difficult for him, but he gives the following humorous derivation to amuse his readers :

" The two churches of Fulham and Putney were many years since built by two sisters of gigantic stature, who had'but one hammer between them, which they used to throw across the river. One day the hammer broke, and was taken to the place now known as Hammersmith to be mended by a smith who lived there. He was successful in his work and enabled the hammer to be used again. As a reward for this public service, the place has ever since been called Hammersmith." Ut supra .at p. :*8. .

Bowack says that the place is mentioned in Domesday as Hermoderwode, and in an ancient deed of the Exchequer as Hermoder- worth.

If, then, the termination -mith is nothing "but the familiar -worth, one may compare the introductory personal name Hammer - with the Harmond- of Harmondsworth in another part of Middlesex, and with the Herman- of Hermansworthy in Brad worthy, co. Devon. M. "

[MR. ALAX STEWART thanked for reply.]

HERALDIC : FOREIGN ARMS (US. xi. 108). Owing to the helpful particulars furnished in this inquiry, I am able to offer the follow- ing solution.

Xo. 1, Cluke:

" Wappen : Ein fiinfstrahliger Stern, in cler Techten oberen F.cke auf clem Stern sitzend ein Vogel. Arnold Cluke besiegelte 1351 als Ratsmit- glied auf Seiteii der Stadt Aachen das Land- 'friedensbiindnis zwischeii Rhein und Maas. Dem Uappen nach zu urteilen, war er dem ^choffengeschlecht von dem Canel stammver- wandt."

'This is in a collection of ' Aachener Wappen und Genealogien.'

No. 2. The " Schlangenkreuz " occurs, in the same collection, as the arms borne by families named Von der Anstel 1564, Bex 1609, and Von Othegraven 1642.


POLEGATE, SUSSEX (11 S. xi. 149). In 1670 a suit in the Court of Exchequer dealt with the Manor of Otham, " anciently parcel of the late Monastery of Begham alias Barkam [i.e., Bayham] or Michelham, or one of them," in connexion with the subject of tithes. William Milton, one of the de- ponents, refers to "lands called Powlegate lying and being in Otham." Thomas Gyles of Alfriston, another deponent, refers to land called " Powlgate," which " one Kensley, formerly lord of the Manor of Otham, gave to his brother Nicholas Kensley." A third deponent, Edward Fuller of Folkington, deposed that " the lands called Powlegate contained twenty acres, and were worth 62. per annum." F. B. BATEMAN.


LOCKS ON RIVERS AND CANALS (US. xi. 147). Your correspondent is in error in stating that no canals were constructed in England earlier than about 1781. The greater length of the Exeter Canal, which runs parallel with the River Exe from Turf, about a mile and a half below Topsham, to the city, was completed in 1566, and is still in daily use. Originally it ran only as far as Countess Weir, but was extended to Topsham in 1675, and to Turf in 1829. Its total length is about five miles, and it is pro- vided with two locks. It is the property of the Exeter City Council. Oliver in his ' History of Exeter ' says :

" The [City] Chamber, however, had always regarded their canal, not as a mere water-com- munication for the use of Exeter, but as a great trunk whence branches were to be carried into the remoter inland districts, so as to connect them with the English Channel. They had for a very long period given countenance to every practic- able scheme for effecting this object. Canals to Crediton, and even to Barnstaple, had their sanction."


City Library, Exeter.

HENLEY FAMILY : OVERSEERS : SAMPLER (11 S. xi. 129). The family of Henley de- rived its name from Henley, near Crew- kerne, Somerset. The main branch of the family was of Leigh (near Chard) and Col- way "(near Lyme Regis). Robert Henley of Henley was High Sheriff of Somerset in 1613, and his grandson, Sir Robert Henley, Knt., was a Bencher of the Temple and Master of the King's Bench. Colway was a prominent feature during the Rebellion. There are also Henleys of Chardstock. Pulman in his ' Book of the Axe ' deals at some length with the Henley family, and gives references to Phillips's ' Visitation