Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 11.djvu/218

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [iis. XL MAE. is, 1915-.

till the tail breaks, and then you will know what dust means ! "

Hoja preached a sermon whose motif was " being thankful for small mercies," urging his auditors to praise Allah for not creating storks of the dimensions of camels ; other- wise, when they built nests on the roofs of their houses, the difference would make itself tragically felt.

That reminds me of a Talmudic anecdote. An eminent Babbi was travelling on com- munal business during the Boman occupa- tion of Judaea, and, arriving at dusk outside the walls of the city, had to pass the night under an apple-tree. Fire and earthquake devastated the city, and apples being scat- tered all over him woke him up. On learn- ing the cause of his happy deliverance, he was very grateful to Providence. For ruminated he thus :

" Had I not been too late for admission, I should not have been sleeping under the tree, and if I had been near a melon-plantation, doubtlessly I should have been killed outright. All 's for the best."

And he was known as Babbi " Gomzu " ever afterwards. M. L. B. BRESLAR.

WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that answers may be sent to them direct.


possess two paintings of this family. On the back of the portrait of the man is written " Rev^ John Woolmer, Keynsham, Bath, A.D. 1749. :! On the portrait of the lady is written fc> The Wife of Joseph Woolmer [sic]. The father of Joseph Woolmer. Her maiden name was Mary Hubbard." Both these pictures are ovals, and a seal is attached to each one, on which the legend reads : " Sigil- lum Shirleii Wolmer/'

I shall be glad to know what Woolmer family these are members of, and if anv descendants are known. JOHN LANE. "

The Bodley Head, Vigo Street, W.

CYDER CELLARS. What was the year of their demolition ? A MS. note in a book have recently acquired, referring to the houses in Maiden Lane, says :

J. 101186 . N O- 2 . usually designated the lal>S 'A S ^ w bein demolished by order f 5 ?S s V rveyor (the demolition


kitchen of No. 21 ... .No. 21 is nm^a^Synagogue?" MARGARET LAVINGTON.

SCOTT'S ' WOODSTOCK.' In Lockhart's= ' Life of Scott,' chap. Ixxi., the following occurs with reference to Scott's novel ' Woodstock ' :

" We feel throughout the effects of the greafe fundamental error, likened by a contemporary critic to that of the writer who should lay his scene at Rome immediately after the battle of Philippi, and introduce Brutus as the survivor in that conflict, and Cicero as his companion in. victory."

What is " the great fundamental error "" here referred to ? J. T. G.


RTJMLEY FAMILY. Lieuts. George, John,, and Charles Burnley served in the 30th. Beginient. George died in the Peninsula in? 1811. John, after brilliant service, died near Madras in 1819. Charles, who retired in 1825, was A.D.C. to General Burnley r commanding in Northern Madras about 1820-25. What relationship existed be- tween them, and where did the family come from ? Was General Burnley, commanding: at Gibraltar in 1857, a relation ?


42, Portland Terrace, Winchester.

STANDARD-BEARER AT Bos WORTH FIELD-, Sir William Brandon, the standard-bearer in this battle on the side of the Earl of Bich- mond, is said to have been incapacitated by King Bichard III., and the Earl is said to have appointed Bhys ap Meredydd of Yspytty If an as standard-bearer in his stead. Will any reader who has access to the sources of the history of this battle tell me on what authority this is based ?


Yspytty Vicarage, Bettws-y-Coed.

FAWCETT OF WALTHAMSTOW : ' AGNES.' In a foot-note to his paper on Sir Walter Scott, Hazlitt says " he was recommended by a young lady who kept a circulating library in a certain watering-place to read ' Agnes/ !: Who was the author of ' Agnes ' ? What type of novel was it ?

Who was the Bev. Joseph Fawcett of Waltliamstow, whom Hazlitt describes a "an excellent man and a sound critic " ? M. L. B. BRESLAR.

Percy House, South Hackney.

[There is a life of the Rev. Joseph Fawcett in the 'D.N.B.'J

J. HILL. Is anything known of this man* whose name appears as an engraver of a ' View of Bamsgate with the New Light- house ' ? This engraving was published in, 1808. E. C. B.