Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/206

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NOTES AND QUERIES. tn s. xi. MAR. 6, 1915.

Einon ap Tangno of Meiryonydd, who fl later than Einon ap Cedifor, though sometimes mistaken for him.

The pedigree of Einon ap Cedifor's imme- diate descendants, as I would recast it, is as follows, the particulars, except where other- wise stated, being from the ' Catalogue of Penrice and Margam MSS.' (London, 1893). Einon ap Cedifor ap Collwyti, ob. c. 1125.




? If or Bach MeuricJ

4. 4.

1. Ruallon ">. Tudur

3. Cnaithnr 6. Wronu

4. Kenewric

. rn r~

2. Einon

-i J


1. Ruallon 4. Jorwerth

2. Idnerth 5. Grono

3. Wasmeir 6. Ithel

It may be asked, How is it the real issue from Einon ap Cedifor has been lost ? I will suggest an answer in a couple of quotations. Thomas Stephens, the author of the ' Litera- ture of the Kymry,' writing on the ' Coelbren y Beirdcl ' ('Alphabet of the Bards ') in the Arch. Cambr., iv. 181, says that the "Chair of Glamorgan, by which he means the traditions, speculations, and usages con- nected with the older bards there, "has falsified the history of bardism, corrupted the genealogies of Glamorgan, and vitiated the Chronicles of Gwent and Morganwg."

The censure is severe. Less harsh, but more contemptuous, is Freeman in speaking of the conquest of Glamorgan by Robert FitzHamon, c. 1093, of which tlie historic records are extraordinarily scarce. The conquest, lie says,

"became the subject of an elaborate romance which has stepped into the place of the missing history. I he romance is as usual the invention of pedigree-mongers ...... to exalt the glory and increase

the antiquity of this and that local family."


COL. THE Hox. COSMO GORDON (11 S. xi. 131, 174). He was the second son of William, third Earl of Aberdeen, by his third wife, born Lady Anne Gordon. He entered the 3rd (afterwards vScots Fusilier) Guards m 175.5, and later commanded the Second Battalion in America. He became Brevet - Colonel m 1780, and retired from the service three years later possibly as a result of

'Llyfr Baglan,' p. 10. $ Ditto, p. 11.

his duel with Col. Thomas in the autumn- of 1783. Col. Gordon, who died unmarried at Bath, was doubtless called Cosmo after his maternal uncle, the third Duke of Gordon, to whom the Duke's father had given that name in compliment to his intimate friend Cosmo dei Medici III., Grand Duke of Tuscany.


SAVERY FAMILY OF DEVONSHIRE (11 S. xi. 148). In the extensive local collection at the Exeter City Library is a set of four- volumes of manuscript notes on the churches of Devon, made circa 1830 by James Davidson, author of ' Bibliotheca Devoni- ensis." These notes record the principal, if not all the monuments in the Devon churches,, and I think your correspondent w T ould do well to have them searched. I believe there- are also other MSS. in the Exeter collection- which would help him. CURIOSTJS II,

It may interest MR. LEONARD C. PRICE to know that there are tw r o or three fine seventeenth -century portraits in oils of this; distinguished family in the Cottonian Library. Plymouth. JOHN LANE.

The Bodley'Head, Vigo Street, W.

There are records of the burials of mem- bers of this family in the registers of Modbury r L T gborough, and other parishes in Devon- shire (see A. W. Savary, ' A Genealogical and Biographical Record of the Savery Families,' Boston, 1893), but the writer is not aware of any memorials. An account of the family history will be found in William Cotton's ' Graphical and Historical Sketch of the Antiquities of Totnes,' 1850. There is no satisfactory evidence that Thomas- Savery was born at Shilston.


RENTON NICHOLSON (11 S. xi. 86, 132, 175)- My copy of the ' Autobiography of a Fast Man,' bv Renton Nicholson, was " published for the proprietors, 1863, not 1843. I think it must, beyond doubt, be a later issue of ' The Lord Chief Baron Nicholson, an Autobiography,' with a new cover and title-page, for p. 1 bears the heading ' Baron Nicholson : an Autobiography : ,-. then follows :-

" Chapter I. Schoolboy days Old Islington- described A colony of bankers' clerks My birth- place My first recollection of a judge and jury society Sadler's Wells more than forty years ago- Early acquaintance with Joey Grimaldi Barnes the pantaloon Andrew Campbell, W. H. Payne,. Charles Westmacott, &c. Powerful cast of * Don*